New World System. Part 3 - Alternative View

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New World System. Part 3 - Alternative View
New World System. Part 3 - Alternative View

Video: New World System. Part 3 - Alternative View

Video: New World System. Part 3 - Alternative View
Video: Tom Campbell: MBT VIP Supporters Q & A June 2021 Pt 3/3 2024, July

- Part 1 - Part 2 -

New world order:

Plans revealed by an insider in 1969

(Part 3 continued; for the beginning see parts 1 and 2)

Instead of a preface:

Anticipating the translation of the third cassette with an interview with Dr. Lawrence Dunegan, devoted to the formation of the New World System, which was partially described by the American professor Richard Day in 1969, we want to draw the readers' attention to interesting chronological and factual coincidences.

Around the same period in the USSR - first in a magazine version (in 1968), and then in a separate book (in 1970) - a novel by the famous Soviet writer and paleontologist Ivan Antonovich Efremov entitled "The Hour of the Bull" was published. Much of what Dr. Dunegan told in his memoirs almost completely repeats the plot of the novel "Hour of the Bull". Let us briefly outline the plot of this work

The novel tells the story of how an expedition of earthlings aboard the "Dark Flame" spacecraft, built using the Direct Beam technology (which allows one to almost instantly move giant distances in "zero space"), goes to a distant star system, one of the planets of which (Tormans), it is assumed, was colonized by earthlings back in the beginning of the space age.

Promotional video:

Arriving at Tormans, the members of the expedition found there a civilization with an oligarchic, unjust social system, in which there were two classes: educated and uneducated. Above the uneducated stood the rulers, and somewhere in between were the people of art (entertaining, decorating, and justifying). The class of the educated was represented by the so-called "ji" (long-lived), and the class of the uneducated, who die at twenty-five, by the so-called "kzhi" (short-lived). In this connection, let us draw the readers' attention to the Hollywood blockbuster Vremya, which premiered at the end of October 2011. The plot of this film also uses the concepts of "kji" and "ji".

Further, "aliens from Earth" saw that clashes and violence became the basis of the content of any work of local art. If they were not there, the inhabitants of Tormans showed no interest in the book, or the film, or the painting.

The social structure of this unfortunate planet was a pyramid. The higher it was, the sharper and smaller was its top, consisting of the "active" part of people, and the wider was its base. If once an individual was multifaceted and strong, then with the growth of the pyramid and the loss of interest in life, it became weaker and disabled. The hierarchy of power on Tormance was presented as a stepped heap of layers sharply expanding from top to bottom. It relied on a broad "foundation" - a billion kzhi, uneducated, incapacitated, and deserved the "happiness" of dying young. With this tendency, the civilization that emerged from technocratic capitalism had to collapse - and, ultimately, collapsed!

The "delights" of life on the planet described by I. A. Efremov, are very similar to the features of our current life; what we witness almost every day. And in the 40 years that have passed since the publication of The Hour of the Bull, these features have acquired ominous "Orwellian" features and in many ways have become the way they were planned by the "owners" of Dr. Richard Day.

A few more details are noteworthy. The Hour of the Bull was first published in 1968, and the lecture, which Dr. Lawrence Dunegan retold on tapes 1 and 2, took place in March 1969. After the second print run in 1970, Efremov's novel fell under an unspoken ban, which was removed only in 1988. Two audiocassettes about the New World System were also recorded in 1988, and soon (in 1989) Dr. Richard Day also died, speaking at a conference of pediatricians with a "lecture on the future." After Laurence Dunegan dictated the details of that "behind-the-scenes presentation" to a tape recorder, this material began to gradually disperse in the form of audio cassettes and then mp3 files. What is it: coincidences of the chrono-factological matrix, reflecting elements of an already embodied plan of social programming, or something else?

We also note that by his activities and works I. A. Efremov supported the spiritual foundations of Russian civilization, and R. Day supported the foundations of Western Biblical civilization. The value of this material, which illuminates some of the principles of the formation of the New World Order, lies in interesting details, details and explanations that have not been reflected in the monologues published in the two previous parts.

Cassette III

(Recording of an interview by Randy Engel with Dr. Lawrence Dunegan in 1991)

First side

Randy Engel (RE): Why don't we start our conversation with information about the person you are talking about on these tapes? Let's say briefly: personal data, a few words about his education and, most importantly, what relation he has to the department for demographic control. I think that's where he got most of this information.

Dr. Lawrence Dunegan (LD): Yes. Dr. Day was the head of the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Pittsburgh from somewhere between 1959 and 1964, but then he retired to become the Chief Physician of the American Planned Parenthood Federation (AFPF).

RE: And when was that …? From about 1965 to 1968?

LD: Yes, from about 1964-65 to 1968-69, and then he [suddenly] left there; I don't know exactly why. We were not closely acquainted with him. [Although] they were not just familiar … I was his student, and he saw me in his lectures, [and] knew my name and probably ruled my exam scores and the like. Of course, I knew him as a lecturer - he spoke to [our educational] auditorium, and I listened and recorded his lectures on diseases …

RE: Interestingly, his name is not as well known to our listeners as, say, Mary Caldaron and Alan Gutmacher. They were at one time [also] the chief physicians of the AFPS, but Dr. Day was not [particularly] famous. In fact, when I turned to [researching] the archives of the American Consulate of Sexuality Education (SIECUS), I found that there were very few documents with his real name. So he was not the most famous among the chief physicians [of this organization], but I would say that he understood what was happening - perhaps even better than anyone in this post before or after him. Could you describe the situation [prevailing] during that lecture, indicate its approximate date, what was it about, and then say a few words about the audience?

LD: It was … The Pittsburgh Society of Pediatricians has about four meetings each year, usually with someone giving a presentation on pediatric medical topics, and that meeting took place in the spring. [Events like this] are always held in late February - early March. That [lecture] took place in March 1969 and was given at a well-known Pittsburgh restaurant called LeMont. A nice place! There were about 80 people present. Mostly doctors, if not only doctors. Mostly pediatricians, especially pediatric surgeons and radiologists, and other professionals who have participated in the Child Care Program, including those who were not [directly] a pediatrician.

RE: And, I believe, his lecture took place [already] after the meal?

LD: Yes, the meal was wonderful. Then everyone sat down, relaxed, calmed down. [There was] a kind of ideal atmosphere for the perception of what was about to happen.

RE: But judging by the tape, Dr. Day was not only saying outrageous things, but also things that would seem to make [any] pediatrician jump out of the seat. For example, when he mentioned cancer treatments. The audience likely included doctors who treated or at least knew children who needed drugs to treat a certain type of cancer. And to hear that some of the prescriptions or remedies for the treatment of cancer lie at Rockefeller University [1] … And yet, if I understood correctly, everyone was just sitting … and not really saying something. That is, he talked about the falsification of scientific data, and everyone just yawned and … How long did this performance last?

LD: Two hours. He talked for more than two hours, which was longer than usual, and one of the interesting details … He had not finished yet, but it was already [quite] late, and he said: “We can continue talking and talking about this, but this way we night. So it's time to stop."

I think it was an important hint that there was a lot more that we didn't even know about. I don’t remember whether I mentioned this in the introduction to the 1st tape or not, but somewhere at the beginning [of the lecture] he said: "You will forget most or much of what I am going to tell you today."

