Fuhrer Anglo-Saxon Assembly - Alternative View

Fuhrer Anglo-Saxon Assembly - Alternative View
Fuhrer Anglo-Saxon Assembly - Alternative View

Video: Fuhrer Anglo-Saxon Assembly - Alternative View

Video: Fuhrer Anglo-Saxon Assembly - Alternative View
Video: 16 The Idea Of Anglo Saxon Supremacy (lecture by Patrick Allitt, PhD) 2024, July

Everything that happened in Germany between the two world wars took place under the control of Washington or London.

Since the beginning of the so-called. “Glasnost” and “new thinking”, for almost the last quarter of a century, they have been trying to convince us that we lived in a totalitarian country ruled by a gang of criminals who are responsible for a host of grave crimes, including the outbreak of World War II. Some "historians", such as the fugitive would-be intelligence officer V. Rezun, are diligently pushing to the masses a "truthful" version of Hitler's coming to power, concocted by British intelligence, with the active role of the USSR and Stalin personally. Say, the insidious villain Stalin planned to crush the countries of Western "democracy" with the help of the naive fool Hitler, whom he even called accordingly - "the icebreaker of the revolution." But then this "icebreaker" suddenly "regained his sight", turned on the reverse gear and almost crushed Stalin, who gave birth to him … Rezun and similar "experts" wrote dozens, if not hundreds of books,in which they convince the reader that if the insidious Stalin had not conceived to conquer the whole world, then there would be no Hitler. Like World War II, and multi-million dollar casualties.

Young Hitler
Young Hitler

Young Hitler.

However, first you need to understand: where, in fact, did Hitler come from? Better yet, trace his life after the First World War. In short, Adolf Aloizych Hitler at that time was the leader of a dwarf party and a professional parasite. He positioned himself as a writer, but the income from the meager sales of "Mein Kampf" (from 1925 to 1929 sold just over 25,000 copies) would hardly have allowed to feed not only Hitler himself, but also his pets. However, this did not prevent the parasitic "writer" Hitler from leading in the mid-1920s. a very lavish lifestyle - a villa in the Alps, a car with a personal chauffeur … And this at a time when the rest of post-war Germany was mired in poverty! By the beginning of the 1930s. Hitler has already acquired an impressive retinue - bodyguards, secretaries and even a cook. By that time, his party began to grow in an amazing way and gain strength. So, in August 1929, about 200,000 party members gathered in specially ordered trains (!) In Nuremberg for the congress of the NSDAP. Moreover, as you might guess, the trains were rented not at the expense of the state budget. In this regard, one question arises: how did Hitler and his party find such funds? The country, to put it mildly, is far from a comfortable environment, full of unemployed, monstrous inflation, Germany pays reparations under the predatory Treaty of Versailles, and the future Fuhrer and his partaigenosse are rolling like cheese in butter!trains were not leased at the expense of the state budget. In this regard, one question arises: how did Hitler and his party find such funds? The country, to put it mildly, is far from a comfortable environment, full of unemployed people, monstrous inflation, Germany pays reparations under the predatory Treaty of Versailles, and the future Fuhrer and his partaigenosse are rolling like cheese in butter!trains were not leased at the expense of the state budget. In this regard, one question arises: how did Hitler and his party find such funds? The country, to put it mildly, is far from a comfortable environment, full of unemployed, monstrous inflation, Germany pays reparations under the predatory Treaty of Versailles, and the future Fuhrer and his partaigenosse are rolling like cheese in butter!

It is worth noting here that after the First World War Germany not only was ruined and enslaved by reparations, but also actually lost its independence. This was especially true of its economy, which was tightly controlled by foreign (primarily American and British) corporations and concerns. For example, the famous German chemical concern IG Farbenindustry was controlled by the American Standard Oil (ie, D. Rockefeller), Siemens and AEG fell into vassal dependence on General Electric, owned by J. P. Morgan. 40% of German telephone networks belonged to the American corporation ITT, German metallurgical enterprises were largely controlled by the same Rockefeller, the Opel company came under the control of General Motors (which, by the way, is still under control today). The Americans and the British did not ignore the German banking sector, the railways, and indeed all more or less valuable "assets", including politicians and party leaders.

The famous company Standart oil, headed by John Rockefellerr (pictured on the left, with his son David) controlled the German chemical concern IG Farbenidustri during the war
The famous company Standart oil, headed by John Rockefellerr (pictured on the left, with his son David) controlled the German chemical concern IG Farbenidustri during the war

The famous company Standart oil, headed by John Rockefellerr (pictured on the left, with his son David) controlled the German chemical concern IG Farbenidustri during the war.

