Physicist Stephen Hawking Proved That God Did Not Participate In The Creation Of The Universe - Alternative View

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Physicist Stephen Hawking Proved That God Did Not Participate In The Creation Of The Universe - Alternative View
Physicist Stephen Hawking Proved That God Did Not Participate In The Creation Of The Universe - Alternative View

Video: Physicist Stephen Hawking Proved That God Did Not Participate In The Creation Of The Universe - Alternative View

Video: Physicist Stephen Hawking Proved That God Did Not Participate In The Creation Of The Universe - Alternative View
Video: GOD Exists (Stephen Theory Proved Wrong) by a Kid 2024, July

The famous British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking came to the conclusion that the Universe arose according to objective physical laws, and its appearance cannot be associated with the activity of a higher mind

Stephen Hawking has been confined to a wheelchair for years

The famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking is sure that modern physics leaves no place for God in the structure of the Universe. The author of the theory of black holes writes about this in his new book "The Grand Design", co-authored with his colleague Leonard Mlodinov. The book will be published on September 9, but excerpts from it have already been published in the Eureka magazine.

Hawking in his work debunks the idea of Isaac Newton that the universe could not arise from chaos only thanks to the laws of nature, but had to be created by God.

The Big Bang, according to Hawking, was an inevitable consequence of the laws of physics, and not at all an exceptional event due to divine providence or incredible chance.

“Since there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself out of nothing. Spontaneous arising is the reason why there is something and not nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist,”Hawking writes.

Like his compatriot Charles Darwin earlier, who wrote that "God is not needed" for the evolution of biological organisms, Hawking now came to a similar conclusion regarding the creation of our Universe.

Meanwhile, even some time ago, Stephen Hawking did not exclude the possibility of the participation of higher forces in the creation of matter and saw God as a “potential creator of the world”. However, now he has changed his point of view.

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Hawking admitted that the idea of the self-development of the Universe came to him in 1992, when a new planetary system similar to our solar system was discovered. “I realized that we are not unique in space,” the scientist writes.

According to the astrophysicist, the answer to the question whether the Universe needs a Creator involves only one option - "no, not needed." “The Big Bang, which led to the emergence of the modern world known to science, does not require a 'divine hand'. It represents the inevitable consequences of physical laws,”Hawking says.

At the same time, the 68-year-old British astrophysicist said that modern science is on the threshold of a revolution, when a unified theory will be created that explains all the fundamental foundations of the physical world and life. At the same time, according to Hawking, the discovery will be made within the framework of M-theory, which assumes the presence of parallel worlds and numerous physical forces unknown to modern science, ITAR-TASS reports.

This is not the first time that one has heard loud, sometimes extravagant statements from Stephen Hawking. Not so long ago, for example, he called on humanity to flee into space in order to escape death.

In the next 200 years, mankind should begin to actively colonize outer space in order to avoid complete extinction. According to the scientist, the fate of humanity has more than once hung in the balance in the past, and even more dangers await people in the future. “If we can avoid a catastrophe in the next 200 years, we must be safe,” the scientists said.

Stephen Hawking also knows how to get into the future. He is convinced that human time travel is possible, but limited. You can only get into the future, while the past will remain closed to us, the researcher believes.

The scientist claims that in fact there are no theoretical obstacles to such experiments. In his opinion, it is enough to create an ultra-high-speed spacecraft that can reach speeds up to 98% of the speed of light.

However, Hawking warns people against contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. He believes in the existence of life outside the Earth in the depths of the universe, but people must do everything to avoid contact with aliens.

“Certain forms of conscious life can pose a tremendous danger to us. I do not exclude that our planet can be conquered and plundered by aliens,”- warned Stephen Hawking. “If aliens ever visit us, I think the result will be much the same as the result of the Columbus expedition for the native people of America - its development ended not very favorable for them,” Hawking said.

Who is Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking was born in 1942. In 1962 he graduated from Oxford University and began to study theoretical physics. For more than 30 years, the scientist has been suffering from an incurable disease - multiple sclerosis. It is a disease in which motor neurons gradually die and the person becomes more and more helpless.

When Stephen Hawking was 21 years old, he began to stumble when walking. At the age of 30, he could no longer walk and was confined to a wheelchair. In 1985 Stephen Hawking fell seriously ill with pneumonia. He underwent a series of operations, removed the trachea. As a result, he lost the ability to speak.

Stephen Hawking hears well, but communicates with the world using a special computer that synthesizes human speech. Only the index finger on the right hand retained some mobility. With its help, the physicist controls the computer.

Hawking works in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the University of Cambridge. He studies the movement of the universe. In 1974 Stephen Hawking became a Fellow of the Royal Society of London. The scientist currently holds the position of Lucasian professor of mathematics at Cambridge University, which belonged to Isaac Newton 300 years ago.

In the early 1970s, Hawking began to analyze the phenomena that accompanied the birth of the world. He studied black holes, noting that in the normal evolution of stars, it is almost impossible to create black holes with masses less than three solar masses. Stars with less mass turn into white dwarfs or neutron stars.

In 1988, Stephen Hawking's book, A Brief History of Time - From the Big Bang to Black Holes, was published, which became a bestseller. In this popular science publication, Hawking laid out his main theories. In 1993, Stephen Hawking's book “Black Holes and Young Universes” was published, in 2001 - “The World in a Nutshell”. In 2006, Hawking co-authored a children's book George and the Secrets of the Universe with his daughter Lucy.

Stephen Hawking also lectures. To do this, he enters text into a computer, and then plays by sentences, controlling the tempo using the remote control.

In April 2007, Hawking made his dream come true by experiencing a state of zero gravity in a custom-built Zero gravity jet.

Stephen Hawking has three children from his first wife, Jane. They lived together for 26 years, but this marriage fell apart, because Hawking fell in love with another woman, a nurse Elaine Meissen, whom he married in 1995.