Khakass Museum "Ancient Burial Mounds Of The Salbyk Steppe" Is Ten Years Old - Alternative View

Khakass Museum "Ancient Burial Mounds Of The Salbyk Steppe" Is Ten Years Old - Alternative View
Khakass Museum "Ancient Burial Mounds Of The Salbyk Steppe" Is Ten Years Old - Alternative View

Video: Khakass Museum "Ancient Burial Mounds Of The Salbyk Steppe" Is Ten Years Old - Alternative View

Video: Khakass Museum
Video: Долина царей Хакасия Большой Салбыкский курган 2024, September

For the propaganda of cultural heritage, high professionalism, a significant contribution to the development of traditional Khakass culture and in connection with the 10th anniversary of the museum, its director Vasily Borgoyakov was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the head of the district.

According to the regional newspaper "Ust-Abakanskie Izvestia", on this day Vasily Georgievich was congratulated by the leaders and employees of the district administrations and institutions. The young artist Dmitry Safyanov, famous in Khakassia, delighted the guests with throat singing. An excursion took place.

But before, at the Big Salbyk Gate, traditional Khakass rituals took place, which were performed by the true shaman Efrosinya Sagalakova. The Salbyk Valley, located on the territory of the Ust-Abakan region, has more than 50 mounds, of which the Bolshoi Salbyk mound occupies a particularly significant place. This is the burial vault of the powerful leader of a nomadic tribe, an outstanding sacral, architectural and astronomical monument of the 5th - 4th centuries BC.

Over the course of several years, thousands of people took part in the construction of the Big Salbyk Barrow, who erected an earthen pyramid 25-30 meters high, surrounded by a 70x70 m stone fence. the labor expended significantly exceeds it.

Located 28 km west of the village of Moscow, relatively close to modern civilization, the Valley of the Kings and, above all, the Big Salbyk Kurgan - now a monument of federal significance, attract tourists, esotericists and shamans with its miraculous menhirs. In previous years, when unorganized tourism prevailed over organized tourism and "savages", due to their ignorance, increasingly began to try to "go down in history", leaving autographs, there was an urgent need to create an open-air museum designed to protect our historical and cultural heritage, to educate schoolchildren, students, travelers and everyone who wants to learn something new.

So, ten years ago, on the initiative of Vasily Borgoyakov and with the support of the head of the Ust-Abakan region, at that time Viktor Ryabchevsky, deputy head of the department of culture, youth policy, sports and tourism, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Tatyana Gorinova, caring cultural specialists, creative personalities, local teachers, with great difficulty managed to create a museum “Ancient burial mounds of the Salbyk steppe”.

And here is the first round date! Ten years! As the deputy head of the district on social issues Elena Baravleva noted, congratulating on behalf of the head of the district and on behalf of the director of the museum, in comparison with eternity, this is a grain of sand, but how much has been done over the years! And in fact, a well was drilled, three wooden yurts were installed, the territory was fenced off with a grid … And all this without violating the pristine natural landscape and harmony with the surrounding world. And how many excursions Vasily Georgievich conducted, how many he himself had to study, represent the museum at the regional and international levels in the capital of our Motherland - Moscow and abroad - in China!

In 2016, the Museum "Ancient burial mounds of the Salbyk steppe" became the winner of the "Accessible Wednesday-2016" competition. A lot of work has been done within the framework of this project, including the creation of a tactile model of the monument of federal significance “The Big Salbyk Kurgan in Antiquity”, the film “The Big Salbyk Kurgan” with sign language translation was shot.

Promotional video:

Ahead is the implementation of many creative ideas. To create comfortable conditions for visitors who meet all the requirements for organizing a modern museum space, the Government of the RH has decided to build a modern museum center. The development of design estimates is now underway. And it seems that after the first anniversary, the second and third ones will necessarily follow … and all this is “for good”, and not “in spite of”.

Let the sunny Valley of the Kings, where everything is ordered, in years and centuries attracts tourists from all over the world and brings people the joy of attitude and life, charging with positive energy.
