How Did The United States Save Hitler's Associates - Alternative View

How Did The United States Save Hitler's Associates - Alternative View
How Did The United States Save Hitler's Associates - Alternative View

Video: How Did The United States Save Hitler's Associates - Alternative View

Video: How Did The United States Save Hitler's Associates - Alternative View
Video: Nazi leader's son: 'Don't trust us' Germans - BBC News 2024, July

In the United States of America, the concept of "wet backs" is still common. It is most often applied to Mexicans and Puerto Ricans, illegal immigrants forced to plow for the good of Uncle Sam, not for a normal fee, but for handouts. True, such handouts in Mexico or Puerto Rico are called prosperity, but this does not change the essence of the matter: honest workers, innocent victims of harsh American laws - this is how “wet backs” are perceived by any normal person. For no one has ever heard that "wet backs" had blood on their hands up to the elbows!

Meanwhile, there were such people on the slave labor market in the United States. Only they did not come themselves, but they were brought, and not from Latin America, but from Nazi Germany …

Four years ago, the US Department of Justice prepared an extensive report on US government cooperation with former Nazis and war criminals. In fact, this is a report on the concealment that the United States has been engaged in for decades after the end of the Second World War with regard to "useful Nazis" - an official term coined by the Americans when the guns were rumbled: in 1944. And now a modern, but not too biased report of the ministry (both for those about whom, in fact, it was written, and for the current officials in Washington) they solemnly promised to publish! Everyone began to wait impatiently, what are the well-known and terrifying names that will once again surface? This was especially insisted on by Jewish organizations that traditionally have influence in the corridors of Washington power. However,Despite all the just demands, this report, as soon as it got to the White House, was unexpectedly lost. Rather, somewhere there lay down under the cloth. And it has not yet been published! A lot of water has already flown under the bridge. Obama replaced Bush, Democrats - Republicans, in short, the "tracks" got confused. And in general, the fate of the report after so many years begins to remind again the fate of those about whom it was written - the former Nazis who are unknown, whether they are still alive, or died a long time ago …either they are still alive, or they died a long time ago …either they are still alive, or they died a long time ago …

And only the New York Times haunts the ghosts - neither today, nor today. The newspaper itself recently published the ill-fated Justice Department report, and, it claims, in its most complete version. It seems that the newspaper is not lying - the report does not reveal any stunning secrets or sensations and, in general, very carefully avoids the question of specific names, so that it could well belong to the pen of Washington bureaucrats. But then the question arises: why, in fact, was the White House afraid? The answer is obvious: for all the imperfection of the report, sometimes written in almost Aesopian language, it officially acknowledges the very fact of concealment, and even hints at the enormous scale on which such "work" was really carried out …

… The Yalta Conference of Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill, which took place at the very beginning of the victorious 1945, made many historic decisions. First, it laid the foundations of the Yalta-Potsdam system of the world, which neither the collapse of the USSR, nor the unification of Germany (it was provided for by this system), or even the dashing 90s for the entire planet could not completely destroy. Secondly, it ruled out a separate conclusion of peace with the Germans. Thirdly, it declared all the atrocities of the fascists crimes against humanity, and without a statute of limitations. It was then that many Nazi criminals seriously thought that after the death of the Reich - and that it would collapse, only outright madmen doubted - not just "dive deeper" in order to wait out 5-10 years and emerge again. No, now 5-10 years were not enough for everyone to forget about you!And to forget where you got your wealth (and all the Nazis wanted to live happily ever after in any regime!), And how you look, and where your relatives live. Now the former fascists will be chased all over the planet until they get caught or leave this world, which has been so "annoyed"! And, therefore, in order to survive after the war, the higher bosses, and not the small fry, need to "bargain" with the winners even before the capitulation.

Hitler himself was the first to start this bargaining. And it is still unknown how his personal fate would have developed if the Americans or the British had taken Berlin, and not the Russians. No, no one doubts that the possessed Fuhrer would have been tried and hanged anyway. And maybe even faster than Goering or other close associates of “himself”. For Hitler knew much more than they did - and about pre-war cooperation with the Western powers, and about hidden funding from abroad for the modernization of German troops, and about secret agreements on the division of the post-war world. So letting him talk for a long time, and even at an open trial, it would not be with the hands of too many bigwigs in the West! But I think that Hitler, if he had counted on his arrest by the Americans, and even more so by the British, would not have attempted suicide - it was evidenthe really wanted to survive at any cost. And therefore, he made himself as useful as possible for the Western allies, while it was still in his power.

