Evidence For The Existence Of God - Alternative View

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Evidence For The Existence Of God - Alternative View
Evidence For The Existence Of God - Alternative View

Video: Evidence For The Existence Of God - Alternative View

Video: Evidence For The Existence Of God - Alternative View
Video: 6 Proofs for God's Existence | Proof for God 2024, September

Cause and Effect: Scientific Evidence for God's Existence

The universe exists and it is real. Every rational person should recognize this. If the Universe did not exist, we would not be here at all, and we would not be able to reason about it at all. So the question arises: “How did the universe come about? Was it created by itself? If it didn’t come about by itself, there must have been some reason for its creation.” This is the evidence for the existence of God.

Let's look at the law of cause and effect. As far as science knows, there are no exceptions to the laws of nature. This, of course, also applies to the law of cause and effect, which is the most universal and most constant of all laws. In simple words, the law of cause and effect states that any material effect must have an adequate cause that existed before this effect.

There are no material consequences without adequate causes. Also, cause never occurs after effect. Moreover, the effect can never exceed the cause. That is why scientists say that any material effect must have an adequate cause. The river could not be polluted due to the fact that a frog jumped into it. The book did not fall off the table because a fly landed on it. These are not adequate reasons. Adequate causes must be presented for any apparent effects.

Five-year-olds are great at applying the law of cause and effect. We can imagine a small child who asks: "Mom, where did the peaches come from?" Mom replies that they grew up on a peach tree. The child then asks where the peach tree came from, and the mother explains that it grew from a peach. And you see this circle. Finally, the child wants to know where the first peach tree came from. He sees that everything must have a reason, and he wants to know what that reason was.


One thing can be said with complete certainty: the universe did not come about by itself! We know this as a scientific fact, since matter cannot create matter. If we take a stone weighing 450 grams and run 50,000 experiments on it, we will still never be able to create anything more than a stone weighing 450 grams. So, whatever the reason for the creation of the universe, it could not be something material.

Promotional video:


I know that it may seem offensive to an intelligent person like you that I included this paragraph here, but many people today claim that the universe arose out of nothing. However, if there ever were times when nothing existed, it means that now nothing would exist. After all, the law that nothing comes of nothing has always been in effect. If something exists now, then something has always existed.

Evidence for God's Existence - THE BIBLE SPEAKS ABOUT


The Bible, of course, is not silent about what caused the universe. The very first verse of the very first book of the Bible says, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Acts 17:24 notes that God, who created the world and everything in it, is the Lord of heaven and earth. Exodus 20:11 says, "In six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them."

  • No doubt God is an adequate cause, as He is omnipotent. In Genesis 17: 1, God told Abraham, "I am God Almighty."
  • The existence of God was before the appearance of the material world, meeting the criterion that the cause must exist before the effect. The Psalmist wrote: “Before the mountains were born, and You formed the earth and the universe, and from time to time you are God” (Psalm 89: 3). These are the textual and logical proofs of the existence of God
  • And, of course, He wanted to instill in humanity the concept of morality, since He is the God of morality. Titus 1: 2 tells us that God is unchanging in his word.

Only the Existence of God meets all the necessary criteria for an adequate cause that was before the appearance of the Universe (proof of the existence of the Creator).


Evidence for God's Existence, WHY IS THERE A REASON FOR GOD?

Wait a minute! If we assert that every material effect must have a cause, and we say that only the existence of God could cause the universe to arise, a reasonable question arises: "What caused the emergence of God?" Doesn't the law of cause and effect apply to God?

There is one word in the law of cause and effect that will help give us the answer to this question. This word is material. Every material effect must have a cause that existed before it. Scientists have formulated the law of cause and effect based on their observations of the universe, consisting of matter. No scientific proof of the existence of God or experiments can be done on God, because He is the eternal Spirit, not matter (John 4:24). Science is still far from knowing everything about the material world, and even more far from understanding the eternal nature of God's existence. There must have been some root cause, and the existence of God is the only appropriate answer. Evidence for the existence of a God who is not material cannot be found scientifically. But everything points to the fact that God is

Evidence for God's Existence - CONCLUSION

The law of cause and effect is a well-founded law with no known exceptions. It was not created for creationists to find evidence for the existence of God (although it proves it perfectly). There is enough evidence for the existence of God, evidence that some non-material reason was necessary for the appearance of the material universe. And this non-material reason is the existence of God. If the universe was created by natural forces that randomly produced some kind of selection, then it would be impossible to explain human morality. Why does the universe exist? Because in the beginning was God.

By Kylie Butt