A Former NASA Employee Will Talk About Ancient Mysterious Ruins On The Moon - Alternative View

A Former NASA Employee Will Talk About Ancient Mysterious Ruins On The Moon - Alternative View
A Former NASA Employee Will Talk About Ancient Mysterious Ruins On The Moon - Alternative View

Video: A Former NASA Employee Will Talk About Ancient Mysterious Ruins On The Moon - Alternative View

Video: A Former NASA Employee Will Talk About Ancient Mysterious Ruins On The Moon - Alternative View
Video: Who Started the Moon Landing Hoax Conspiracy Theory? 2024, September

Ken Johnston, a former employee of the NASA photo service, will talk about what the Americans found on the moon more than 40 years ago and why they kept this information secret.

Former head of NASA's lunar laboratory photography, Ken Johnston, will hold a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington on Tuesday to release data on the discovery of American astronauts on the moon, which the US government claims has been kept secret for 40 years.

A press conference report circulated in Washington also claims that this classified find may be the reason for a new lunar "race", which has now entered the United States, Russia, Japan, China and India.

The report claims that 40 years ago, during the lunar landing program, American astronauts discovered and photographed some "ancient ruins of artificial origin" on the lunar surface and discovered a previously unknown gravity control technology, but this data was completely classified by the US government and led by By Johnston, the photo service was ordered to destroy all photographs of objects found on the moon.

Johnston claims that in violation of the order, he secretly kept several pictures, which will be released on Tuesday in Washington.

The report claims that on October 23rd, Johnston was expelled from the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory's public space exploration program, and that the exclusion was due to Johnston sharing his secret lunar images with the authors of the new book Dark Mission - A Secret History NASA.

The book was published in the United States last week and has already hit the New York Times bestseller list, where it now stands at 25th place.

Together with Johnston, one of the co-authors of this book, a former NASA consultant and a well-known US popularizer of all kinds of "space secrets" Richard Hoagland, will speak at the press conference. Hoagland and Johnston also intend to submit documents proving that, in their opinion, contrary to conventional ideas about the civilian nature of NASA's activities, the main US space agency is in fact a disguised "US defense department", empowered, without congressional control, to classify important scientific information. and of a technical nature.

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According to Hoagland, American astronauts could secretly deliver samples of "very advanced technologies" from the Moon to Earth, and it is because of these technologies that the leading countries of the world, after almost 30 years of falling interest in the Moon, can now again be involved in a new lunar race.

“Thanks to the amazing technological discoveries that according to our data NASA made on the Moon during the Apollo program, delivered to Earth and then kept secret for a whole generation, this new race will have an outcome that, unlike the first (space) the race between the United States and the USSR for political prestige 50 years ago will determine the fate of every human being on Earth,”says a statement from Hoagland, who was also a scientific advisor to CBS during the Apollo program.

Hoagland and Johnston do not exclude that the United States is now deliberately speeding up the launches of American shuttles in order to prematurely curtail this program by 2010 and switch to the new Constellation spacecraft, which will allow NASA to land on the moon, given that Russia has also announced plans send astronauts to the moon in 2025 and build a lunar base there.

“Why is there such international attention to the 21st century lunar program after the Moon was completely ignored for over 30 years? Maybe the program "Apollo" found on the moon "something" very important, which NASA forgot to tell us about? ", - said in a statement about the press conference, reports.

Hoagland is the co-author of the 550-page book Dark Mission - The Secret History of NASA, which claims that along with the lunar finds, the US space agency is hiding a number of other secrets, including, for example, the 1976 discovery of microbes on the surface of Mars by the Viking unmanned aerial vehicle. …

Aerospace engineering consultant Michael Bara, in a separate press release, acknowledges that renowned US and international space expert and NBC science columnist James Oberg strongly criticized Johnston's claims of lunar photographs he had preserved from destruction. In an outraged message to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Oberg called Johnston's claims about NASA "crazy accusations."

Bara claims that at a press conference at the National Press Club, Johnston will present documents to support his claims.

None of the official representatives in the United States has yet commented on Johnston's claims about the lunar photographs he saved.