Conspiracy: Not All Aliens Are Gray - Alternative View

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Conspiracy: Not All Aliens Are Gray - Alternative View
Conspiracy: Not All Aliens Are Gray - Alternative View

Video: Conspiracy: Not All Aliens Are Gray - Alternative View

Video: Conspiracy: Not All Aliens Are Gray - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, September

Rumor has it that aliens - alien visitors - have set up a kind of testing ground on Earth, where they test their advanced technology, and also purposefully kidnap people.

In one of the theories leading the investigation of alien abduction, it is said that under the guise of alien abduction, illegal experimentation is taking place on a person by the secret organs of several superpowers.

The very idea of suspicious activities of the special services is certainly not new, but it is still relevant. We still do not know for certain who kidnaps people, what experiments they took part in.

In 1989, renowned ufologist Jacques Vallee and French researcher, in his book, offers this opportunity with the support of French intelligence sources. In 1999, thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, the United States declassified a number of official documents from the CIA, NSA, FBI, and other agencies.

In the same year, a book by Helmut and Marion on scientific research and illegal medical experiments was published. The book reveals that while studying declassified documents, they encountered brainwashing, sensory deprivation, radiation experiments … etc. from this area.

We understood the main thing: they tried to convince the victims of the experiments that they were abducted by aliens, UFOs, why? Maybe because the kidnapped person will not complain to the authorities and authorities that he was abducted by a UFO? You don't want to be ridiculed by your acquaintances, do you?

Abduction victims describe their experiences with a fairly significant overlap between the different cases. The MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) organization has amassed numerous cases of abducted people recalling being placed in strange tanks of liquid where they could breathe.

The abducted people recollect strange things over time, telling how devices were fixed on their heads with the help of which they were forced to move their limbs under external orders. Or take into consideration the unknown types of implants introduced into the body, which was confirmed by radiographs and the extraction of “gadgets” from the body, which can be located at the base of the brain or in various places like the ear or fingers.

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Interestingly, the appearance of the kidnappers is almost always described as a human being in white clothes, working surrounded by a surgical instrument, recognizable as ordinary syringes. What is the mystery here?

Covert operation: alien abductions

Scientist John S. Lilly, developed an invention known as "tank insulation". The development served to test the theory of a number of neurophysiologists in the need to supply an external stimulus in order to keep the brain awake.

Later, he perfected his invention for experiments that he called "sensory deprivation", with the help of which psychic experiences were obtained as "astral travel" and the like in this area of feeling.

What we are now talking about is not fiction, but a process that requires experimental people for experiments, since work has also been carried out in the field of stimulating pleasure and pain in the centers of the brain. One day, the director of the NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health) approached the scientist, offering to report his research to American intelligence.

However, the American psychoanalyst, neuroscientist, famous for his work with the mind of dolphins, refused, because he believed that his work could be used as a means to control people and their beliefs - almost absolute influence.

Nevertheless, after the declassification of a number of documents of the CIA's ultra-project, it becomes obvious: the experiment "sensory deprivation", connecting electrodes, was developed by the special services and the army without his consent. It also revealed that experiments in the laboratories of the National Institutes of Health with implants and microwave devices were carried out, apparently to control the emotions and behavior of people with electrical forces.

Many people who claim to be part of intelligence-led mind-control experiments are as aware of themselves as those who claim to have been abducted by invading aliens. This is very strange, isn't it? But such ideas include scientists from different countries.

The renowned Spanish neurologist Jose Delgado Rodriguez was associated with the CIA's MK-Ultra program, contributing to the project of the past his research on the implants of electrodes in the brain. In addition, similar experimentation is revealed in the Soviet Union, where projects were also conducted to influence human behavior.

A secret conspiracy against humanity, where aliens are accused of abducting a person, may be the best cover, hiding hundreds of clandestine and illegal experiments conducted by secret departments of different countries.

There are known experiments with LSD conducted by Dr. Stanislav Grof (the military was very interested in research). The participants in the experiment who received the drug had visions of UFOs and aliens, just like the victims of abductions.

It was later found that these people had an increase in beta brain wave activity, around 30 Hz, which is a common figure among LSD and other drug users. By the way, this has nothing to do with the topic, but often such people talk about "going into the afterlife."

Animal Abduction, Gray Aliens Again?

There are known cases of strange cattle mutilations, and again, an incomprehensible phenomenon is associated with the UFO phenomenon. Meanwhile, veterinarians studying mutilated animals are surprised at the surgically precise incisions, removal of the genitals, rectum, eyes, tongue - what is all this for? Why leave animals on Earth when they can be disposed of in space?

Disabled cattle are common in various parts of the world. In the period from 1995 to 1996 alone, more than 2,000 head of cattle were affected. Most of the victims had one or two holes in their necks, and there was no blood at all, which was immediately associated with the "Chupacabra", the goat vampire.

However, the victims, usually sheep and cows, share a common similarity between all cases. Moreover, as in a number of cases experts are perplexed, self-mutilation was done with the help of precise measuring equipment and specialized surgical techniques. Depending on the data collected, the researchers note human intervention with great knowledge of animal anatomy.

But what is worst of all, experts of conspiracy theorists note on the basis of the cases examined, we cannot exclude the possibility of artificial kidnapping of people for experiments and experiments, no matter how we trust our lives to the authorities.

To what has already been said, one can recall the "lost" people, whose memory is absolutely, virgin. They remember absolutely nothing about their life, but for some reason they always appear at the stations. Who could it be … where did these people come from.