Digitizers Are Leaking Private Data About The Educational Process In The Russian Federation To The "owners Of Money" - Alternative View

Digitizers Are Leaking Private Data About The Educational Process In The Russian Federation To The "owners Of Money" - Alternative View
Digitizers Are Leaking Private Data About The Educational Process In The Russian Federation To The "owners Of Money" - Alternative View

Video: Digitizers Are Leaking Private Data About The Educational Process In The Russian Federation To The "owners Of Money" - Alternative View

Video: Digitizers Are Leaking Private Data About The Educational Process In The Russian Federation To The
Video: 4.3 Transparency in Education in the Russian Federation 2024, July

When the parental community of Russia fought against the introduction of the GIS "Contingent" in schools (the stage of implementation of the Education-2030 foresight project) - and eventually managed to cope with it with the support of the President - hardly anyone expected that in just a couple of years a liberal -globalists will fully reveal their cards, and their interference in the educational process will become total. Today, alas, it is quite clear that the rhetoric they put into the mouths of the supreme power about the "big breakthrough" of the national economy at the expense of sovereign technical progress is not worth a penny. In fact, under these mantras, compradors do exactly the opposite - they destroy the remnants of sovereignty, turn the state into a "digital ecosystem", into a market platform, which will then be absorbed by transnational corporations and usurers. The banks and the largest companies in the world are owned by a limited circle of families - "owners of money." And the leadership of the Russian Federation, strictly following their guidelines for "transparency", openness of data (approved, for example, at the G20 summits), has already begun to hand over our future to them - the national educational system and personal data of students, i.e. the younger generation of Russia.

The editorial office received a message from a reader from St. Petersburg:

- the reader asks the question and encloses a form for an additional agreement with the school, providing for the creation of an account for her child in the Google service.


G Suite for Education is a collection of Google applications (mail, cloud storage, calendar, spreadsheets, documents, etc.) designed specifically for educational institutions. It is available worldwide exclusively to officially accredited non-profit (i.e. government, municipal) primary, secondary, vocational and higher education institutions. Opening up access to the service involves creating a corporate Google account for students and teachers, which is managed by the educational institution. Below is an excerpt from the privacy policy:

- in other words, we are talking about all the data of students, teachers and parents, about curricula and programs, about grades and other activities that are entered into Google services.

But that is not all:

Who, in the end, gets access to this information klondike, besides Google itself? We read on.

In other words, if Google employees “in good faith” believe that the disclosure of customer personal data is necessary for the needs of their affiliated companies or “for the good of the whole community”, they will gladly pass it on to third parties. And now some generally known information that some might have forgotten. Google is an American multinational corporation owned by the world's largest investment and management companies (holdings): BlackRock, The Vanguard Group, FMR, LLC, etc. These offices are the shareholders of all leading Wall Street banks - that is, by the Fed shareholders. Accordingly, Google belongs directly to the "owners of the money."

Google has repeatedly been involved in scandals involving the violation of citizens' right to privacy. In 2013, former US intelligence officer Edward Snowden spoke about the government's PRISM program; the National Security Agency paid Google and other IT giants millions of dollars to spy on Internet users. The company was also accused of direct interference in the affairs of foreign states, of censorship against the Russian English-language media RT and Sputnik. It is obvious on which side it stands in the information war for a multipolar world. But why go far - as recently as September 20, the head of the State Duma commission to investigate interference in the internal affairs of Russia Vasily Piskarev invited representatives of Google and Facebook to the next meeting,threatening them with serious fines for trying to influence the outcome of local elections (the information was confirmed by Roskomnadzor). And on September 10, the State Duma in the first reading supported a bill providing for fines of up to 18 million rubles. for refusing to store personal data of Russians on the territory of the country.

How legitimate is Google's penetration into Russian education? Naturally, here you can see continuous violations of the Constitution, federal laws "On information …", "On personal data", "On education …". But all this is only if the parents have not previously signed an agreement with the school for the provision of educational services. Then we can talk with complete confidence about coercion to conclude an agreement (violation of Art. 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), illegal collection of personal data, imposition of additional services, education in electronic (remote) form, etc. However, if parents, by hook or by crook, were nevertheless forced to sign such an agreement (according to the laws and regulations of the education departments, it is not a mandatory document when enrolling in a school),it will be much more difficult to get away from such an additional agreement (the photo of which is given above).

Signing an agreement on educational services (which is now massively imposed on citizens, hiding behind the anti-constitutional Federal Law "On Public Services") in any case is a big mistake on the part of the parents. Often, it is drawn up cunningly and, given the current situation in education, it opens a legal loophole for school administrators to do whatever they want with children (including to put digital experiments on them), and in case of subsequent refusal by parents, to oblige them to teach their children independently, use them as a repressive mechanism, etc. Many simply do not know that, according to 273-FZ "On Education …" and Art. 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, signing an agreement with a school is a parent's right, not an obligation. If you have already signed it through an oversight, ignorance, or being confident in the reliability of the educational institution,it is necessary to seek its termination.

As you can see, today the cyber-lobbyists make full use of the administrative resource, put pressure on school principals, introduce rating systems so that the leading schools of "innovation" take higher places and receive priority funding. The administration of the educational institution, having received valuable instructions from their budget "sponsors", in turn, begins to put pressure on the parents. And after a kind of voluntary signing of all contracts and agreements by moms and dads, the digitizers' hands are untied. They not only arrange lawlessness with our personal data, but also present the situation in such a way that citizens themselves, allegedly with both hands, are in favor of an e-school, starting to promote new reforms even more furiously.

How “democratically” digital “agents of change” operate can be judged by this frank comment on the Internet by “advanced” computer science teacher Sergei Afonin, speaker at many “innovative” educational platforms such as the EdCrunch forum, winner of awards and diplomas for promoting ideas "Digital transformation".


This is how the cyber-fascists, with their hands untied thanks to the legal nihilism of parents, are trying to "do good to us". These are the methods they use to lead us to a "bright" future. And the stage following the general digitization has already started - we are talking about the transfer of Russian education under the control of global platforms such as Google, which poses a huge threat to national and personal security. So it's time for the entire truly patriotic community to agree on a real strategy for confronting and protecting national sovereignty, while the deputies are fraudulent in the form of calling Western IT specialists "on the carpet" to the State Duma.
