Chupacabra Chronicles In The Post-Soviet Space - Alternative View

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Chupacabra Chronicles In The Post-Soviet Space - Alternative View
Chupacabra Chronicles In The Post-Soviet Space - Alternative View

For the first time a monster named Chupacabra appeared in the 50s of the last century in Puerto Rico. However, over time, in the Western Hemisphere, its range expanded from Canada to Peru. Moreover, reports began to appear about his stay in Russia, Poland, China.

Curiously, most articles about the Chupacabra in major publications still talk about its antics in America, while reports about the appearance of the creature in the CIS countries are traditionally attributed to the yellow press. However, there are a lot of such "jaundiced" messages, and not so long ago a whole collection of new materials has appeared on the Internet, systematizing such information. Based on these materials, our article was prepared.

Monster in Russia

According to official data, in Russia, the first attack of a Latin American monster on animals was recorded in 2005. Over time, reports of such attacks have become more frequent and come from different regions of our country. So, in the fall of 2010, there were reports of systematic attacks of an outlandish beast on rabbitries in the subsidiary plots of the village of Anui Altai Territory.

The unfortunate rabbits were not only killed by sucking the blood out of them, but also divided into groups: separately males, females and cubs. Autumn 2011 became sensational at all - a frost-resistant subspecies of Chupacabra appeared in Russia, at least if you believe the reports of eyewitnesses from the Novosibirsk region. There, cases of attacks by a vampire on pets were noted in several villages at once.

2011 was generally rich in reports of the atrocities of the "goat vampire" - this is how the word "chupacabra" is translated. In the spring, alarming news came from the Nizhny Novgorod region. Some local media reported that villages in those places were being attacked by an alien from across the ocean, that skeletons of strange creatures had been found several times in the Nizhny Novgorod forests in recent years - with hollow, birdlike ribs, bone ridges on the back, a long neck and powerful, like a kangaroo, hind legs.

However, the journalist Alexander Babitsky, who made most of the collection of messages for one site, ironically, as is often the case in such cases, not a single skeleton was presented to members of the public.

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In the fall, the Bashkir village of Kurdym was subjected to night raids by a vampire. For a whole month, the Chupacabra killed animals, while not limiting themselves to their favorite rabbits and attacking rather large rams. Panic rumors about an overseas monster spread throughout the village, people began to be afraid to let their children go alone into the forest, and in the evenings - to walk around their native village.

At the same time, few people paid attention to the fact that after all the stray dogs were exterminated in the vicinity of the village by order of the local authorities, as if by a strange coincidence, the activity of the Chupacabra also disappeared.

Around the same time, they started talking about the Chupacabra in the village of Shchuchye, Tula Region. There, the night vampire killed not only rabbits, but also poultry. Since the predator did not attempt to feed on the meat of the victims, eating only blood, local experts put forward the Latin American monster for the role of the main suspect.

In 2012, this real monster of the night even made it to the densely populated Moscow region. The information, however, turned out to be very vague, as they say, without references to specific sources. The monster allegedly first attacked a certain farm in the Kolomensky district, and then switched to a farm in Mytishchi. In total, several dozen sheep were allegedly killed. But in the Krasnodar village of Sennoye, the case was not limited to rumors and gossip - there was presented the corpse of an animal that local residents considered a Chupacabra.

There really was someone attacking pets and a bird at night, the corpse looked outlandish and unusual, so the version of a goat vampire seemed quite natural. True, local hunters said that the Chupacabra was suspiciously similar to jackals, who in recent years increasingly visit the Krasnodar Territory from the Transcaucasus, but this version of the public did not seem very interesting.

The newest horror of the Ukrainian night

From Ukraine, reports of the appearance of the chupacabra began to be actively received since 2008, although individual mentions date back to 2003. Many Ukrainian media do not forget to remind readers that at first, in the mid-2000s, the "goat vampire" appeared as a native antihero on the pages of the Russian press, and only then migrated to the Ukrainian information soil.