And then I thought, well, yes, of course, that's the way it is. We tend to forget. You know how it happens: someone talks about something for hours, and you [then] don't remember most of it. But there is also such a thing as the power of suggestion. Of course, I cannot say for sure, but I think: was it not a suggestion when we, having a dense and tasty meal, sat relaxed and listened to [him]. We "swallowed" his installation and forgot about it. After all, I know a number of my colleagues who were present at that meeting, and when I asked them a few years later: “Do you remember when and what exactly Dr. Day told about certain things?” They answered: “Well, yes, it seems … Did he say that? Yes, I remember something like that."

I was surprised that the majority did not react to this information in any way, take, for example, drugs for the treatment of cancer. But he named a whole series of other things …

RE: Like doctors “make” a lot of money?

LD: Yes, about changing the doctor's image. You will simply become a highly paid technician, not a professional who is guided by independent judgment for the benefit of your independent patient. A number of things, it seemed to me, should have elicited a [violent] response from doctors - outrage or some kind of response - simply because they are doctors. I was amazed at how scanty their reaction was. There were other [statements] to which, it seemed, those present should have responded simply because they were human. In my opinion, the majority of those present at the meeting were, to one degree or another, adherents of Judeo-Christian morality and canons of conduct. And [the professor] violated [these canons] all the time. One friend of mine, as I expected, should have been as excited about what he heard,but he was just [kind of weird] smiling … it didn't bother him in the least. Even then I thought: “Well, well! Amazing!"

RE: Was this partly related to his position? I mean, he was …

LD: An authoritative person? Yes, I think maybe to some extent because of that. After all, this is a major specialist, a boss … This should be treated with reverence.

RE: And he couldn't seriously talk about it, and he couldn't … I mean, he's so “cool”.

LD: I've heard it often: “He's so cool. It cannot be that he actually meant something like that …”I can only speculate on this topic. But I do believe that [in that audience] there was an element of disbelief about [what was being discussed]. They thought: ah-ah, this is someone's fabulous plan, and it will never come true, because it is too delusional. Now, of course, we know that in reality it is taking place step by step before our eyes.

RE: Before getting into specifics, I would like to note that these recordings [provide] considerable advantages. One of them is that, having a good idea of what exactly the opposing side has planned and the methods that it uses, we can turn around and begin to counteract all these manipulations, etc. And, in my opinion, the speaker again and again repeated 4-5 main "leitmotifs". One of them, I believe, is very important: “People are unable to distinguish between imaginary and real reasons. In other words, if you want someone to do something, and you know that initially they will be stubborn, because it goes against their moral or religious beliefs, then you need to replace the goal with one that will be acceptable to them. … And after they accept it and face a fait accompli, there will be no turning back.

LD: Right! It was in this sense that he said: "People don't ask the right questions." [They are] too gullible. And it was addressed, as far as I remember, primarily to the Americans. It seemed to me that he thought Europeans were more skeptical and sophisticated, and that Americans were overly gullible and did not ask the right questions.

RE: With that flaw… actually a lack of discernment, I guess that's what he meant. That [the Americans] are easily deceived, and that they are too gullible. [Here] it flashed through me: for example, how quickly the so-called “AIDS education program” was introduced in schools. It really amazed me. After all, if a [certain] group publicly announces that it is going to introduce the idea of sodomy or sexual relations among children at an increasingly early age, and even somehow manages to substantiate it, then I suppose most parents will not agree to it. It means that some other reason must be invented, and the appropriate reason for the so-called "AIDS education", of course, was "protecting children" from this disease. But, as it turns out, in fact, it was a "big find" for the homosexual network, because through various resources,of the "Project 10" type, they now have access to our children from a very young age.

Programs like this start at K-12 [2] and I think they are in college and beyond, so they cover a huge portion of [youth]. Regarding children, I can conclude that the lecturer … He kept emphasizing: "Older people will become" obsolete "." So, I think the "regulators" of this New World Order put their main stake on the youth.

LD: That's right! Yes, the bet is on the youth! This was stated directly. Having reached a certain age, people … are "defined" and cannot be changed. They already have a [system] of values to which they adhere. And if you take young people, then, while people are young, they are easily influenced. And you shape them in the direction you want them. So everything is correct. They target the young and reason like this: “You are backward conservatives and you see the world differently. [But] you will [little by little] die out, and in time we will get rid of you. And we will "mold" the youth in the image that we need."

And now I want to complement the topic of homosexuality. In my opinion, this is not on the original recording, but [voiced] was the following. First: "We will promote homosexuality." And secondly: “We admit that this is a strange and abnormal [type] of behavior. But it [will be] another element of the "law of the jungle." And if people [are] stupid enough and accept it, then they are not worthy to live on this planet, and they [also] will become "out of date."

I do not presume that these are literal quotes, but they are close [in essence] … There was a mention of diseases that are created [artificially]. And when I remember one statement and then another, I believe that AIDS is a disease that was created in the laboratory. And I think that it just serves to get rid of people who are stupid enough to agree to a homosexuality program. "Let them destroy themselves."

Now it is already difficult for me to understand which of that I remember with great confidence is indeed memories, and which is just a guess. But, putting everything together, I got the following [principle] … “If you are so stupid that you allow yourself to be convinced by our propaganda of homosexuality, then you [here] have no place, and sooner or later you will die out. We'll get rid of you. Those who, among other things, will be smart enough and will not "fall" to our propaganda will survive”. Do you understand the meaning?

RE: Well, of course they understand it. I also believe that this early "sexual initiation" has a common goal, and we will talk about it in more detail. But as for the "sexualization" of the population … When he said that, in general, "all means are good" … In my opinion, this is exactly what we are seeing today. The point is not so much whether someone will accept homosexuality or not, but the fact that as a result of this propaganda, he will definitely be much more tolerant of this type of behavior.

So, even those who do not accept it themselves will experience desensitization (desensitization).

LD: Under the weight of such propaganda, you would not dare to speak out against homosexuality. Otherwise, you will be “branded” as a homophobe. You don’t dare to speak out against the "female" programs, otherwise you will be called a chauvinist male pig. It's like anti-Semitism: if a label gains enough cultural popularity points, people are shocked by it. It's easier to do it quietly.

RE: Another topic was “change”. And I want to move on to changes in relation to religion and family. When I listened to the tape, I remember I went to a church service (Mass), and there dancing girls came out from behind the altar that day. And when I sat and tried to listen to the cassette, I thought that for a Catholic it was … Speaking of the impressive changes, the most difficult and difficult was to contemplate our "traditional mass", what the Catholics practiced and believed in for so many years, and … Around the same time that lecture was given, things began to turn upside down. So much so that, in my opinion, many still feel it today, entering a church in which the spirit of the New Order (Novus Ordo) is already present. They are practically in a state of constant anxiety, as they do not know what they will face next.

You [still] look at the psalm book. But everything has already changed radically; you see not fellows [by faith], but simply people; or you see how something strange happens at the altar, which is now called [in another way] - "the throne". [3]

LD: The categories of God as something eternal and the teachings of Christ as something eternal, and therefore the teachings of the church as something eternal are in the power of God, and change is made according to His will. And these people, as I understand it, say: “No! We will take the place of God; we will define what will change and what will not. And if we say today that homosexuality or something like that is a moral norm, [it means that it is so]. Yesterday [not yet], but today it is already. We said so, and therefore [today] it is a moral norm. And tomorrow we can change [everything]. Tomorrow we can make it immoral again. " And to determine what exactly the “crowd”, an ordinary person should believe in, is the usurpation of the role of God.

