15 Mystical Photos With Ghosts - Alternative View

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15 Mystical Photos With Ghosts - Alternative View
15 Mystical Photos With Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: 15 Mystical Photos With Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: 15 Mystical Photos With Ghosts - Alternative View
Video: 15 unbelievabel photos of ghosts 2024, September

Pictures often appear on the Internet, which allegedly depict ghosts accidentally caught in the frame. And in this regard, disputes inevitably arise - is the photo a fake or is it real? And if it’s real, then what kind of strange figure is it and where did it come from … Perhaps someone believes that ghosts exist and they can even be photographed. Well, we'll just show you 15 of these pictures, which at one time caused heated debate.

Always check the back seat

After seeing this picture, you might get into the habit of inspecting the back seat of your car before every ride. Photo taken on March 22, 1959 in Ipswich, England, after her husband Mabel Chinnery visited his mother-in-law's grave. Mrs. Chinnery claimed that the ghost sits exactly in the place where her late mother always sat.


Ghost of the Wild West

Terry Ike Clanton decided to photograph his friend next to Boothill Cemetery in Toomstone, Arizona. And to take a picture in the style of the Wild West - that's why the man is dressed in the fashion of the 1880s, and the photo is black and white. According to Canton, no one was in the cemetery at the time of shooting, so no one expected to find a man in a hat climbing out of the grave in the picture.


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The ghosts of children are very scary

It doesn't matter if we're watching a horror movie or (presumably) facing something similar in reality: everything related to small children and mysticism looks creepy. In horror films from ghost children and zombie children who kill everything in their path, it’s cold on the skin. As for this photograph, it was taken in 1995 by the Englishman Tony O'Rahilly in the burnt-down Wem Townhall building. He did not notice the girl standing and looking directly at him in this picture, but when he noticed, he was quite frightened.


Trouble on the railroad

It is forbidden to cross the railway tracks in an unidentified place, otherwise you can pay with your life if you are hit by a train. And then wander these paths for many years in the form of a ghost! This photo is a confirmation of this.


Haunted church

The Church is a place for prayer and an attempt to get closer to that higher power, which all believers call differently. It is easy to assume that ghosts should be drawn here by a magnet. In a photograph taken in 1982 by Chris Brackley, the ghost does not seem ready to rest in peace and continues to circle the church of St. Botolph in London. Later, one of the church's crypt restorers told Brackley that there was a woman in the crypt who looked just like the figure in his photograph.


The best confirmation

What could serve as the best confirmation of the existence of the afterlife for a spiritualist, if not the appearance of a ghost next to him right in public? This happened to the spiritualist Robert Ferguson at a convention in Los Angeles in 1968. During his speech, one of the spectators took a polaroid photograph, in which a ghostly figure can be seen behind the speaker. The photograph was shown to Ferguson and he recognized in this figure his brother Walter, who died during the Second World War.


Haunted pizzeria

In 1999-2000 in Ogden, Utah, regulars at Godfather's Pizza had to make a difficult choice - whether to keep going to the place that the Paranoid Research Agency was interested in, or get out of there good-bye. The fact is that strange things happened there for at least 18 years: doors opened and closed on their own, heavy boxes rose and floated in the air, prints of faces and hands appeared on kitchen equipment, and some visitors swore that they saw fully formed figures ghosts walking through walls


When is the best time to take the elevator

England seems like a very suitable place for ghosts. Especially when you consider the huge amount of haunted photographs produced in this country. This particular photograph was taken in 1966 by a former Canadian priest, Ralph Hardy, who traveled with his wife to England and ended up at the Maritime Museum in Greenwich. There, he decided to photograph a beautiful staircase, and only after developing the film did he discover that there was a strange figure on the staircase, grabbing the rail. According to the museum's website, Hardy's photo isn't the only oddity that happened inside the museum: in 2002, his staff also saw a ghost there.


Ghost child

An Australian from Queensland visited the grave of her daughter, who had died the year before, in the late 1940s. After crying and praying, she decided to take a photo of the grave before leaving. When the photo was printed, the woman was in shock - a small child was sitting on the grave of her daughter Joyce, staring at the camera. I must say that next to Joyce's grave there were two more graves of girls who died in infancy. There is a feeling that it is better not to photograph graves - just for superstitious reasons. Otherwise, the same trouble will happen as with poor Mrs. Andrews, how to sleep later?


Pink Lady Greencastle

American Guy Winters from Indiana was a keen ghost hunter - he scoured abandoned buildings and cemeteries in the hope of stumbling upon something supernatural. Who seeks will always find. Guy found what he was looking for in one of the houses in Greencastle. Together with his friend Terry, at night he came to an abandoned house and there was so much paranormal activity that the guys fled from there with sparkling heels. After, sorting through the photo and video tapes, Guy and Terry discovered in one of the pictures something that looked like a ghost in the window.


White lady

In Great Britain there is an old legend about the White Lady that comes to those who need to be healed. And, despite the ridicule of skeptics, Diana Berthelot from Norfolk (England) was absolutely sure that it was the White Lady who flew to this bench at Worstead Church in 1975. Diana sat there and prayed, and her husband took pictures. By the way, before the appearance of this picture, Diana did not know about the existence of the legend, but the church priest told her about the White Lady. And then Diana remembered that at that time she was sick, and then quickly recovered.


Newby Church Ghost

The dark figure of a monk staring at the photographer looks like an absolutely staged shot with some clever double exposure. And, nevertheless, the shot is not staged. The photograph was taken in 1963 by the Reverend K. F. Lord at Newby Church in North Yorkshire, and this image has been carefully examined by experts. None of them were able to confirm the fake.



Have you read Stephen King's The Shining? Well, or at least watched one of the adaptations? Then you will be interested to know that the picture shows the Stanley Hotel, which inspired King to write this famous book. And if you look a little more closely at this photograph taken by one of the hotel guests, you will wonder if the writer was moved by some supernatural force, like that ghost on the top of the stairs …


Brown lady

And this is one of the most famous ghost photographs: The Brown Lady. In September 1936, photographers Hubert Provand and Indra Shira were commissioned to take photographs of a place called Rainham Hall in Norfolk, England. The order came from Country Life Magazine, and was completed without a hitch. However, after developing the films, a woman's silhouette was found in one of the photographs. According to legend, this is the ghost of Dorothy Townsend, wife of Charles Townsend, second Viscount of Rainham. According to archival records, Dorothy died in 1726.


Ghost of the first world

And, of course, the list will be incomplete without this famous photograph. It was made in 1919 and is still a mystery to this day. The fact is that the person standing behind one of the soldiers of Victor Goddard's squadron is a real person named Freddie Jackson, and there is no doubt about it. However, Freddie Jackson was killed a few days before this picture was taken.


Author: Eva Tushenkina