Chinese Puzzle For Archaeologists - The Mystery Of The Jade Discs Bi - Alternative View

Chinese Puzzle For Archaeologists - The Mystery Of The Jade Discs Bi - Alternative View
Chinese Puzzle For Archaeologists - The Mystery Of The Jade Discs Bi - Alternative View

Video: Chinese Puzzle For Archaeologists - The Mystery Of The Jade Discs Bi - Alternative View

Video: Chinese Puzzle For Archaeologists - The Mystery Of The Jade Discs Bi - Alternative View
Video: The Mysterious Kame Of Isbister | Extreme Archaeology | Absolute History 2024, July

Modern scientists are still trying to figure out the purpose of the Bee discs, as well as the method of their production, because this mineral is an extremely hard stone.

Most valued in China is the white jade "Bai Yu", which is mined in the Kashgar region (modern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region), the region on the border with Turkestan, the world center for the extraction of jade. Flawless "bai yu" has the color of "lamb fat", oily sheen, smooth silky surface and translucent through, ideally homogeneous in structure. Products made from this type of jade have cost more than gold and ivory in China at all times.

There is a record that one of the specific Chinese rulers, in order to acquire a guibi disk with magical properties, transferred 15 cities in exchange for it.


Jade, or as they are also called - bi-discs are round flat rings with a hole in the center. Apparently, they had an important cult value, since they were found in tombs on the bodies of the deceased Chinese aristocrats during the flourishing of the Hongshan culture (3800-2700 BC), and then in the Liangzhu culture (3000-2000 BC) …


This is a very hard and difficult material to process, so the choice of this particular stone for making discs by the inhabitants of Ancient China in the late Neolithic period causes bewilderment in scholars - why did they spend so much time and effort in ancient China to process jade?

Some believe that the importance of bi discs is directly related to religion and gods in Chinese culture; others - that the discs symbolize the sun or the wheel, reflecting the cyclical nature of life and death.

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During the war, the loser had to hand over a jade disc as a sign of submission to the conqueror. This proves that the discs were not just a decoration, but had a special significance.


The mystics, on the other hand, hypothesized that the bi discs are related to the so-called "Drop Stones". These disc-shaped stones, supposedly 12,000 years old, were allegedly discovered in a cave in the Bayan-Khara-Ula mountains on the border between Tibet and China at the burial site of an extraterrestrial humanoid race.


Be that as it may, but many questions about the purpose and methods of creating such perfect forms of jade discs still remain unanswered.