Europe Is Run By 5,000 Criminal Gangs - Alternative View

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Europe Is Run By 5,000 Criminal Gangs - Alternative View
Europe Is Run By 5,000 Criminal Gangs - Alternative View

Video: Europe Is Run By 5,000 Criminal Gangs - Alternative View

Video: Europe Is Run By 5,000 Criminal Gangs - Alternative View
Video: Europe's "most active cocaine gang" — Dutch narcos backed by mercenaries 2024, September

In Germany, they conducted a study and found out the degree of influence of criminal clans.

Europe and the mafia - for many, these concepts do not intersect, moreover, they are antipodes. In the world, for example, it is widely believed that the mafia in Europe, of course, exists in some places, in southern Italy, for example, but it is local, and great successes have been achieved in the fight against it. Because - unlike, say, Russia or Nigeria - there, they say, there are no conditions and nutrient medium that generate it. In the countries of Western Europe, in Germany, for example, this evil is unknown. And even racketeering does not exist in cultural and law-abiding Western European countries. This is still the opinion of many in Russia, where they like to idealize the West, and Europe in particular. Therefore, let's say thank you for the educational impulse to the Russian-language website "Deutsche Welle" (DW), which has placed an extensive and very informative material under the heading "European Mafia: the main players on the EU's criminal map"and before that - a whole series of articles on this topic.

And how is it in reality?

It turns out that according to the European Union police service Europol, there are about 5,000 organized criminal groups operating in the community. Their profits, according to a report by the Italian research center Transcrime, amounted to about 110 billion euros in 2016 - one percent of the EU's GDP.

In the first place in terms of the degree of threat and influence, European law enforcement officers put the Italian mafia, whose activities have long gone beyond Italy. Of the three largest mafia groups - the Calabrian Ndrangheta, the Neapolitan Camorra and the Sicilian Cosa Nostra - the first is the most dangerous, wealthy and influential. Sphere of her activities: Europe, North and South America. The profit of Ndrangheta alone, which is not only not engaged in, amounts to tens of billions of euros. The Italian mafia exerts influence on the regional authorities at home, judges are afraid of it.


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In Europe, especially in Germany, the Netherlands, as well as in Britain, Turkish mafia groups are successfully operating. They concentrate on drug trafficking, especially heroin, people, pimping, extortion, gambling.

The Turks are stepped on by the Arab mafia, which is active even in Germany, replenishing with "refugees" from Palestine, Lebanon and other Middle Eastern countries. Its positions are especially strong in Berlin, Bremen, North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony. Across Germany, there are about 50 vigorous Arab criminal clans, each with several thousand members. They prefer to engage in drug dealing, pimping, extortion and robbery. Some clans are associated with show business.

Albanian clans also occupy strong positions. They operate throughout Europe, North and South America, even Australia, specializing in drug trafficking, arms, people and human organs. When the Serbs, we add on our behalf, blamed the latter on the Albanian bandits during the Balkan wars, they refused to believe them. There are about 20 Albanian criminal clans in the world, the number of which is usually several thousand people.

This is followed by the so-called "Russian mafia", which in Germany in 2018 accounted for almost 5% of all criminal cases initiated under articles related to organized crime. The Federal Office for Criminal Cases (BKA) includes, with one exception, immigrants from all the republics of the former USSR and even Russian Germans from among the “late settlers”. The main types of criminal activities of the "Russian mafia", in which, we add, there are almost no Russians, are "theft of expensive cars, drug trafficking, racketeering, cybercrime, financial fraud and human smuggling."


In a separate group, the German authorities single out the Chechen mafia, the most brutal of all, whose members, according to the BKA report, "are distinguished by their hot temper and a disproportionately high propensity for violence."

Some motorcycle clubs in Germany are considered a kind of half mafia, especially the Hells Angels and Bandidos, some of whose members are engaged in pimping, arms and drug trafficking.

This is what good old Europe has become.

It is curious that in Germany itself, the “Russian mafia” (not to mention the Chechen one) is on the rise - in 2018, in terms of the number of cases brought against it, it was twice as large as the “Italian mafia” and was just one case behind the “Turkish-Arab” one.

Berlin bleibt deutsch?

DW regularly publishes articles on the Chechen mafia in Germany. This theme is, apparently, exalted. Maybe because Chechens and other people from the North Caucasus are most active in the capital of the country and neighboring lands. The Berlin police department has even created an investigative group dealing with organized crime with the participation of immigrants from the former USSR. In response to an official request from DW, it confirmed:

"Attackers of Chechen and generally North Caucasian origin are a solid component of the structure of organized crime in Berlin."

According to Berlin police, it is difficult to infiltrate agents into Chechen gangs: the level of cohesion they demonstrate is unusual even for organized crime, their criminal experience, "high readiness to use violence" and brutality outstrip competitors, and "respect for state power is extremely low." Chechens do not hesitate to use weapons - knives, pistols, Kalashnikov assault rifles. "They are good at martial arts": once "twenty members of an Arab clan were laid on the ground by six Chechens." “If someone is planning the most serious crimes, he turns to the Chechens,” says a representative of the Moscow police.


Despite the fact that the German authorities are trying to counteract this problem they themselves created, because tens of thousands of Chechens appeared in Germany under the guise of unfortunate "refugees" persecuted by cruel Russia, they have not succeeded so far. Moreover, information appeared that the tentacles of this most dangerous mafia octopus were already capturing the German police itself. More and more Chechens, many of whom are in one way or another connected with organized crime groups, get jobs in private security companies (PSCs), some of which they already control. And, as it was established in the course of one of the investigations, these PSCs received orders to protect police stations when their employees were resting …

What to do?

German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer believes that "the rule of law should not allow such criminal substructures to exist." However, it is impossible to put this correct idea into practice within the framework of the German, and, more broadly, European police powers. But in Germany and other EU countries - Belgium or France, for example - there is a problem not only of Chechen and other immigrant criminals, but also a serious terrorist threat from persons with jihadist tendencies, which is especially characteristic of millions of Arabs and other immigrants living in Europe. from the Islamic world.

And it seems that these threats will be removed only when Europe is turned into a totalitarian police state. This is what the globalist manipulators of the current migration policy seem to be doing, and the multinational mafia, pursuing its own selfish goals, is actively playing along with them.

Author: Latyshev Sergey