The Secret Knowledge Of Filipino Healers - Alternative View

The Secret Knowledge Of Filipino Healers - Alternative View
The Secret Knowledge Of Filipino Healers - Alternative View

The following is the account of a person who witnessed a practice prevalent in the Philippines, where remnants of African culture still remain:

“I spent two years (1976-1977) with my husband in this amazing, fantastic world. And the most amazing thing that I saw here were the Filipino healers. I happened to get to know seven of them better - get to know their families, their way of life, watch their work, assist in operations.

My acquaintance began with Holen Morgaite and David Elizalde - quite famous people. Holen (Greek by nationality) was the first foreign healer.

The first quasi-operation I saw performed by Holen Morgaite was forever imprinted in my memory. It was a treatment for a chronic sinusitis in a sick Australian. That afternoon, he stood behind me in the crowd of inquisitive people near the "operating table", pale, worried, anxiously asking me (knowing that I was a doctor) whether it was worth doing the operation or not.

For 20 years, he suffered from chronic sinusitis and was ineffectively treated with frequent sinus punctures. He pinned his last hope for recovery on the Filipino healers. I told him to take a chance. After thinking, he took a restless sigh and quickly sat down on the operating chair.

Holen, smiling, greeted his impulse, touched his nose, quickly smeared the bridge of the nose with a solution of turpentine, moistened her fingers with it, squeezed the bridge of her nose between the second and third bent fingers, made two sliding movements down, and a stream of bloody mass poured into the tray. Without ceasing to squeeze blood out of the nose, she removed pieces of tissue from there. The tray was full quickly.

After Holen made the same movements with her fingers, but in the opposite direction (to the base of the nose), and the bleeding stopped immediately. The patient exhaled deeply and spat out the bloody mass from his mouth. With the same swift movements, Holen blew some powder into the patient's nose with a rubber can, made him take a few breaths through his nose, and let go. For the first time in many years, the patient breathed through his nose and left the room with a frightened face. I was just as dumbfounded.

It so happened that my husband became the "discoverer" of Holen's operational services in our Russian colony. Even before his trip to the Philippines, doctors found he had an ulcer in his stomach and duodenum. After examining him, Holen strongly suggested surgery. He agreed. Everything happened as I described above. The husband himself commented on the operation sparingly: "It doesn't hurt, it's not scary, but there is little pleasure." A few days after the operation, the stomach pains subsided. For the next two years they did not bother him, he kept eating and drinking everything.

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A year later, while on vacation in Moscow, my husband underwent a full examination again - even the traces of ulcers disappeared.

I was always interested in the question: how does Holen explain his healing abilities? She said: “I am a deeply religious woman. I can make contact with space, my patron. Every day I pray for duty and ask you to give me healing spiritual power. I am in a good mood and in excellent health. If a healer has bad health, bad mood, bad sleep, if he does not serve God well, then he will not have the necessary spiritual strength, and he has no right to engage in healing."

I was told that there are no more than 300 famous healers in the Philippines, of which 4-5 people live in the capital. Among them, Virgilio Gutierris is a healer, as they say, from God. My acquaintance with him lasted a whole year. We have established the kindest, friendly relations. I knew that Virgilio is 39 years old, he is a native Filipino, a yogi, annually visits India, where he continues to improve yoga, train his body and spirit; is famous outside the Philippines, has been in Japan, Germany and America.

According to him, at the age of 7 he began to study healing, and by the age of 20 he had fully formed as a healer and could already operate. I saw about a hundred operations performed by him, twice experienced this his art on myself and conducted small experimental studies with him. In addition, he has repeatedly provided assistance to our sailors.

In general, I got the impression that he doesn't know what it means to refuse. In his home, he opened a real educational institution for healers, in which they could, if they wish, hold receptions, and on Sundays his house was turned into a prayer temple. Gutierris himself received patients three times a week, the rest of the time he spent in the mountains, in nature. He took food once a day, strictly observing all the fasts. Gutierris treated deafness, cholecystitis, sinusitis, gastritis, lumbosacral sciatica, eczema, bronchial asthma, angina pectoris, kidney stones, peptic ulcer disease, varicose veins, etc.

I want to tell you about one operation that shocked me.

Just before my departure to Moscow, when all my films were over, I came to the Gutierris clinic in the morning. At this time, a man appeared, led by relatives. He was very pale and could hardly move. They quickly laid him on the couch. Gutierrez examined the patient and said: "Ulcer in the intestines, bleeds a little" - and began to prepare the patient for surgery. He leveled the general field of the patient for a long time, then smeared the stomach with specially prepared coconut oil and, as always, with quick movements of his fingers parted the skin, after the subcutaneous tissue, made a place for opening the peritoneum, made several movements with his fingers above the peritoneum. There was a whistling noise … and the intestines were exposed.

