The Spirits Of The Lost City - Alternative View

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The Spirits Of The Lost City - Alternative View
The Spirits Of The Lost City - Alternative View

Video: The Spirits Of The Lost City - Alternative View

Video: The Spirits Of The Lost City - Alternative View
Video: The Lost City of Z Full Movie 2016 2024, September

As the writer and scientist Pliny the Elder testified in his “natural history”, “Herculaneum considered the most shameful thing among the townspeople to“keep the poor, hungry, offended by the authorities, so everyone had a reliable roof over their heads, and in a friendly city community, things were to their liking and within the forces."

According to the legend, the ancient Roman city of Herculaneum, which flourished in the 1st century AD, was founded by the Greek hero Hercules. Then the metropolis, drowning in gardens, stretching out on the shores of the Gulf of Naples, occupied an area of twelve hectares, had a theater that could accommodate two and a half thousand spectators, a majestic temple decorated with countless marble statues of gods, hundreds of stone houses with cozy chambers and marble courtyards.

Unfortunately, on a rainy day on April 5, 63, when the awakened volcano Vesuvius unleashed a series of earthquakes, mudflows, fire and ash rains, Herculaneum, sharing the fate of Pompeii, was completely destroyed. The townspeople who fled from the "punishment of the underground hell", nevertheless, were not afraid to return to the ruins, rebuilt their houses, carelessly believing that the seismic vibrations, which had not stopped for fifteen years, would subside and life would roll on a well-worn track. Alas, they miscalculated. On August 24, 79, at about 13 o'clock in the afternoon, powerful new shocks hit.

From the mouth of the volcano a huge pillar of fire grew, the brilliance and brightness of which was multiplied by the onset of darkness. The sea receded, exposing vast expanses of the bottom. The earth shook wildly. A colossal black thundercloud was thickly colored with fiery zigzags that flowed into long strips of flame of unprecedented magnitude.

The people took refuge under the vaulted port galleries, which were soon overwhelmed by a roaring mud-stone mudflow, which turned the solid, stable structure into a common grave. As archaeologists have found out, a solid pillow of 7 meters of compressed ash and 20 meters of hardened rocks formed over Herculaneum.


Historical memory is sometimes short. In the Middle Ages, a new city of Resina grew and rapidly expanded over the "volcanic cemetery", the inhabitants of which did not suspect that they had populated the "upper floor" of the old tragedy.

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The insight came only at the beginning of the 18th century, when, hoping to get to the abundant water, having dug an excessively deep well, they stumbled upon an amazingly beautiful marble statue of a woman, next to which they found a scattering of gold and silver jewelry. In the blink of an eye, rumors spread that under Resina there was "a continuous inexhaustible treasure." A uniform gold rush began in the city. To systematize the excavations, dreaming of becoming famous in the archaeological field and at the same time getting rich, the Austrian general Emmanuel Morison decided in the century before last, who with the help of wealthy industrialists amassed a powerful financial fist and bought up land near Resina. The general's instinct did not disappoint. The excavations, having turned into a historical and archaeological sensation, not only immortalized his name, but spilled balm on the hearts of thosewho was fond of mysticism and all kinds of mysterious phenomena.

Morison's stories about ghosts, ghosts, and other phenomena that have intensified during excavations are certainly worthy of attention. That we will do, following the discoveries of the general, who "did not lie a word about the subtle spiritual worlds."

Morison began his confession with the fact that long before his appearance in the paradise town of Resina, nestled almost near the side of the great Rome, he repeatedly listened to "fables" that for centuries the locals were observing "something preoccupied with ghosts, which are panicking groups ". The General writes: “The first finds were silver dishes of amazing elegance. Already at dusk, admiring them by the light of an oil lamp, gazing intently, regretting the unenviable fate of those in whose use they had been for a long time, I, as if under duress, drew attention to the colorful, very fragile haze that stood in front of me, which took the forms of people … Writing off the visions for excessive fatigue caused by the bustle of the sun, I put out the lamp and stretched out on the mat, looking up at the starry sky.

Immediately, much lower, quite clear outlines of the ancient city floated with its basilicas, baths, mansions, an amphitheater, with a strong stone wall winding along the outskirts. The vision bewitched, and I fell asleep soundly, without dreams."


Further, Morison notes that every significant find, every trench dug with a downward slope was accompanied by an aggravated pressing feeling of anxiety and impending troubles. However, there were no troubles. But the ghosts, “swaying and wandering in large groups, raising their hands, as if desperately praying for help, did not let the workers who were exhausted during the day, especially superstitious ones, some of whom were afraid to dig, getting down to business after additional payment. The general did not condemn the workers, he sympathized with them, because, in addition to the attacks of ghosts, they sometimes witnessed psychokinesis - spontaneous movements of objects at different speeds.

Curiously, only Herculaneum rarities were moved - utensils, weapons, jewelry, fragments of sculptures and the sculptures themselves. Morison, no matter how hard he tried, found no clear explanation. Only a century later, the British professor T. K. Lethbridge proposed an original theory according to which the appearance of ghosts, the localization of psychokinesis - intentional or accidental mental influences of a person on objects with their subsequent movement - can be explained by the interaction of a person's personal energy field with the local field of the earth. This, according to Lethbridge, is because the earth, like a tape-recorder, is capable of "recording and storing the strongest stressful energy emissions of living beings for as long as desired."

Is it surprising that the land of Herculaneum, other places on the planet, where something terrible happened, overflowing with suffering and negative emotions, “conserved” multidimensional, truly holographic images of past terrible events, allowing the brains of the living to “reproduce” them. Moreover, if we agree that the extinct vital energy permeates literally everything, it is possible to admit that the "leakage" of this energy from the earth is possible.

On April 5, 63, the volcano Vesuvius brought down a series of earthquakes, mudflows, fire and ash rains
On April 5, 63, the volcano Vesuvius brought down a series of earthquakes, mudflows, fire and ash rains

On April 5, 63, the volcano Vesuvius brought down a series of earthquakes, mudflows, fire and ash rains

About the imposition of images on sounds, Morison admits: “In the early morning hours, a charming girl, in a short tunic, as if woven from the purest sunlight, appeared to me. I did not sleep at all, I saw her clearly and heard her distinctly, memorizing her words, where we need to dig, what exactly we will find there, and when, most importantly,”the general writes, adding that everything has definitely come true, that he did not dare in gratitude touch the place where she forbade digging.

This place, as found out by archaeologists, forty years later, continued excavations, the graveyard of Herculaneum. A place for townspeople is sacred, holy, forbidden. The taboos were hardly violated, because apart from the bones in the only opened grave there was nothing of value. Archaeologist Dr. F. F. Kresher, however, did not hide the fact that the ancient cemetery was licked by wandering lights, that unsteady projections, mirages, even halos were observed at night.

Paranormal, especially mystical phenomena are eternal companions of cemeteries. Herculaneum is, in fact, a single common churchyard of restless restless souls. Therefore, all kinds of visible and audible miracles are welded together, merged with him.