Human Life Will Change When The Sphinx Opens - Alternative View

Human Life Will Change When The Sphinx Opens - Alternative View
Human Life Will Change When The Sphinx Opens - Alternative View

Video: Human Life Will Change When The Sphinx Opens - Alternative View

Video: Human Life Will Change When The Sphinx Opens - Alternative View
Video: Quantum Reality: Space, Time, and Entanglement 2024, July

The Russian guy, who has confused scientists with his super-intelligence since childhood, claims that he is from Mars. Boris Kipriyanovich, who lives in Volgograd, claims that he lived on a "war-ravaged red planet" before he was reborn on Earth. Over the years, Boris, now 20, has met several professors and scientists who are amazed at his knowledge of the planetary system.

His mom says she knew that her son was different from the others just two weeks after he was born, when he was able to hold his head without support. He was able to speak when he was only a few months old, and he could read, draw and paint when he was a year and a half. Already in kindergarten Boris, the teachers were impressed by his excellent speaking skills, ability to write and impressive memory.

His parents say that even though they never deliberately told him about space when he was young, Boris often started talking about Mars, space and alien civilizations. He also told his friends that there is life on Mars, although in the distant past it was struck by a massive nuclear disaster.

He "remembers" that the nuclear catastrophe was caused by the outbreak of war between two groups of creatures that lived on the red planet at the time. There were few survivors, but he says there are some to this day, learning how to build houses and craft weapons. Boris said that aliens on Mars breathe carbon dioxide, so if they arrive on Earth, they will need to make sure they have enough supply.

Throughout his life, Boris insisted that he was previously a Martian who migrated to Earth. He says that there are many unknown secrets on our planet - for example, in the Great Pyramid of Cheops, which, according to him, still keeps secrets. He said: "Human life will change when the Sphinx opens, it has an opening mechanism somewhere behind the ear, I don't remember exactly." Pretty vague, but can we send someone to check it out for sure?