Gutierrez began to fiddle with the loops of intestines with quick movements, like a real surgeon, until he found an ulcer in the initial segment of the colon. He showed it to me. In appearance it was a small cone-shaped eminence, slightly edematous. The healer moved his fingers over her for several seconds, doing his passes, and lowered the intestines into the abdominal cavity. Then everything proceeded as in the usual quasi-operation - quickly and consistently.

After 8-10 minutes it was all over. The patient continued to lie on the couch, pale, with a face covered with perspiration, spoke softly, was very weak. After 30 minutes, he got up and, relying on his family, went home. Previously, the relatives received a bottle of herbal infusion from Gutierris. Two days later, I came to finally say goodbye, and again I saw this patient.

He looked healthy, had no complaints, and came for another dose of herbal infusion. Gutierris advised him not to engage in physical work for another month and continue taking herbal infusion.

Outwardly, quasi-operations look simple. An unknown patient from the general stream of patients lies down on the table and exposes the sore spot. First, the healer, with his hand passes, creates a powerful homogeneous field around the patient (or, perhaps, creates a single field with the patient), then puts his hands on the sore spot and, as it were, gropes for “something”, orientates himself, his hands freeze at one point. The healer concentrates his consciousness (enters a trance), then after a few seconds he makes a sharp throw of his palms deep into the body.

At the same time, he makes quick, vibrating, forward movements with his fingers. He inserts the first phalanges of the fingers into the skin, then light, tearing and advancing movements of the fingers are felt inward. After that, the spreading of the edges of the wound begins, and the first blood appears. Removing it with a cotton swab, it is possible to examine the resulting cone-shaped wound and the underlying tissues, which bleed less than the skin itself. The healer's fingers work so fast that it is very problematic to trace and comprehend what follows what.

Only deliberate dismemberment of the operation into fragments, prolonged observation, supplemented by personal sensations of the transferred operations, gave me the opportunity to comprehend what was happening. I shared my findings with the healers, telling them the sequence of their actions at the time of the operation, they were very surprised. Their consciousness did not record this sequence. All hand movements, they believe, are directed by someone from within them, everything is done at some subconscious level.

The closure of the wound occurs by moving the fingers and palms of the same nature with an even greater speed, but in the opposite direction (outward). The edges of the wound, as it were, stretch for the fingers and take their place at the moment of leaving, therefore it is difficult to trace what depends on what. The viscous texture of the skin will disorient the observer.

The Filipino healer makes the last, control movements with his fingers along the connected edges of the wound, and the site of operation is cleared of blood. On the skin, after closing the edges of the wound, in the first seconds, it is still possible to notice (against the background of slight redness) only a whitish, slightly raised scar, which turns pale and disappears after a few seconds. If you slightly tighten the moment of cleansing from the blood of the operation site, then the scar may no longer be seen.

There are no traces of the operation left. Over the next 2-3 hours, the surgical site experiences a burning sensation and increased skin sensitivity. Pain can sometimes appear later and do not last long. The operated person himself is pale, agitated, often covered with perspiration at the time of the operation, a vivid vegetative reaction is noted. They perceive questions as coming from afar, answering them in monosyllables and reluctantly. The patient begins to move actively immediately, but he is still recommended to rest in silence for at least 30 minutes.

After following all the recommendations, the patient returns to his relatively normal state after about an hour and goes home. The operation time varies from 3 to 15 minutes. If we divide it into phases, then it takes no more than 30 seconds to form a wound, the same amount to close, the rest of the time remains directly for bloody intervention.

Healers enter the patient's body in different ways.

There are quite a few methods of intervention, it depends on the healer's understanding of the content of the disease, on his natural purpose, the state of his energy, the ability to operate and enter a state of trance. All healers are divided into three groups.

The first group of healers - operate on the patient, being in a state of trance all the time. They do the work automatically, as if not seeing anything, they don't answer questions, they do everything quickly. They are very sensitive to various external influences. For example, the healer Torté fainted from a flash of lightning at the time of the operation.

The second group of healers goes into a trance only at the initial moment, and then they turn on, become contact, you can talk to them, they answer questions (Josephine Sison).

The third group of healers knows how to enter a trance for seconds, and then directs all the healing energy only into the hands (Aglaya, Mercado Marcello).

There is a group of healers who dissect tissue at a distance, without touching the patient's body.

For example, João Blanca opens the patient's skin with one dissecting movement of his index finger, which is 15-20 cm above the patient. A small (2 cm) wound is formed, over which drops of blood slowly appear. Almost all patients experience a slight pain during this, as if the skin was cut. After the pain goes away. The entire further treatment process is carried out through a 2 cm incision.

The healing of the wound proceeds as with a conventional cut wound. Sometimes João can take a stranger's finger in his hands and make an incision in the patient's skin. He says that in this way he confirms that biological energy is easily transferred to another person by touching the hand of a Filipino healer and can fulfill his will. He has no complications during wound healing. Distrustful Americans have repeatedly checked Blank's fingers for any cutting tools? - but could not find anything.