That is, the idea is that when everyone gets used to [constant] change, most people [no longer] will ask questions like, "And who decided what exactly and how exactly should change?" Most will simply agree with this - like, for example, [it was] with the length of ladies' skirts, [some directions] of shoe fashion and the like. So this is REALLY usurpation of God's Government, and if you read the Humanist Manifesto, somewhere in the introductory part it says, "Human intelligence is the greatest good." And for any person, what is called the greatest good is his god. Therefore, for these people, their god is their greatest good - human intelligence. And where does the human intellect "live"? In the brain of one or more people. So these people - I don't thinkthat they will be so sincere as to say it - but, knowingly or not knowingly, they say, “I am God. WE are gods as we decide what will be the moral norm tomorrow and what will be next year. WE decide [what should be happening] changes."

RE: That's right. You have just spoken briefly about human potential, the New Age and all the new esoteric movements. But in terms of change, [Professor Day] seems to have acknowledged that there are a couple of “building blocks” that have traditionally blocked [the implementation of] change and thus made people immune to constant manipulation.

And, of course, one of these "units" is the family, including grandmothers, grandfathers, our nationality and the like. Perhaps, I was impressed by everything he mentioned - the economy, music … - everything that affects the decrease in the [importance] of the family and the strengthening of the power of the state.

This was the constant theme [of his presentation]. Accordingly, when evaluating [such] things, I think we should ask this question: "What impact does this have on family life and the family itself?" And I think that if every congressman or senator asked that question, there might not be such a fuss on Capitol Hill. Because practically everything that comes from the "top" is aimed [on the one hand] at renouncing and harming family life, and on the other, at strengthening and expanding the power of government.

LD: It has an “official” purpose, and a true purpose.

RE: Yes, and the fact that you, the so-called “helping professional” are talking about this, is very interesting. Another aspect [of the lecture] was this whole religious factor, and the professor talked mainly about religion without dogmas; about a religion in which there will be a little of all traditional beliefs so that no one will feel any particular discomfort. And he said (clearly downwardly) that some need it, and if so, then we will "make" what they need. But, of course, this will not become a declaration of moral absolutes or natural laws. This means that the main goal of this group of "regulators" was and remains the Roman Catholic Church, and he specifically mentioned it.

LD: Religion is important because it is eternal, and we …, those who are led by the Church, will not be tempted by "laws of change." But if we "create" our own religion, if we define what religion is, then we can change it in a way that suits us. Now, [about] the Roman Catholic Church … As a Catholic, [I confess] I was a little flattered to hear that the Church is one of the obstacles. [Professor Day] said, “We have to change this. As soon as the Roman Catholic Church falls, the rest of Christianity will immediately follow."

RE: I will note that later in the lecture he said: “Some of you probably think that the church will not support this? [But] the church will help us!” He did not explain this in any way, and it was not clear what he meant, but he repeated: “The Church will help us!””And, unfortunately …

LD: He was right.

RE: Yes, he didn’t give any details, but it was one of those topics that "emerged" … He clearly thought that the choice of words was very important, since he mentioned this along with things like, say, The Bible. Similarly, we find in the psychiatrist Miralu: "If you want to control people, first of all, take control of their language." Words are weapons. The speaker, apparently, was well aware of this, and I believe that the “regulators” in general know about this just as well. Still, this is part of their "campaign".

And a short remark that “the words will be changed” … When I heard this, I thought: “In the context of the Mass, instead of the word“altar”[now] they say“throne”; instead of "sacrifice" - "meal" ". And people say, "It doesn't matter." But you, of course, know that this is VERY important, otherwise, why did they undertake to change the meanings [of these words]? In other words, if it doesn't matter, then why bother with all this mess? Obviously, this is important [for the regulators], because they know that by CHANGING THE WORDS, THEY CHANGE THE IDEA.

LD: They put a lot of effort and time into [important] changes, and they don't put in the effort for things that are NOT important; so yes, you are absolutely right. The priest no longer has that role … in some cases he no longer plays the role that he had before. After all, words have a [definite] meaning. There is a dictionary definition of words, but I suppose everyone also knows that certain words carry a meaning that [sometimes] is not easy to express in words … But at the same time, they carry a meaning.

So, language control … you [after all] THINK in your language. You think to yourself in English or Spanish, your native language, but when you meditate and have an inner monologue, you do it with words, just like when you talk to other people. And if someone is able to control the language in which a person “speaks to himself” or speaks with other people, then this is a much more advanced control of what a person is ABLE to think about when he IS ABLE to think. And it has both inclusive and excluding components. This sets the character and tone …

RE: Take the word "gay" for example. I have old recordings of Franz Lehár, where he talks about [the operetta] "Merry Hussars", [4] well, you know …, about merry soldiers … But today you can hardly use the same word in the same sense. As you know, the fact that the words "homosexual" and "sodomite" were replaced by the term "gay" is the personification of a whole ideology, not just one word. And when you use it [in your speech], you say by default: "Yes, I agree with your interpretation [meaning] of this word."

LD: They probably had a whole committee working there for months, choosing the word they would use for this. Firstly, the word "gay" carries a connotation, but it is wrong. Most homosexuals are not at all "cheerful" [in the original sense of the word]. As a rule, these are very unhappy people. And, despite all the propaganda that they can and should calmly do what they are doing, most of them, deep down, do not …

RE: I guess they'll come up with terms like "sadophobia" for those who have a complex about sadomasochists, and "pedophobia" for those who have a dislike for pedophiles. You just have to wait [for something like that]. I think this can be expected to the extent that we allow … allow the other side to gain access to our brain.

LD: And to impose on us the concept of truth that we use. Sex education is NOT education. This is the development of a conditioned reflex. And we should never use the term sex education. This is the wrong term. If they control vocabulary, then they can control both the [algorithms] of our thinking and the way we express ideas. But [the terms] "conditioned sexual reflex development" and "sexual initiation" are much more accurate, and we should insist on them. We shouldn't use the words "homophobia" and "gay". Homosexuals are homosexuals, they are not cheerful gay.

RE: Exactly! Actually, we probably have to do some "homework" on … all the popular movements in the United States. Probably the Defense for Life movement is the most “sensitive” to words.

By the way, about media events and “access to the brain”. I remember the first speech [President] Bush [-St.], In which he spoke about the New World Order … I remember I even jumped out of my chair. This term … Here he is, the President [of the country], speaking the words "New World Order" as if it is something that everyone knows about. And someone from the far end of the room said, “I heard that. What did he say?”And I answered:“He said 'New World Order'. And everyone started asking: “What is this? What's so special about that?"

So I think one of the weapons we have in the fight against these "regulators" is to prevent them from accessing our consciousness. And then we will have a chance to avoid manipulation - if not completely, then at least partially. If you remember, in one of the books on Chinese prisoners of war, it was noted that some of the survivors, in order to avoid brainwashing, tore off their ear drums. And, as a result, since they could not hear anything, the enemy could not reach their consciousness, and they were able to survive in conditions in which others could not.

