Bearing The Secret Of Times. About The Mysterious Ica Stones - Alternative View

Bearing The Secret Of Times. About The Mysterious Ica Stones - Alternative View
Bearing The Secret Of Times. About The Mysterious Ica Stones - Alternative View

Video: Bearing The Secret Of Times. About The Mysterious Ica Stones - Alternative View

Video: Bearing The Secret Of Times. About The Mysterious Ica Stones - Alternative View
Video: What Is Hiding Under The World Famous Nazca Lines In Peru | Blowing Up History 2024, July

The Earth is a mysterious and mysterious planet on which human civilization has lived for a long time. We are all used to trusting proven knowledge and historical documents. And therefore, judgments like the existence of the human race during the time of the dinosaurs, or vice versa, cause bewilderment for many of us.


The official theory says that man, being a relative of a monkey, began building his own civilization only 4000 years before our era. Before that, people were ordinary savages. Many even continued to live in caves until the arrival of the Sumerians. However, there are artifacts that refute the usual information about human culture and its development.


Ica stones are proof of this. These mysterious andesite boulders were discovered in the early 60s of the twentieth century in Peru. They first appeared on the black market for antiques. Researchers and fans of the history of the ancient Indians immediately began to buy them one by one. The first collectors to take possession of the mysterious stones were the Soldi brothers and the architect Calvo. These people were ardent supporters of the authenticity of artifacts. The architect Calvo subsequently organized special excavations in the Okukahe area and discovered new stones clearly belonging to pre-Columbian cultures.


Imagine the surprise of the researchers when they found on the artifacts themselves something that in fact should not exist. Various dinosaurs were engraved on many of the stones, and people in Indian clothes were depicted along with them. In addition, a strange map of the globe was discovered on one of the artifacts. It clearly depicted non-existent continents. In the center of the Pacific Ocean, the researchers noticed a huge continent, at least the size of Africa. In the area of the Atlantic Ocean, a continent was also discovered, smelling of legends about the ancient Atlantis. Fans of mythology have come to believe that the mysterious land in the Pacific Ocean is the very continent of Mu (or Lemuria), which has already been mentioned more than once in the treatises of mystifiers.


The information found immediately aroused suspicions of forgery or the modern origin of the stones. However, thanks to the research of scientists and analysts, it was found that such stones in the 60s could not be reproduced in any way. Indeed, in those days, they did not even really know about dinosaurs. Many of these mysterious reptiles were not discovered until the end of the 20th century. But still, the official scientific community does not perceive these stones as real proof of the existence of people in the time of the dinosaurs. The theory of ancient sunken continents like Atlantis and Lemuria is also rejected. Until now, there are all kinds of disputes among scientific men.

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It is not possible to determine the real age of the stones, due to the fact that there is no organic matter on them. In addition, information about the cave where the Ica stones were first discovered is also not known to the public. Perhaps these stones will remain the greatest secret in history for all of us.

Author: Alexander Krokhmal