The Vocation Of Rurik, Or The Burial Of The Norman Theory - Alternative View

The Vocation Of Rurik, Or The Burial Of The Norman Theory - Alternative View
The Vocation Of Rurik, Or The Burial Of The Norman Theory - Alternative View

Video: The Vocation Of Rurik, Or The Burial Of The Norman Theory - Alternative View

Video: The Vocation Of Rurik, Or The Burial Of The Norman Theory - Alternative View
Video: Where did Russia come from? - Alex Gendler 2024, September

The Norman theory indicates that the Slavs, before the arrival of the Norman-Rurik to Russia, were backward tribes, in every sense of the word, incapable of self-organization.

The so-called "learned Normanists" refer to some ancient chronicle sources in their arguments. One of which is the Radziwill Chronicle.

Allegedly in it, the uncivilized Slavs, calling the great Norman to Russia, wrote: - Rurik, come to us and rule over us. After all, the Russian land is large and abundant, but there is no order in it….

And this theory is presented with such persistence that many Russian people are beginning to believe in it sacredly.

However, if you carefully read the original of the ancient manuscript, and understand the essence of some ancient words, then the meaning of what is written becomes completely different from what we are presented with.

Little of. Most researchers of Russian antiquity, about the Normans, formed the conviction that for two centuries, these people who call themselves scientists did NOT READ THE TEXTS OF THE CHRONICLES IN THE ORIGINAL at all, but used later, rewritten and corrected copies, or simply repeated the words of their teachers.

So what is the story of the Radziwill Chronicle?

Let's read the same passage from the original, which all Russophobes constantly refer to.

Promotional video:

“Our land is great and abundant, but there is no ORDER in it. Yes, you will go with us princes and volodets … And cut down the city of Ladoga … From those Varangians, the Rus land was nicknamed. Novgorod tiy - solu Novgorodians were nicknamed from the Varensk clan.

Now let's sort it out in order …

An outfit in Russia was a small squad that was guarding one of the borders of the state. In the modern view, it will be a border guard.

Until now, the concept of going into an outfit has been preserved in the army. That is, a small group to carry out some official business, or to take over the protection of some object.

From the chronicle it follows that in order to serve as the commander of the border detachment, the Russian prince Rurik, a descendant of Prus, Tsar of the Second Rome, was ordered to arrive. Therefore, he settled not in the capital of a huge state, but on its outskirts - in the new city of Ladoga.

The Varangians themselves called themselves Varangians, since they were associated with the cooking of salt, and with its protection during transportation. And since the etymology of the words VARYAGI and VARNA is Russian, the Varangians themselves are one of the Russian, Slavic tribes.

Rus - in the Old Church Slavonic language means a bright place. And the word PRUS is the Russian name or the name of a person from a certain place, on the border of Russia: that is, PoRusii, or P'Rusii …

In modern Russian, the names are known: Pomors, Borderlands, Volga Region, Polesie … Or words with an abbreviated prefix for: Proseka, Holiday, RIGHT, Pravda …

It is not surprising that in modern Prussia, there are a lot of genetic Slavic roots, and archaeological artifacts, because this is one of the parts of ancient Russia. The situation is similar in German Pomerania, that is, Pomorie, and in Scandinavia.

Again, the author of the Chronicle indicated that Rurik would not reign and possess by US, but WITH US.

If, when hiring, they say: - You will be cleaning in our yard, - or, - You will keep order in our street. - This does not mean that the hired person will be the boss for their employers.

Further, in the text of the chronicle there are no words that the three brothers came "from the German", "from the German land." This will be added much later, in the chronicles of the eighteenth century.

Polish professor Urbanczyk says.

“From the very beginning, in our research in Iceland, a Slavic trace was discovered. We have already opened the third Slavic dwelling in this region - a square semi-dugout. Such dwellings in the ninth - tenth centuries were typical for territories along the rivers - Elbe, Oder, and Vistula, as well as for Russia. They have no analogy with Scandinavian buildings. Exactly the same Slavic dwellings, different from the Scandinavian ones, I found earlier in Norway. End of quote.

The vast majority of the kings of Romea are Slavs. After all, the Balkan Peninsula was colonized by the Slavs. This explains the predominance on the throne of ancient Rome, the Caesars-Slavs.

The German scientist Fallmerayer, who lived in the nineteenth century, after the Roman emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus, considered Romea "completely glorified."

In addition, Fallmerayer argued that the Hellenes were completely destroyed by the Slavs.

Now there is no longer any doubt that the Varangian Slavs, the descendants of the fair-haired Aryans, from the Aren clans, under the command of the descendants of the Roman tsars, also made voyages to the shores of America.

Thus, the "Norman theory" bursts like a soap bubble.

As mentioned above, the reason for its occurrence is associated either with an incorrect reading of the text of the original source, or with a deliberate desire to distort everything Russian.