[Also] there are a number of things in our pop culture. First of all, television and radio are probably permanent means [of influence] through which the opposing party gains access to our consciousness and the consciousness of our children. So I believe that the logical and intuitive conclusion is that if you do not want the enemy to have [such] access, you must cut off all access lines … If we are talking about residential buildings, then either simply dismantle [these lines] or somehow control [it] by other means …

LD: [Need to] take television networks for their own slogans. They say, "If you don't like our programs, turn them off." This is what we should do. We have to say, “Yes. You're right,”- and off. And let advertisers spend their money on “empty audiences”.

As a pediatrician, I am always interested in how children behave and how they resemble adults. And whether it's about international politics, where one country goes to war against another, or the [behavior] of children on the playground, there are [always] certain similarities. It's just that the kids on the playgrounds do it on a smaller scale. You mentioned the [possibilities of] cutting off access to [our] consciousness. Let's say someone says, "I don't want to hear this." And I remember how I heard the children on the playground … One starts to tease: “Be-be-be!” - and the rest pick up … And what is the child doing? He covers his ears with his hands, as if saying: I will not listen to [you]. And the one who is trying to "torture" him will try [by force] to remove his hands from his ears so that he can hear everything for sure. And here - the same thing …

RE: Words. Words penetrate [us]. And the child knows about it. Words have meaning. And the words hurt him.

LD: Goebbels knew about it. Lenin knew about this. CBS knows about it. An interesting matter: the principle is the same everywhere. It just gets more complicated over the years. Becomes more sophisticated. But watch the kids in the playground and you will learn a lot about the adults.

RE: Yes, one cannot but agree with that. This Dr. Day was closely involved with population control issues and, of course, advocated abortion. But when he started talking about the elderly and euthanasia, I remembered one of the books on demographic control, which said that birth control without death control was meaningless.

And one of the advantages in the sense … if anyone is a proponent of killing the elderly … then actually one of the appropriate means is abortion. For the simple reason that abortion leads to an excessive "truncation" of the population at the point of origin, that is, at the point of birth. And the inevitable consequence of this will be that you will have an “outweighing” and rapidly aging population (which we are seeing in the United States today).

So, if you are going to kill young people, especially at a pace to which we seem to have become accustomed, then, inevitably, you will inevitably face the question: what to do with all these aging people? Since few children are born, one cannot [be] expected to bear the unthinkable burden [of maintaining] everyone else. As a result, you “cut off at one end,” and, accordingly, this will inevitably [lead to] what the professor said: “Those few young people who will be allowed to be born will feel [on themselves] this inevitable burden and become more indifferent and insensitive [to what is happening]”.

This will "prepare" them [to accept] the idea of having their grandparents have this little party, after which they will be pushed where they will be pushed. And will it be a "pill of mercy" or sending to a concentration camp [- it doesn't matter].

LD: A while ago there was a movie called Soylent Green [5]. Remember? I didn’t see it in its entirety, but [remember that there] Edward G. Robinson was happy to lie and listen to Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony before taking his “pill of mercy”.

RE: I remember, I remember. He [still] then expressed the consideration that the food [green soylent] that people ate was from human flesh. But, as [the professor] put it, if it is done humanely and with dignity … [Same thing] how to hand over your horse [for meat].

LD: This is a bit like [the situation] with pornography. Years ago, when children were exposed to pornography, these are low-quality photos made on cheap paper. Then Playboy magazine came along with glossy pages and really high quality photographs, and pornography was no longer cheap. She became respectable. We [once] went to a movie at the Pittsburgh Theater. I took my son with me. [I remember] it was the "Manchurian candidate" [6]. There was a title in the commercials and excerpts for this film (I don't remember [which movie]), but the preview itself was done in Technicolor standard, with a background of classical music. But it was a pornographic movie. And I said to [myself], "If [the film plays] a guitar, then this is pornography, and if classical music, then [porn] turns into art." But that was porn.

So this is an example of what you were talking about. The main thing is to do it with "dignity." If you kill someone with dignity, then it's okay. If pornography is accompanied by classical music, then this is art. Here's what I wanted to highlight.

RE: Let's go back to the topic of the family again. Currently, as far as I know, a terrible number of people have lost their jobs, and he (Dr. Day) had a lot to say, for example, about heavy industry. I was shocked that this man … I was not surprised that he was aware of the issues of demography and abortion on the one hand, and on the other hand - euthanasia.

But I was AMAZED that he talked about religion, law, education, sports, entertainment, food … Where does one person get so much information at the entrance? Well, someone would say, "Nothing burned out." But listening to these memories twenty years later, we know … that, perhaps, minus some little things, EVERYTHING he said really happened, so much so that you can't imagine. WHERE could one person know [and talk about all this] in an authoritative and peremptory [tone]? That this will happen like this, and this will happen to fashion, and this will happen on television, and that there will be video recorders - even before I first heard the very word ["video recorder"].

LD: I think this is the point … Of course, one person can hear all this, but such plans are developed by not one person or a small group. It's like an industrial corporation, where there is a board of directors that has [specialists] in all kinds of activities. And they sit there, like at a corporate council, and argue: “If we do this with our product, or if we expand in this area, what are the consequences of the banking sector? How will this affect [segment] clothes? What will happen … what impact, what resonant effect will it have on everything else? " And I'm sure whoever made these plans has representatives from every imaginable area.

So they have representatives of the education system, garment designers, architects - [specialists] in all directions. I’m sure they are holding joint meetings, planning, and each contributing, just like in military operations. What will the Navy do? Will they shell the coastline? What will the Air Force do? Will they provide air cover? What will the infantry do? [And] here is the same. When they plan, they don't miss anything.

With experts in every field, and they think, "Well, if we do one, the other, the third … John, how will all this affect your operation?" And John, in this case, will have the opportunity to show a reaction: "I think this will happen." So it definitely covers a wide range of people. And so that one person was able to give all this out in the two hours that he spoke in front of us, truly testifies that he was initiated into a lot.

RE: Quite right. At least he should have attended one [or more] of these meetings. Not at the highest level, I suppose, [given] his position, but sufficient, because everyone involved in the demographic control [program] is associated with foundations … Powerful foundations, powerful organizations …

LD: And I'm sure there were a lot of things in the plans that he hadn't even heard of. He was not a 4-star general in full dress. It is unlikely that he was aware of "the whole story."

RE: Well, it's a pity that he didn't stretch the lecture for six hours instead of two. Then we might have had much more information. While listening to the cassette, I noticed another interesting aspect. I [mean] the aspect of private life … He mentioned that in parallel with private houses, strangers, not family members, will live in our apartments.

As I understand it, this is already gaining popularity in California. Maybe California and New York as coastal states … How did he say …? Yes … [Take control] PORT cities through which everything flows, in order to eventually "get through" to the central part of America. But it's about privacy. When, for example, he talked about the sphere of sexuality, he made a number of interesting remarks. And one of them for me was like a butt blow on the head: "We must be open about sex!" As if there was no fear and embarrassment to open up in public. Now, if you look at these so-called "sexual initiation" programs in schools where children are forced to talk in writing or orally about all aspects of the sexual sphere …

[End of the first side; the recording suddenly ends; continued on the second side of the cassette]

Translated from English: Alexey D and Sister Mercy


"Consume, consume, consume …"

[1] At that time it was called the Institute.

[2] This term collectively denotes the so-called primary and secondary education in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand (starting from kindergarten: from 4 to 6 years old, and ending in 12th grade: from 16 to 19 years old).

[3] literally: "table"

[4] - the original meaning of the word "gay" is "cheerful, cheerful, carefree." The operetta "The Gay Hussars" dates from 1909.

