Zone S4 - Alternative View

Zone S4 - Alternative View
Zone S4 - Alternative View

Video: Zone S4 - Alternative View

Video: Zone S4 - Alternative View
Video: 25 Family Guy Deleted Scenes That Were Too Much For TV 2024, July

In 1989, a small area in Nevada known as Groom Lake and owned by the United States Air Force became immensely popular. Until then, the words "Area 51" and especially "Groom Lake" and "Papoose Lake" were unknown to the general public. In scientific circles, this place was known as the "Land of Dreams" or simply as "Groom Lake".


One night in May 1989, a Las Vegas radio station broadcast an unusual story. The young physicist, speaking under the pseudonym Dennis, spoke of nine "flying saucers" being investigated by a small government group at a secret base near Groom Lake. Dennis stated that he worked at the base and is very knowledgeable about the research and development being carried out there. A few weeks later, he revealed his real name - Robert Lazar. Since then, the controversy around the figure of Lazar and what he told about does not subside.


The form shows the payments for the work done by Lazar on the S4 base in five days in December 1988.

In one of the fields of the form, Lazar's service number is indicated - E-6722MAJ. "MAJ" says that the project belongs to the Maji system, controlled by MJ-12.

The same can be seen on Lazar's plastic card, which gives access to the parts of the base necessary for work. At the bottom of the pass are marked the various sectors to which its owner could have access. In the lower left corner there is a mark “S4”. About the other three sectors - DS, ETL, WX - Lazar knows nothing.

Robert Lazar flew from McCarran Airport to Las Vegas and landed at Area 51, a secret government base on the Nevada training ground. Area 51 is located approximately 125 miles north of Las Vegas near the dry Groom Lake. From here, the scientist was transported to an even more classified location about 15 miles south of Area 51. This location is called S4. Site S4 is located near the dried-up Papus Lake.

Promotional video:


This photograph of the dry lakes region was taken by a Soviet reconnaissance satellite on Sunday morning, July 17, 1988. It is not surprising that this area was interested in the Soviet Union, since the Americans covered everything that happened in the Land of Dreams in secret. In the United States, however, they knew that a spy satellite was flying 180 miles over secret bases. Photographing was carried out with a KFA-1000 camera. Its characteristics:

Surface capture - 80x100 km.

The resolution is 5 meters.

Today, such special equipment is already considered primitive.

Prior to the appearance of Robert Lazar in the media, Soviet satellites photographed Areas 51 and S4 three times a month. After Lazar spoke on television about the ongoing projects in S4, the Soviet Union began photographing the dry lake area almost daily. The initial interest of the USSR in this area in Nevada was prompted by information about projects underway in Area 51 Stealth and SR71. In fact, the alien technology was researched and implemented not there, but in Zone S4.

As the bus carrying the base personnel entered Site S4, through its darkened windows to the left of the road, Lazar saw a row of hangars “sunken” at the base of the mountain. After the last, ninth, hangar, the bus turned sharply to the left and stopped. The passengers brought out were met by guards with angry dogs torn off the leash. Despite their grins, the dogs did not make any sounds. They all had their vocal cords removed so that they could not be detected by their barking or growling. Having passed the guards, Lazar and his companions approached the only door cut down in the mountain. It was the entrance to the S4 underground research facility.

Outside the door was a small, empty room with one guard. In the next room, those who entered were examined and allowed further. A long corridor led to the hangar door control room, laboratories, first aid post, and other facilities. Here scientists were engaged not only in physical and technical research, but also got acquainted with various aspects of everything related to aliens from outer space. According to Lazar, evolution on Earth has been controlled by aliens for many millennia, and for the past 15 years, there has been a direct exchange of technology between them and the scientists of the S4 base.


The door that opens the entrance to the underground complex is at a 90-degree angle to the row of hangars. The hangar shown in the diagram is the last (closest to the entrance) in this row. It contains a "plate" that was available to Lazar for research. A ten-ton crane located in the hangar could carry it out. Flight tests of the device were repeatedly carried out, but Lazar could only observe the flights, and even then from the hangar. For its smooth surface and streamlined shape, he called this cymbal "sports model".

The Propulsion Systems Laboratory is Lazar's main job, where he teamed up with a scientist named Barry Castillo. The couple had no contact with other research groups. Any movement around the base was strictly controlled. Even when Lazar went to the toilet, he was accompanied by two hefty guards. Various classified materials were collected in the report room. “When I got to S4, I was taken to a small room that had a table, a chair and about 120 research reports stored in blue folders. The materials covered the widest range of studies. Any scientist could find something useful here for the project he was working on. " The Galileo project, in which Lazar was involved, was aimed at studying the physics and mechanics of the "saucer" power plant. Reading reports from other researchers working on the same project,Lazar found confirmation of his theoretical developments. His attention was also drawn to the Sidekick and Looking Glass projects, as they addressed the gravity problems Lazar was working on. The first was devoted to research on beam weapons, and the second to all observed anomalous gravitational effects.

Lazar never recognized much of what was next to his laboratory. In his drawing, he left a lot of question marks. On the first day of his arrival at S4, Lazar was taken to the infirmary. There he was tested for allergic reactions, and then they gave him some liquid to drink. The doctor said that this would strengthen his immune system from the influence of extraterrestrial objects with which he would have to come into contact. At night, Lazar started having stomach cramps, undoubtedly associated with this procedure. Dennis Mariani was Lazar's boss. It was his name that the scientist chose for himself as a pseudonym in his first public appearance. Mariani met with Lazar at EG&G (Edgerton, Germeshausen and Grier) where he interviewed and recruited him to work at S4. At the time, EG&G was based at McCaren Airport in Las Vegas. Now it is located in a safer place - on the territory of the Nellis Base, owned by the US Air Force.