All this, as it were, testifies to the fact that the mysterious creature moved from east to west, from Russia to Ukraine. It's downright "Moscow's hand" of some kind. However, be that as it may, over time there are more and more reports of the atrocities of the Latin American monster in Ukraine.

The year 2010 was especially generous with the appearance of the Chupacabra. In the spring, a night monster was noted in the Rivne region. There, in a number of villages, repeated cases of killing rabbits in subsidiary plots were recorded. The signature signature of the night predator was sucking blood from victims. The handwriting was recognizable. There were also witnesses who claimed to have seen the Chupacabra.

According to them, this is a creature that looks like a wolf or a dog, but moves by jumping on its hind legs like one well-known Australian animal.


In the summer, similar evidence came directly from the capital city of Kiev: residents of one of the villages told reporters about the night vampire attacks on rabbits and chickens. Witnesses appeared again, allegedly having seen this creature. In addition to the appearance similar to a wolf, a dog and a kangaroo, they noted another characteristic feature of the creature - a sharp, unpleasant smell.

At the same time, some bewilderment is caused by the fact that people saw the creature from a respectable distance. Almost at the same time, in the Sumy region, the chupacabra was allegedly caught by a dog guarding the courtyard. After more frequent attacks on domestic animals at night, the owner tied the dog near the rabbit cage. One night, the four-legged guard broke loose from the leash and after a while brought in a small creature in his teeth, which was a cross between a rat and a fox. The villagers buried the prey of the dog in the ground, so there was no material evidence for researchers and the media.

In the winter of 2011, a chupacabra with a powerful tail, which made the resemblance to a kangaroo completely unambiguous, appeared, according to Ukrainian media, in the Simferopol region of Crimea. In the summer of 2012, hunters from the Zaporozhye region flashed their skill and accuracy - they managed to shoot a creature in which the journalists immediately recognized the Chupacabra.

In this case, several photographs of the animal's corpse were taken. A number of experts managed to declare that the outlandish creature belongs to an unknown species and is either a mutant or a new hybrid species. Other scientists have expressed the same boring version of a Caucasian jackal that managed to get to Zaporozhye. They o6v explained its strange appearance by the influence of diseases.

"Goat Vampire" in the oasis of socialism

The Chupacabra also did not leave fraternal Belarus without attention. There, the first Latin American monster appeared presumably in the same 2005 as in the Russian Federation. For unknown reasons, people who met a strange animal for six whole years remained silent. Only in 2011, on the forum of the newspaper "Secret Research" there was a message from a certain Alexei, who had repeatedly met with the "goat vampire" in the Gomel region.

According to him, the Chupacabra attempted to attack him and his acquaintances, but was unable to cause them significant harm. This testimony could become a sensation, since it was previously believed that the Chupacabra does not attack humans. Since the time this monster attacked the Mexican Jose Angel Pulido, such cases have been isolated, in the CIS, it seems, this has never happened again.

Chupacabra in the Gomel region. Drawing from the words of an eyewitness


In Belarus, cases of manifestation of chupacabra activity are also becoming more frequent. So, in the winter of 2011, an overseas vampire in the same Gomel region began to exterminate domestic animals, destroying almost 250 rabbits in a few months. Their carcasses were found to have the characteristic bites of the Chupacabra. It is curious that the enclosures in which the rabbits were kept were not damaged. It seemed that the monster carefully unlocked the latches and released its victims outside.

A special public outcry was caused by the atrocities of the Chupacabras in the village of Starobin, Minsk region. There, the predator not only killed poultry and rabbits, but also killed all the local cats. Despite the fact that no one saw the beast itself, local residents are convinced that it was the "goat vampire" who was operating in the village.

One can only guess what is actually happening in this case in the post-Soviet space. Either in reality the Latin American monster reached our place, or the truth should be sought in the field of psychic phenomena. Indeed, the hysteria over this world-renowned media-made monster is far more capable of crossing the ocean than any land animal.

Unless, of course, someone helped the Chupacabra. But who - sinister structures like MJ-12 with their strange experiments on their own and foreign populations, or the ubiquitous aliens - is anyone's guess. There are many versions to offer.