Scientists Have Discovered The Secret Of The Strange Funeral Rites Of The Ancient Irish - Alternative View

Scientists Have Discovered The Secret Of The Strange Funeral Rites Of The Ancient Irish - Alternative View
Scientists Have Discovered The Secret Of The Strange Funeral Rites Of The Ancient Irish - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Discovered The Secret Of The Strange Funeral Rites Of The Ancient Irish - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Discovered The Secret Of The Strange Funeral Rites Of The Ancient Irish - Alternative View
Video: Scientists Confirm the Oak Island Mystery Is Solved (2020) 2024, September

Scientists have uncovered the secret of the funeral rituals of the ancient Irish. They believe that the Irish dismembered the bodies before burial.

Experts came to the conclusion that before the funeral ritual, the ancient Irish performed a "deconstruction of the body" so that the settlement would strengthen the connection with its soul. To be sure, scientists conducted research with the bones of an ancient people, which were found at Karrowkil in 1911. Presumably, the people whose remains were studied lived between about 3500 and 2900 BC. During these studies, scientists examined the skeletons of approximately 40 people who were in seven tombs.

Johnny Gerber, professor of anatomy, said that during the study of the remains, experts found traces of stone tools that were in large joints, where ligaments and tendons should have been. Scientists believe that it is from this find that we can say that the ancient people had a very complex burial ritual, in which special attention was paid to the "deconstruction of the body."

All subsequent studies of the remains allowed scientists to find out that the ancient Irish had varied and rather complex funeral rituals. Although evidence of such ancient burial rites has been found in Great Britain, this is the first definitive discovery of similar rituals in the same period in Ireland.

Anna Kotova