Healers prepare themselves for the working day in different ways.

Some preliminarily, three hours before the operations, perform liturgical chants at home, read prayers, and passages from the Bible. In this case, the following words must be pronounced:

… Oh You, Great, Infinite Power. You, the great Flame of life, which I am only a spark. I surrender to Your Healing Power, so that it flows through me and strengthens, restores and heals this person. Let Your Power penetrate through me so that this person feels Your vital Energy, Power and Life and can manifest it in the person of Health, Strength and Energy. Make me a worthy channel of Your Power and use me for Good. Peace will be with Your healing work”….

As a rule, at such hours, ointments, medicines, and water are spread out on the table at the Filipino healer, which the sick bring the day before to feed their spiritual energy. There are healers who perform a prayer service and other ritual ceremonies throughout the night. This gives them healing power for the whole day. There are healers who perform a prayer service just before the operation itself.

1973 Professor Schibler and Professor Kirzgeser watched the healer Blanka simulate the injection of energy to the patient. One of the professors experienced this injection himself. On the skin of the shoulder where the injection was made, there was a mark and even a small hemorrhage. Another time, scientists put paper foil in the way of the prick. It turned out to be punctured.

This means that the power of the energy was great. With such an injection, the patient almost always feels pain. Before the injection, the healer with his right hand touches the open text of the Bible, explaining that in this way he takes energy from there, and forms fingers, as for working with a syringe, then through an imaginary syringe he injects energy into the patient's body. This procedure is repeated several times. Some healers use 2 to 4 injections to prepare the patient for surgery.

Almost all Filipino healers feed the patient with their energy before the operation, although they do it in different ways. It is believed that patients acquire greater endurance and resistance to disease. I think that this procedure is also important for the healer - it creates confidence that his intervention will be successful, that the patient's body will respond to it by mobilizing its energy forces.

I cannot but tell about an interesting, in my opinion, conversation with the healer Max. I was very interested in the question of whether healers have energy that they supposedly feel and which they freely possess. To the question "How do you manipulate your energy?" Max replied:

“Yes, we own energy, we feel it very much, and it is created in the head as a result of prayers. The right side of the body generates positive energy, the left - negative. They can easily change the direction of energy and its charge. Filipino healers tend to work with positive energy.

If we compare these quasi-operations with ordinary ones, then the difference between them is obvious. Conventional surgery mechanically removes the cause of the disease and thereby helps restore normal organ function. Quasi-operation does not always do this. Often, the healer directly affects the diseased organ with his energy, thereby restoring its normal state.

For example, when treating appendicitis, the healer opens the abdominal cavity and pulls the appendix out not at all to remove it, but to directly influence it with energy. Making a light massage with their fingers, they free the appendix from the contents, and then return it to its original place. A day later, there is an improvement, and then recovery. This has been repeatedly confirmed during a follow-up examination by certified doctors.

The fact is that in quasi-operations the purpose of the intervention is different than in conventional surgery. It consists in restoring the pathologically altered organ function, creating favorable conditions for stimulating the organism, which itself conquers its diseases. If anything is removed during a quasi-operation, it is pieces of adipose or connective tissue, lymph nodes, blood clots, etc. Healers say that they seem to personify the disease, and by removing them, healers remove a person's disease.

The procedure for removing teeth looks amazing. She literally overwhelms patients and observers alike. I remember this scene. Patients are waiting for help. Among them are several people with toothache. A healer walks along the rows and asks who is worried about what. One of those sitting opens his mouth and shows a bad tooth. The healer, looking into the mouth, touches the tooth and follows on. Five minutes later, he comes back and asks in surprise why the patient continues to sit with his mouth open, because his aching tooth has already been removed.

One common character trait of all Filipino healers is striking - will and perseverance, a desire to help the patient. In the first days of my acquaintance with healers, I once asked one of them to do all the manipulations on me that he performs with patients. "Does anything hurt you?" - he asked. And when he found out that my request was caused by curiosity, he said: "Unfortunately, this is impossible, since healthy people do not cause a surge of healing energy in me."

This desire (will) to heal the patient directs the "vibration" wave of the healer to the desired point, thereby achieving the healing effect. There are healers who have a healing effect through 2-3 channels (larynx, eyes, breathing, etc.). These are generalists, super-talented people. This is a special conversation.

I have often asked healers: how do they determine what kind of treatment a patient needs, what are they based on when they propose an intervention? I remember Gutierrez's answer: “Examining a patient is like listening to music. She herself adjusts consciousness in a certain way. One of the listened to music laughs, the other is sad, the third is excited and so on. Everything happens besides our consciousness, the subconscious is working here."

I. Rezko