[5] A remake of this film is due out in 2012. The film will be produced by David Goyer, according to whom the events of the original film (1973) will serve as a prologue to the events of the remake.

[6] In 2004, a more modern version of this picture was released with Denzel Washington in the title role.

Second side

Dr. Lawrence Dunegan (LD): “… our right to study even your sex life. It will be easy with your money. We will have all this on the computer. We will know [even] more about them than you yourself. But we need to form a [new] generation - one in which [even] the most intimate actions between two people would become public, or could become public. " Accordingly, it will become more difficult to have any personal thoughts, and you [simply] cannot “butt” with the system if everything that you think about and what you do [becomes] the property of others. At the same time, the "planners" themselves will not "spread" about their personal lives. For them, privacy will remain. [These] plans are for everyone but them.

Randy Engel (RE): Yes. By analogy with how they themselves listen to concerts [classics] and opera, and upload hard rock to the media. This was also a charming moment. For example (I know that this has already come true, since I communicate a lot with young people), young people have their own radio stations with their own music, and adults have their own, and they will never get along. [1] And if this happens, then, as a rule, a conflict arises. And I think the same is true for most classic movies. I remember when I was growing up and my dad turned on the radio, the music, in my opinion, was kind of general. I didn't say, "Dad, I don't like this music, switch to another station." And now there is a [purposefully] formed gap between generations, which is detrimental to the family.

LD: And that creates conflict within the family, which is one of the collateral “benefits” for [the “regulators”]. [After all] if you constantly quarrel with your children and you do not like the music they listen to, then they, [in turn], constantly argue with you because they do not like what you listen to … And this has a detrimental effect on the bonds of love that you would like to cultivate in your family.

RE: It turns out that all sorts of resistance to these "regulators" of population size could probably be based on the self-strengthening of the family in several ways. One of them is that children must certainly know about their grandparents, about where they come from … Get [and look at] family albums, so that, firstly, children must know that they have "roots" … And, secondly, they knew that their family was stable: one father, one mother, children, grandfathers [with grandmothers]. And those of us who [have] must [hold on tightly] to them.

Toward the end of the recording, it was mentioned how [exactly] this New World Order will be presented to the population, which they believe will “get used to” it … By that time, everything will start to “take shape”. How was it [said]? That we just wake up one morning and all the changes will already take place? What did he say about this?

LD: It was presented in an extremely simplistic way, and this is what I remember - with some caveats … That in winter - and it is important that in winter - on the weekend, for example, on Friday [evening], an announcement will be made, everything is ready or almost ready … That the System [of the world order] is now the New World Order, and that we all must [swear allegiance] to it.

And the reason [it should be] winter - as has been stated - is that people are less inclined to travel during the winter, especially if they live in areas where [and so] there is snow and ice. In the summer it is easier to pack up and [somewhere] to leave. And at the end of the working week, the choice fell due to the fact that those who have questions about what is happening simply will not have anyone to ask their questions, file a [written] protest and express their 'no', [because] on Saturdays and Sundays. all closed".

And it is precisely this period of the weekend that will allow us to have a desensitizing [effect]. And by Monday, when people [finally] have the opportunity to express some of their objections to this, or even oppose … it will be 48 hours [intended] for [them] to "digest what happened" and get used to this.

RE: What about those who don't want to agree?

LD: How it was there … Since it will be "New Power", and it will represent some changes, it is assumed that there will be a call to publicly swear allegiance to it. That is, through the signing of an agreement or through some other form of public recognition, an expression of loyalty to this new government will be produced. Recognition of its legitimacy. I made two impressions. If you don’t… I’m not sure if the two impressions are necessarily mutually exclusive, since no details were given… [But] one of the [impressions] was that you have no choice.

If you do not subscribe [to this], then no electrical impulses will be sent to your bank account; there will be no impulses through which electricity or your mortgage or food will be paid; and when the electrical impulses disappear, you will not have a livelihood.

RE: [A] will it be possible to get all this from others or will it be …? In other words, if you have, say, a sympathetic family …?

LD: No, it will not work, because the housing authorities will closely monitor who lives in this or that place of permanent residence. And they will make sure that everyone living there has permission.

RE: Can I get food?

LD: Through the electronic tracking system, your expenses will be monitored very carefully, and if you [will] spend too much money in the supermarket, they will pay attention to it and ask: “How is this? What are you doing with all these products? You do not look particularly fat, your family is not large. You do not arrange receptions. [So] what are you doing with all this food? " And such things will serve as a signal …

RE: [Suppose] I have seven opponents of the New World Order in my basement [hiding], and I supply them with food, but then they ask me to go …

LD: They don't belong there, and you have no right to feed them; and since you [treat] them with sympathy, then, probably, your loyalty is also not trustworthy.

RE: Yes … I see … I think the Chinese have a lot of experience on this topic. For example, when they wanted to enforce the policy of "One family - one child" … they deprived the second child [in the family] of any educational opportunities. Food rations were cut so much that there was simply not enough food, and if anyone managed to [somehow] "get around" this, then they introduced [the practice of] mandatory abortions and forced insertion of IUDs (intrauterine devices).

Somewhere on the cassette there was such a moment: "At the same time, people can keep in mind and act on the basis of two conflicting ideas, provided that these ideas are sufficiently distant from each other." And it immediately came to my mind: we have such organizations as "Family Planning", "Freedom of Choice", but they are supporters of demographic control programs, which, of course, is not any freedom of choice. But when someone starts to remember them and say: "Wait a minute, you are the organization" Freedom of that - freedom of this ", and you yourself support forced Chinese programs!" …

I remember the late Alan Gutmacher, one of the head physicians [of the Family Planning Program], said: “Well, since people limit the size of their families and do what we tell them, that's great. But if we need enforced population control, we will get it."

[Now let's dwell on] what will happen to people who disagree [with this], and especially on the thesis "There will be no martyrs." It was an important [moment], because I remember from films about the Third Reich that people often came for people at night and were taken [directly] from their homes, but their neighbors never asked, "Where did they go?" Yes, they knew where!

LD: Solzhenitsyn mentions this in The Gulag Archipelago.

RE: I think this is very similar to what we may see [in the future]. People will just disappear, and you [even] won't ask about them, so as not to endanger yourself or your family. But you will know where they went. And if you start asking questions, you will attract attention to yourself, and then you can follow them yourself. So do not meddle in your own business and step over the starving man lying on the street who did not agree [with the new order].

LD: He didn't specify exactly how this would happen, but it's not so hard to imagine. Yes, in the past, both Nazis and Communists came in the middle of the night; and people just disappeared. One of the simplest ways [to get the same effect] is if you are cut off from economic support and you have nowhere to live and nothing to eat … After all, we still see many homeless people [around].

Just this morning I had a man in my office who told me that he and his child saw people living in boxes in downtown Pittsburgh. When the New World Order comes, and you live in some kind of box, [a law will be issued] against those who litter and litter the territory - and a police van will drive around [the city] and take them.

If, in the process of growing up and forming, your psyche is “tuned in” to [the attitude] that “the value of a person lies in his efficiency and productivity; that it is necessary to have a prestigious position or, at least, to do something useful - to contribute ", and then a police van drives up and picks up some guy who lives in a box who" does not make any contribution ", then who cares will this be the case? This is [just] a humanoid creature, an embryo, a zygote, a renegade. And embryos, zygotes, and renegades are all one thing: animals. What do they do with them? They get rid of them. And nobody will worry about it.