Another person with whom Lazar contacted was a certain Rene. His status, specialty and time spent at the Lazar base remained unknown. In total, at that time there were 22 people with passes with admission to S4.


S4 explored all technological aspects of flying saucers. Lazar dealt with the question of the physical basis of the movement of these devices. He, like other researchers, believes that it is all about gravitational forces and how they are controlled. The space-time system is based on gravitational interactions, therefore, having mastered them, you can arbitrarily change this system or, in other words, move in it. The power plant of the flying saucer creates various gravitational waves that change the gravitational field.

A change in the gravitational field does not only mean a change in the forces of attraction-repulsion of the plate. First of all, the curvature of space occurs. Observed UFO phenomena such as instantaneous disappearance, turns at almost impossible angles, changes in shape and color, occur due to the distortion of space around the UFO. To get from one point in space to another, no matter how far it is, it is necessary to curvature the space so that these points are as close as possible.


In addition to wave physics, Robert Lazar's research focused on the study of the source of gravitational energy. Soviet scientists also took part in the project. Lazar was the first to come to the conclusion that Element 115 of the Periodic Table is used as an energy source. Immediately after this discovery, Soviet scientists were kicked out of S4, and the rest were given weapons. However, the very mechanism of how Element 115 sets the "saucer" in motion remains not fully disclosed for S4 scientists.

Lazar's report on S4's stock of Element 115 is no less intriguing than his testimony about the alien craft themselves. On Earth, this superheavy element does not exist in its pure form, and science cannot yet receive it in any way. Elements with three-digit numbers are obtained artificially in accelerators, but they are extremely unstable and live for a split second. However, the calculations of scientists have shown that there must be a so-called "transuranic island of stability", to which elements 114 and 115 can be attributed. This means that they can exist without decay for a relatively long time.

The projects in which Lazar was involved were part of a restoration engineering program that began in 1979. In that year, a conflict broke out between the administration of the base and the aliens. Under the agreement, the aliens occupied a certain part of the base, conducting joint research with scientists and transferring their technologies to them. One day, despite warnings from the aliens, the guards pulled their ring too tightly around the research site. They were all killed. The arrival of reinforcements suffered the same fate.

A total of 44 soldiers were killed. The aliens also killed the scientist they were training and left the base. Before leaving, they said that they would return and announced the date of their return. However, this six-digit number is 1625xx. The last two are unknown, and Lazar has no idea what this could mean.


The general appearance of these creatures, often referred to as Grace, is well described by other sources. Lazar notes some details. The alien's chest contains one large, dark, pear-shaped organ. It contains the heart, lungs, stomach, and other organs with unknown functions. On a thin neck, individual muscles appear like veins.

The hearing organs do not have auricles. This gave rise to the fact that the aliens communicate telepathically. In fact, they can simply enjoy a higher sound frequency than humans. For more advanced beings, this is quite logical, since the higher the frequency, the more information can be transmitted per unit of time. The homeland of the aliens is the star system in the constellation Reticulum, called in Russia the constellation Grid. The system consists of two stars, Zeta Reticuli 1 and Zeta Reticuli 2 (Zeta Retuculi 1 & 2), around which the planets revolve. According to the documents from the blue folders, the aliens visiting Site S4 came from the fourth planet Zeta 2.

Aliens designate all cosmic bodies very simply. First, the star is named, and then its planets are designated by numbers. The planet closest to the star gets number one, the next one gets number two, and so on. So, for example, they designated our sun as Sol, the Earth - Sol 3, the next Mars - Sol 4.

The binary star system Zeta Reticuli is located 37 light years from Earth and is visible only from the Southern Hemisphere. The alien planet, like the Earth, rotates on its axis. One day on it is equal in duration to 90 earth hours.

The aliens claim that they completely control and correct human evolution, directing it in the direction they need. According to them, over the past 10,000 years on their part there have been 65 such interventions in the evolutionary process. This happens evenly, once every 150 years. They consider a person only as a genetic container, roughly what they call it. The main tool of aliens in changing DNA is a virus, since it is the only organism capable of transmitting a new genetic code to humans.

To save the "containers" from destruction, religions were introduced to Earth. Aliens also claim to be able to covertly influence the human psyche. This works best when people are calm or relaxed. Better yet, in a dream. With active consciousness, this method is not effective.

Commenting on these materials, which he found in the blue folders, Lazar notes that even if everything said by the aliens was correctly understood and recorded, this does not at all mean the truth of this information. These, as they say, are just words that in fact may turn out to be a deliberate lie of aliens.

The equipment and technologies of aliens remained at the base, which scientists have since researched independently, trying to understand and recreate them in terrestrial conditions. Some of the results of restoration engineering are at the heart of scientific and technological advances, especially in the military field.

The story of Robert Lazar stirred up not only the ufological community, but also, due to its specificity, made a lot of noise among scientists and ordinary people. The story of the top-secret S4 base did not leave anyone indifferent. Lazar has both supporters who support him and opponents who consider all this to be pure fiction.

Appendix to the magazine "Reality"

Compiled and translated by Vyacheslav Lopatin