These Strange Wedding Traditions - Alternative View

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These Strange Wedding Traditions - Alternative View
These Strange Wedding Traditions - Alternative View

Video: These Strange Wedding Traditions - Alternative View

Video: These Strange Wedding Traditions - Alternative View
Video: 12 Strange Wedding Traditions That'll Stun You 2024, October

A wedding, as a rule, is remembered for a lifetime, and sometimes it is accompanied by the strangest wedding traditions. How many peoples, so many customs and often very specific.

Mud baths

You will be surprised, but we are not talking about medical procedures in the Caucasian Mineral Waters, but about a wedding tradition. So, in some settlements of Switzerland to this day it is customary to throw mud at the bride from head to toe before the celebration, this is not a metaphor, everything is so. And the fact is that the more unpleasant this slime looks, the happier the family will live. Mud is a mixture that consists of ketchup, mayonnaise, eggs, beer, kefir and all sorts of rotten food residues. Doesn't really fit with a holiday, and even such as a wedding, right? Considering also the fact that the bride usually has to be the most beautiful, she is usually in a snow-white dress, and not in a pile of dirt. Moreover, in this form, the groom's friends take the girl to various taverns throughout the city, show everyone what happened. Supposedly there will be no scandals in the family now,and now no one will ever look at her from the outside. You definitely can't argue with the latter.

Tooth filing

Yes, this is also not a metaphor, they file a girl's teeth in the truest sense of the word, because she leaves her father, which means he must perform a special ritual. So, six teeth at once - the incisors and canines are filed and at this moment the daughter passes from the patronage of the father into the hands of her husband. Oh yes, this tradition is taking place in Bali, where, by the way, the fathers of the groom pay in full for everything related to the wedding, they have a hard time. If you believe the aborigines, the "uncut" will cause the awakening of animal instincts (the fangs of animals are compared with human in this case), they, in turn, will lead to bad consequences. It is also generally accepted that in this way the young are saved from the devil's vices, there are six of them: anger, lust, envy, gluttony, greed and stupidity.

A test of strength and patience

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In the Barneo tribes, namely among the people from Tudong, it is customary to test the organisms of the young for strength before the wedding. So, the willpower and state of the organism of the newlyweds are checked. The keepers of traditions also have patience under special control, because for three days the spouses cannot go to the toilet, they forget about food and drink water only a couple of sips, in short, they starve. Such ceremonies supposedly contribute to the future of the couple, the young will live happily, not knowing troubles.

Bitter tears

In Korea, the Tujia peoples who today live in the DPRK have an insanely woeful and strange tradition. During the month before the wedding, the bride must shed bitter tears, she does it carefully, diligently and daily. But that's not all, because after 10 days the mother also connects to her, she also begins to shed bitter tears. Why waste time on trifles? On the eve of the wedding, all the bridesmaids roar like sidorov goats, during this crying songs are sung, which were specially created "for" the custom. By the way, this is also taught, and from early childhood, you generally need to be able to cry, because the more tears, the more carefree and joyful life will be.

But everything that we said above is not at all strange and not scary compared to what is happening in Africa. So, all the male inhabitants of the Ibo tribe in Nigeria, when choosing the girl they like, must be subjected to a physical test. First, all the bride's numerous relatives line up in a row, then the guy walks through this crowd, and at this time he is severely beaten with sticks, these are such dangerous girls in Nigeria. But brides in Nigeria are fattened, because it is believed that the more magnificent the better. There are even such organizations where girls are given and there they eat millet in kilograms, drink liters of fat camel milk. This is how Nigeria is.