RE: I recall that when the Chinese communists came to power, among the first things they [started] teaching in schools were not ideas about a particular political ideology, but about evolution and that man is just an animal. And since a person is just an animal, then people can be driven into a herd and assigned to them caretakers who watch and look after [them]. We are one big ant colony, and we have someone who "regulates the traffic" and …

Speaking of road traffic. We talked about the elderly [people] - and once again - it's amazing how many times you are amazed listening to these tapes! I [did] just return from [the state of] New Jersey, which has many retired villages, and I lived there for several years. [So there] around one nursing home there is one "structure" that could not be completed for at least two or three years. And recently it was completed. This is something like a roadway, but everything is so confusing there that it is easier to leave this complex through the recreation park! Meanwhile, elderly people travel on this site.

And we, a couple of Balzac age - even if you kill us - could not figure out how to get out of there and how to be; and I asked [the way] one of the [local] residents … "Don't you get enough that this road hasn't been completed for years, and now you can't just cross the street, which would be [the most] logical?" You have to go down, and there is an exit, and you have to go to the other side, then down, and all this takes so much time. And this woman answered me: "You know, we just [don't go anywhere], at all."

That is, here is a village for the elderly, in which only one exit was created for the residents of several hundred houses on this site, which is very difficult to use, and the locals say that once again they do not even go shopping!

LD: And I immediately have a question … If it is difficult to get out of there, then, probably, getting there is just as difficult for visitors.

RE: These nursing homes are a bit like elephant graveyards. The main thing that you pay attention to is that there are no children there. No child's laughter is heard in these houses.

LD: From my own experience, I know that when the inhabitants of these nursing homes see a child, they just bloom. They are just happy when they see a child. Of course, they are happy when their sons, daughters and other adults come, but when they see a child - and not necessarily a loved one - it has a very beneficial effect on their mood. And the flip side of the coin is that since old people don't see children, then children don't see them either. And if you do not have the habit of meeting [your] old people, then they [for you] do not exist.

RE: And that is why, in a family, children should certainly see their grandparents often, regardless of what and how much it “costs”, in terms of problems with organizing, moving, etc. It is definitely worth it, because if you do not see someone [from your family] at all and do not learn to love them, and do not maintain any connections with them at all, then one day someone will say: “So, it's time for your grandfather "free the room". And he will hear in response: "Who is this?"

Who will defend and go into battle for those whom they have never seen before? Here, I remembered one phrase. There are so many of them - once you hear them - and they get stuck in your memory. They are so hard to hear.

We have already discussed “sex without procreation,” and you also said that there will be technology for “procreation without sex,” and this is another big [topic] - and also controversial. If a country is overpopulated, then you probably want to reduce the sexual activity [of people], get rid of pornography and everything that stimulates [sexual activity]? But no. The opposite is true. Increase your sexual activity, but so that it does not lead to the birth of children. That was the idea, right?

LD: Yes, and this is how I would develop it. He did not say this, but it leads to slavery, because if you are made a slave to your own pleasures, be it sex, food or something else, then you are easier to control; and this is one of the reasons why the vow of celibacy is so important for clergy. But many priests do not even understand this. And if you are addicted to sex, like a drug addict … If sex is separated from childbirth, it becomes just a way to get pleasure. I will not try to draw parallels with food, because you cannot do without food - but then it becomes easier for [people] to manage, making sex available [to them] or depriving it. So it can become an element of enslavement.

And about childbirth without sex … What you get [as a result of this] will have all the required attributes of a human being without any claim to human rights. After all, now we call someone a human because he has a father and mother, a family, and therefore he is a person with human rights. But if your father was a Petri dish and your mother was a test tube, how can you claim human rights? You will owe your existence to the laboratory, and it will not transfer any human rights to you.

And [it turns out] that there is no God, which means that you cannot demand any human rights granted by God, which means that you are an ideal slave. You have all the attributes of a person, but no claim to rights.

RE: In Brave New World [2], the caste system (alphas, omegas, etc.) was [described]. The establishment of the system of different castes was facilitated by the fact that in the decantation rooms (maternity wards) those who were supposed to engage in black, slave labor … to work in mines … a little oxygen was supplied to the brain so that they "learn to love their slavery." And they were very happy because they didn't know any better.

They [there] did not have the necessary funds for anything, but the higher the caste [status] was, the more oxygen was supplied to the brain. So, in fact, [there was] a group of subhumans who adored their slavery. Probably, in [our] past, slaves did not really like their slavery, but in this case, a technology is described that will make people love their slavery. [At the same time, representatives of each] caste loved being who they were in this Brave New World. And to all of our listeners who haven't read it yet … [I assume you've read it?]

LD: Yes. You probably remember this motto [on the gates] of Nazi concentration camps … something in the spirit of "Work is peace and Work is happiness" [3]. I don’t remember if I was in Buchenwald or in Auschwitz. My memory is not strong for accurate quotes, but the main thing is the essence. And here [Aldous] Huxley, writes Brave New World, and says about the same thing even before Hitler came to power. So Huxley knew something.

RE: Oh yes! [After all, Huxley] hails from a family that seems to have (at least) contributed in some way to [the preparation of] the New World Order. A number of English writers … of that time and direction, outlined general ideas about what lies ahead. [For example], H. Wells …

I remember when I read "Brave New World" at school, I thought: "My God, what a fantasy!" And thirty years later I said, "It's scary." There seems to be some similarity between what [Huxley] wrote about and the lecture given by Dr. Day, because there is such a mixed feeling from Brave New World that what it describes is not good. “It would be better if a person does not lose his sense of humor, that private life remains inviolable, that the family remains a family, etc. But THIS is inevitable. All this will go away. What a pity … A little sentiment … but the New Order must come, and we must make room."

Exactly the same impression I got from what was told on the tapes [with quotations] by Dr. Day. Something about which he was not happy, but “[these things], one way or another, will still happen, so, [they say], look at it easier. The sooner you accept them, the easier it will be for you later when the [New Order] comes. And I make this task easier for you and tell you in advance what awaits us so that you can adapt."

LD: Somewhere in the [Holy] Scripture … in my opinion, after the Flood, God spoke: “[I will put My Law in their innards] and I will write it on their hearts” [Jer. 31:33], and I agree with the parallel that you draw between Dr. Day's reaction to what he had to face, and his own, who does not quite accept it. Huxley doesn't seem to fully accept what he's writing about, but [both he and Day] are saying, “Well, it's all inevitable to some extent, so let's try to talk about the good things about it. This will be beneficial: technologies will improve, the quality of life will improve … [true], you will live a few years less "…

But still, it seems that both of them act as messengers, not completely agreeing with the whole content [of these "messages"].

RE: And perhaps wanting people to ask more questions? If you look at history, there were many individuals who had some idea of what the New World Order should be like. Hitler and Stalin definitely had them, but in those days [they] clearly lacked the technology with which to implement [countless] such [elements] as surveillance, constant surveillance … But in this so-called “New World Order “It will become very difficult to avoid this, because technologies, which so many years ago were so lacking in totalitarian individuals, [now] will provide such an opportunity.

LD: I don't remember if I mentioned on the record the phrase that the professor said: "This time we will do everything right!"