Therefore, everything that happened in Germany between the two world wars could not happen by itself, but only with permission from Washington or London. And Hitler's advance to power, of course, could not escape the attention of the Anglo-American masters of Germany. It did not slip away. Quite the opposite: Hitler always aroused heightened interest among very influential gentlemen both in the United States and in England. And so influential that they were able to actually appoint the leader of the German people a person who did not have German citizenship. Adolf Aloizych officially became a subject of Germany only in 1932: before that he was an Austrian citizen. In the same year, Hitler, completely without hiding it,meets with many interesting people - the English financier Norman and John Dulles (the future US Secretary of State) and his brother Allen (the future head of the CIA). It is unlikely that these gentlemen spoke with the Fuhrer about the weather or the prospects for the development of German brewing. Otherwise, why would the Dulles brothers subsequently make a lot of efforts so that this fact from their biography did not receive wide publicity?

US Secretary of State John Foster Dulles hid the fact of his meetings with Hitler in the early 30s
US Secretary of State John Foster Dulles hid the fact of his meetings with Hitler in the early 30s

US Secretary of State John Foster Dulles hid the fact of his meetings with Hitler in the early 30s.

Promotional video:

The rest is known: Hitler almost in an orderly manner becomes the Fuhrer, and literally immediately he receives such assistance, against the background of which Lend-Lease, so beloved by the British and Americans, fades, which, in their opinion, helped the USSR to win the Second World War. In June 1933 (that is, six months after Hitler was appointed Reich Chancellor), Germany received a loan from the United States for $ 2 billion, from England - for $ 1 billion. In 1934, Standard Oil builds gasoline factories in Germany that will be useful to Hitler already in the very near future. The American firms "Pratt-Whitney" and "Douglas" are transferring a number of patents to German aircraft builders, and in general they are rendering almost friendly assistance. By the way, this assistance (investment) reached about $ 500 million a year, so after that it is somehow funny to remember Stalin, who not only gave nothing to Hitler,but he himself soon took out a German loan of 200 million marks.

Siemens logo from 1936
Siemens logo from 1936

Siemens logo from 1936.

Generous Western loans, technology and "moral" support allowed Hitler to transform Germany from a poor country into one of the leaders of the economy of pre-war Europe. In addition, not only to return the territories lost after the First World War without a single shot, but also to significantly expand the borders of the Reich at the expense of Austria and Czechoslovakia. And the creation of a first-class German army is entirely the merit of Anglo-Saxon sponsors.

It is clear that miracles do not happen in the world, and Western aid to Hitler was not provided for a beautiful mustache. Serious gentlemen from Washington and London, who know how to count every cent, viewed Hitler exclusively as a long-term project, designed to ultimately crush Soviet Russia, not under the control of the Entente, and then seize its resources and thus have a very solid gesheft. So Hitler was really an "icebreaker". Only his path lay not to the West, as the fugitive "prisoner of conscience" and the best friend of British intelligence Rezun tries to imagine, but to the East. The "countries of true democracy" for a long time and purposefully prepared Hitler for the "expansion of living space" in the East, generously supplying Germany with everything they could, and this assistance continued during the war. But at a certain stage, the Fuhrer decided to change the rules and take part in the game as a full-fledged partner, which, of course, was not part of the plans of his patrons. However, out of control, Aloizych hoped to the last to "negotiate" with his sponsors. This explains the strange "escape" to England of Rudolf Hess and his equally strange death many years later. This also explains the miraculous "salvation" of the British army at Dunkirk, and the "sit-down war" of 1939-40. (hyperlink to the text "The Sitting War: How the Allies Betrayed Poland") still raises a lot of questions. This explains the strange "escape" to England of Rudolf Hess and his equally strange death many years later. This also explains the miraculous "salvation" of the British army at Dunkirk, and the "sit-down war" of 1939-40. (hyperlink to the text "The Sitting War: How the Allies Betrayed Poland") still raises a lot of questions. This explains the strange "escape" to England of Rudolf Hess and his equally strange death many years later. This also explains the miraculous "salvation" of the British army at Dunkirk, and the "sit-down war" of 1939-40. (hyperlink to the text "The Sitting War: How the Allies Betrayed Poland") still raises a lot of questions.