Examples? - you are welcome!

The last truly allied act within the Big Three was the last letter in the life of Franklin Roosevelt, which he sent not to just anyone, but to Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. In that personal message, as if in a will, Roosevelt wrote: "I am sure that when our armies establish contact in Germany and unite in a fully coordinated offensive (emphasized by me - VE), the Nazi armies will disintegrate." No, with Roosevelt Hitler had no chance to come to an agreement! But the message from Franklin Delano fell on Stalin's table only on April 12, 1945 - the day after Roosevelt himself was gone. Hitler, of course, could not have known such details, but he found out the main thing - on April 12, another person, Harry Truman, became the president of the United States. And on the same day, April 12, Hitler issues an order on the "scorched earth" tactics on German territory,which was to be surrendered to the Soviet army. Thus, he wanted to be useful to Truman, for he tried to make the existence of the Red troops on German soil as difficult as possible after his surrender. And in the West, Hitler, on the contrary, surrendered without a fight not individual "skyscrapers" and kilometers, but entire countries - he seemed to rush the Westerners, inviting them to "his" Berlin …

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The naivete of despair - even she did not help the dictator, and the trick failed. And besides, it was only Hitler who could believe that Stalin would not see through his game. But people like Bormann, Himmler and Muller could not count on this (as well as on the mercy of Stalin, who would inevitably take Berlin)!

Well, all three and in the most mysterious way disappeared literally on the eve of surrender. And it was at the very moment when Hitler himself realized that his plan to escape, hiding behind an all-out war and scorched earth tactics against the Russians, failed - the Soviet troops would still end up in Berlin before the hopelessly lagging Americans and British. And this means that it became mortally dangerous to stay next to the Fuehrer, in the bunker - no "honorable" and separate surrender of the bet was foreseen.

The closest henchmen of the Fuehrer could escape only through the Western Front - that is clear. And they ran in dozens, hundreds - and almost all were caught. Got caught de facto, but not de jure! After all, it was possible to announce their capture, but it was possible to remain silent. Here it is, Western freedom of choice, which fled Nazis first faced face to face. And each of them, of course, begged: "Choose me!" Because they sensed them: the Americans viewed them as living trophies of war. The valuable ones could be secretly used for their own purposes, and the useless ones could be publicly brought to justice or, at worst, given to the Russians. In general, to throw on the altar of "denazification", the exact mechanism of which was spelled out a little later, already at the Potsdam conference.

But one should not think that at that moment of victorious euphoria, cases of voluntarism could have occurred in a well-organized American army, adjusted according to the method of a conveyor belt, and the right hand sometimes did not know what the left was doing, distributing the Nazis "there" or "back." Nothing like this! There was a very definite secret instruction developed back in 1944 in the bowels of the OSS (Office of Strategic Services, the predecessor of the CIA) by Allen Dulles and his assistants, and which had a quite symbolic code name "Paper clear", i.e. "Blank paper". They were ashamed to pull out "blank paper" under Roosevelt, but as soon as Harry Truman entered the White House as the owner, there was nothing more to be ashamed of!

As the name implies, it was a grandiose operation of the American government to launder, but not money, but the Nazis! Its essence boiled down to the fact that war criminals, who, according to some parameters, could be attributed to the category of "useful Nazis", were supplied with blank papers, new names and an unblemished biography. And they became eternal slaves of Washington, because without Uncle Sam they simply did not exist now! Isn't that the best incentive for overworking the American government ?!

Ideal "wet backs" with blood on their hands up to their elbows - they became ideal soldiers for a new, "cold war" too. But it is unlikely that the same "trench" fate was prepared for their former bosses - Bormann, Himmler and Mueller …

Bormann could bargain with the Americans, because he knew the secret of the gold of the NSDAP - the gold of the party. Himmler could "bargain" and hide behind the death of his double (and he had a lot of them!), For he personally supervised the process of secret "conservation" of other gold - the treasures looted in Europe. And Muller could “bury” another very valuable “treasure” for Americans - the Gestapo agents, as well as lists of accomplices, from small to large, in Eastern Europe. However, why only Europe? As you know, the tentacles of the Gestapo stretched far - right up to the same Latin America.

Could or did? - the history of sex has not yet given an exhaustive answer to this question …