RE: No, they didn't.

LD: There were so many details [that you can't] remember. But when he talked about the introduction of the New World Order, he said: "This time we will do everything right!" And I immediately asked myself: “What do you mean“this time”? Has this happened before”? No details on this topic were followed, but I think it is not difficult to assume that previous attempts were associated with the Third Reich … Your comment about technology is fundamentally due to the presence of computers and all means of data exchange controlled by electronic impulses.

No one will have any wealth. You will have nothing of value; only access to electronic impulses that you will not control.

RE: Cashless society?

LD: [Yes], non-cash society. Your reward for your work will be [nothing more than] electronic impulses in the computer, and all you can claim [as savings] are impulses. And those who run this system can - at their discretion - give [them to you] or take them away … Up until now, it was impossible to realize the statement from the Book of Revelation, which says: “and […] no one will be allowed to buy nor sell, except for the one who has this mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name "… [Rev. 13: 16-18]

“Want a trendy tattoo? Let's do it for free!"

People might say, "Trade a bushel [4] of tomatoes for a bushel of wheat." "If you take my kids to school, I'll give you six ears of corn." Barter exchange. It is possible not to get to such a primitive; for there was always gold, silver and other means of payment that were even better than barter. But with such a “cashless society”, it seems to me, for the first time in the history of mankind, the entire population [of the planet] can be controlled through economic [mechanisms], and someone will be able to say: “So I pressed the necessary buttons, and I know the value of your electronic loan; I know what you spend your electronic money on; and without my computer you cannot buy or sell [anything]."

Now you have half a dozen credit cards with you, but pretty soon everything will be reduced to one single credit card, and then … under the pretense that people are losing their credit cards, [will be asked] to get rid of them and insert an implant … [There], where it will be available for the scanner …, in the right hand or in the forehead.

RE: Speaking of the scanner. When we had "War on TV", that is, the War in the Persian Gulf … It was the first war when you could just sit around the clock as if to be there on the battlefield. And then some advances in technology were noted: that one could pinpoint the [location] of one little person. They spoke of it as a "point target" and used the term constantly. I can imagine how, with the help of various technologies, they will also be able to “detect” a couple of traitorous dissidents under the New World Order. The technology applied to the so-called "enemy" can be applied to the task of maintaining order.

LD: That's right. This infrared "thing" that … I'm actually an amateur in such matters, but [I know that] any heat source (for example, a deer, a person, a dissident) can be detected with an infrared scanner. And you can get something like the outer outline of what it is: a deer, a sheep or something else.

I first heard of [such scanners] during the Vietnam War, when our troops used them to detect the enemy. Since this "worked" about twenty years ago, now they have probably been improved even more. But with this kind of tracker, it becomes quite difficult to escape and say, “I’ll go to the mountains, become a hermit and escape this New World Order. I will hunt deer and eat berries and survive. I have a pretty strong wife, and she will also survive. We will do what the Indians did before Columbus came here, and we will all survive.” [A] The New World Order will say, "No, you won't survive because we will find you."

RE: Even in Brave New World, there was a group of people who continued to live like a family and women were breastfeeding and they were called savages. But we won't have any savages. We will be intelligent, slender and with straight teeth.

LD: Something else was mentioned: forests can be - and if necessary will be - cut down or burned. This originates with the idea of … the Goddess Mother Earth, and that “we have to protect the environment … But if we want to catch those who try to escape, we will burn the entire forest. We will find them. This was announced. The destruction of forests can and will be carried out so that no one escapes the control of the system.

RE: We're getting close to completion. What did you feel after … After all, about 22 years have passed since that lecture; and probably not a day has passed - at least since I heard this tape - that I don’t think about what Dr. Day said [then].

LD: [It] reminds of itself all the time. Not a day goes by that the mind does not pop up: "This reminds me of this and that" - be it surveillance or security …

RE:… or clothes. One of these days I opened a catalog with toys and noticed that there were absolutely no baby dolls in it … which, of course, brought me back to [thesis] that we do not need little girls to think about baby children. [In the catalog] there was only one doll, and it was also an "adult" one. And nothing that would help [develop] someone's maternal instincts. So, doctor, your prognosis.

LD: I believe that [the corresponding] technology already exists, and given [given] technological progress, I think this is inevitable. If a person is left unattended, he will be able to establish total control over other people. A man left to himself … In such groups, the tendency [is] that an internal split will grow, and the “leaders” will grab each other's throats, and everyone will [repeat]: “No, I have more power! I should get more than you!"

RE: Who will control the “regulators”?

LD: Yes, yes. They will make themselves hara-kiri. [5] So it seems to me. In the process of creating this system, they [sow] the seeds of their own destruction. But another question that interests me is whether it’s time for our Lord to return and declare: “It's time for you and the honor to know that you are going to destroy my planet Earth. I am in charge of the planet. I am responsible for humanity. Humanity will be destroyed if I [so] say. I will not allow my creatures to usurp and take advantage of levels of government in which everything [existence] will be destroyed.

RE: While you were talking, I just thought that in the past dictators could kill people, torture them, but, in principle, they could not change what it means to be human. They could not change human nature. [But] this new multi-billion dollar Human Genome project is now starting, in which they are going to keep track of the genes of [all people]. Nobody will hide. The genetic code of each person will [be determined] and this will "open the doors" for manipulation, and [it will be possible to] change the meaning of what it MEANS to be human.

And if [as a result] the subject ceases to have free will, then it is up to the Lord to say: "Enough!"

LD: Just as at the very beginning Lucifer imagined himself to be God, so now some people are trying to "play God" and say: "I control computers, I control genomes, I control everything, I am God …" He will have to say: “No! And I will demonstrate to you … that it is NOT. So far, God is I, and you are My creations."

RE: And I will repeat your words: “We believe in what the Lord has told us, and in what He will not leave us sires. He will be with us until the end of time."

LD: This begs the question right there. When they come to you and say: “It’s your turn to sign a statement of loyalty…”, what will you do? Henry VIII came and said: either you put your signature here and join … And while he was saying this, they threw a noose over the oak branch, threw it around the neck … And people were told: “What do you choose: sign or we whip the horse, what's under you ? " And many people said, "I will not sign," and died a death of martyrs.

And although [Day] said there would be no [no] martyrs, of course there will be. The subtext was that these people would not be "recognized" as martyrs, but [they] would be martyrs and would be RECOGNIZED as such. Perhaps not in the same way as in the past, but I think we should prepare for this.

When you are faced with a choice: “Either you sign a“loyalty form,”or we will throw you into a boxcar and drop you off in the Arizona desert …” I think we should be ready for such a decision.

RE: I think it would be an understatement to say that these recordings are of great importance; that they are a kind of advance warning that makes us think about what we should and shouldn't do. I suppose everyone who listens to these recordings will determine what he personally can do on a small scale. It seems to me that this is the beauty of the situation. As he said there … after all, it was not about something grandiose. He talked about everyday little things. About television, about everyday things. About what is in our power. About the books we read …

I think that some of these changes, if they happen, will affect each person personally, his family. [And] it is necessary to notify [others], and do what is possible [at your level]. I guess it matters in the long run.

LD: [Here] as with those prisoners who survived the brainwashing. I believe that those who have spiritual guidance, who reflect on God and their relationship with Him, will be better prepared and equipped to survive - in this and the next world. For those who are focused on meeting their immediate needs, on purely material everyday needs, it will be [much] easier to manage.

Of course, in the face of the threat of being deprived of comfort, food, head or something else, some will fold and surrender. And I believe that those who are better prepared will survive (and I mean this in all seriousness - both in this life and in the next).

After all, when the time comes to make a decision ("Are you going to sign or not?"), It will be too late to start preparing and say: "Let me think about it." You won't have time to think. Either you say yes or no. I hope that many of us will make the right decision.

RE: I hope so too, and I believe that this record will change the lives of many and will have the same positive impact on them that it had on me and on you. So thank you very much.

LD: You're welcome.

RE: For more information contact the American Coalition for Life; PO Box 315, Export County, Pennsylvania, ZIP Code 15632 (US Coalition for Life; Box 315, Export, Penn 15632). We would be grateful for your comments, criticism and any other information pertaining to these records.

Commentary of the Western "reader-diviner":

January 26, 2009

Here is what PROGRAM is being formed:

First [at the instigation of] the criminal Vatican, the Israelis (initiators of war, death, hatred and [racial] selection) will do [all] the work for them.

It will be a joy to the parasites of this planet, called [the Jews], because they think that they will become the rulers [of the world]. [But] by using them, and knowing that they are greedy and spiteful, the Vatican will destroy them all, because the Catholic Church hates Jews, and I think it has a reason to do so.

[Himself] the Vatican will eventually be destroyed by "powerful springs," and [its servants] will have nowhere to hide. So we, the good people of the Earth, will get rid of the Vatican and the evil [Jews]. It is then that peace and prosperity will come on the planet, [for] there will be no parasites sucking human blood. This is my prophecy, and it will come true sooner than you imagine; before the people of this planet can believe [in him]. In fact, this is already happening right now, and at a very fast pace.

Translated from English: Alexey D and Sister Mercy

Instead of a conclusion

It is unnecessary to comment on this concluding part of the conversation with Dr. Dunegan. So many questions are posed in this material that the reader can only complete (probably started earlier) an internal monologue on the topic of the future, give answers and make decisions, guided, first of all, by his Conscience. Otherwise, as usual, everything will be decided for you.

And also - in order of additional material - watch the film "Time", if you haven't had a chance yet. It's worth it.

And instead of an afterword, I will give three quite pertinent quotes that complement various aspects of the topics covered in the three tapes.

The comment of one of the Internet readers quoted above seemed to me remarkable, (as well as the publications of Gilad Atzmon [6]), since it "introduces into the equation" the international Jewish mafia, which for centuries "paved" the road that leads to the so-called New World Order. Manipulating the elements of “God's chosenness”, “exclusivity”, service to the “golden calf” and usurious loan interest (which caused many wars and crises of recent centuries), “behind-the-scenes regulators” have exhausted the limits of the project called the Biblical concept in the second half of the 20th century. The next two quotes add remarkable detail to the topic at hand.

The compilers and editors of the Old Testament, which lies at the basis of the Western biblical usurious civilization (into which Russia-Russia was also drawn through "baptism"), describe the future - first of all, for the inhabitants of Judea - as follows.

“… When you see the abomination of desolation, spoken through the prophet Daniel, standing in a holy place,” let the reader understand, “then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains; and whoever is on the roof, let him not go down to take anything from his house; and whoever is in the field, let him not turn back to take his clothes. Woe to those who are pregnant and nursing in those days! Pray that your flight will not happen in winter or on Saturday, for then there will be great tribulation, which has not been from the beginning of the world until now, and will not be.

And if those days had not been shortened, no flesh would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. Then, if someone tells you: behold, Christ is here, or there, - do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will arise, and will give great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, the elect. Behold, I have told you in advance.

So, if they say to you, "Behold, [He] is in the wilderness," do not go out; “Behold, [He] is in secret rooms,” do not believe, for as lightning comes from the east and is visible even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man; for where the carcass is, there the eagles will gather. And suddenly, after the sorrow of those days, the sun will darken, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of heaven will be shaken; then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven; and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn and see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory; And He will send His angels with a loud trumpet, and they will gather His elect from the four winds, from the end of heaven to the end of them. " (Matt. 24: 15-31)

Horseman of the Apocalypse

The second fragment sets out the essence of Albert Pike's letter to Giuseppe Mazzini about the world wars (dated August 15, 1871), indicating some of the principles and tasks that must be solved in the course of the three forthcoming world wars.

The FIRST WORLD WAR was to be staged in order to place Tsarist Russia under the direct control of the Bavarian Illuminati. Russia should have been used as a "scarecrow" in order to solve the problems facing the Bavarian Illuminati.

The SECOND WORLD WAR was supposed to create a general split of opinion through the manipulation of German nationalists and political Zionists. This was to be served by the expansion of the sphere of Russian domination and the creation of the State of Israel in Palestine.

A THIRD WORLD WAR should, according to plan, start because of the divergence of views caused by the Illuminati between the Zionists and the Arabs. It was planned to spread this conflict to the whole world.

Likewise, the pitting of nihilists and atheists against each other in the course of provoked social upheavals that must lead to never-before-seen atrocities and cruelties must become an integral part of this third war. After the destruction of Christianity and atheism, the true "Doctrine of Lucifer" will be brought to the people, and thus both doors in the trap will be slammed (X.9). [7]

Finally, here is an example of the 19th century civic position shown by John Swinton (former editorial director of the New York Times and New York Sun). [8] In 1880, he was the guest of honor at a banquet organized in his honor. When offered a toast to a free press, Swinton stated:

“There is no such thing as an independent press in America today. You know it, and I know it! None of you will dare to write what you think. And if he dares, then knowing in advance that it will not go to press.

I get paid to keep my mouth shut. You get paid to do the same. And any of you who are stupid enough to write an honest article will be kicked out into the street.

If I dared to publish my honest opinion, I would be out of work in 24 hours.

The job of journalists is to destroy the truth; creep, pervert, denigrate; flatter before Mamon and sell your country and your race for their daily bread! You know this, and I know this, so what nonsense is it to "raise a toast to the independent press"?

We are the tools and servants of the wealthy behind the scenes. We are puppets; they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, abilities and lives belong to them. We are intellectual prostitutes!"

Further, I give you the opportunity to comprehend what our predecessors said tens and hundreds of years ago and give answers to the questions that life will inevitably put before everyone. And, apparently, pretty soon. The answers to many of them already exist, including on the Internet. But let everyone find them himself.

[1] An obvious allusion to the popular quote of R. Kipling from "The Ballad of West and East": "West is West, East is East, and they cannot come together."

[2] For the text of the novel, see, for example, the link:

[3] Probably inaccurate citation. According to reports, the inscriptions read: "To each - his own" ("Jedem das Seine"; Buchenwald camp) and "Labor makes free" ("Arbeit macht frei"; Auschwitz and Sachsenhausen camps).

[4] In the American system of measures for bulk solids: 1 bushel = 35.2 liters.

[5] Lit.: “they will kill themselves”.

[6] See also the referenced bibliography at the end of this article.

[7] For more details, see the publication of the priest Andrei Gorbunov "Ten Horns of the Beast" and the large-scale documentary film investigation "Secret Societies of the New World Order and Biblical Prophecies" (NWO Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy Vol. 1) (from note 2h06m).

[8] This is a real historical character. For more information about him and his life, see John Swinton - Yes, He Said It, But …