Nature Is The Code Of God - Alternative View

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Nature Is The Code Of God - Alternative View
Nature Is The Code Of God - Alternative View

Video: Nature Is The Code Of God - Alternative View

Video: Nature Is The Code Of God - Alternative View
Video: God as Explanation: a Theologian's View / Nature as Explanation: a Scientist's View 2024, September

The main question to which we have dedicated our lives is the question of what is God? In the language of modern science, we are the first in the world to answer this main question of natural science in its entire history.


God is a term in the accessible language of our ancestors and expresses the most fundamental materialistic category - information. God is information. Information, as we understand it, is not an abstract category, it is a real physical connection and conditionality of all material phenomena, processes and objects of the visible Universe, the phenomenon of information (or God) leads to mandatory real changes in internal structures and characteristics in all inanimate objects, and even more so wildlife. External and internal information processes - this is God outside us and God inside us. This is how the ancients understood what we now call "information."


Information generates and changes itself, creating time and space. Information is a moment and eternity, it is concrete and absolute, it is a form without form, it is the beginning and end of all that exists, it is a goal, meaning and a means at the same time … Matter is a way of existence of information. Let's land from philosophy to medicine and talk about the phenomenon of information reflection in biological systems, or, speaking in ancient mystical language, let's figure it out - how does God work at the level of living systems? All material objects are information systems. These are, as it were, spatially closed ways of information existence. Living organisms are informationally autonomous biosystems capable of independently supporting the phenomenon of life. Consequently, a person, as an information-autonomous biosystem,is arranged on the principle of preserving an autonomous information complex, which is its body, regulating external and internal information flows. Two levels of this information regulation can be distinguished: biological and mental, which can, in turn, be subdivided into short-term and long-term. A person, his whole body, his physical fields and radiation, can be considered as a kind of independent information field with a single control panel - the brain.can be viewed as a kind of independently informational field with a single control panel - the brain.can be viewed as a kind of independently informational field with a single control panel - the brain.


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In the informational organization of the brain, one can distinguish a unit for receiving, storing and processing information and a unit for controlling regulation and programming. The principle of localization of informational functions of the brain is ontogenetically combined with their polyfunctionality. Here one can partially agree with N. P. Bekhtereva's concept of rigid and flexible informational links in the cerebral supply of informational regulation. The spinal cord and brainstem part of the brain controls the body according to the type of biological information self-regulation, which ensures the automatic stable functioning of the main information subsystems, vital and important, determining the very existence of the organism and providing the entropic economy of the biosystem. The higher parts of the brain carry out the highest - mental level of information regulation,highly adaptive to constantly changing external and internal informational conditions of existence.


The main principles of the informational activity of the brain are dominant and conditioned reflex. The dominant, as a general principle of the information work of the nerve center of the brain, has a number of properties:

1) persistent increased excitability;

2) the ability to selectively summarize information excitations;

3) the ability to automatically coupled inhibition of the centers of antagonistic reflexes.

The dominant process of information processing can develop in any central cerebral group, including in the chemoreceptive areas of the brain, depending on the conditions for the receipt of information and the development of stable excitation with conjugate inhibition of antagonistic mechanisms. Informational physiological shift of the center. In the nervous system, certain constellations of interconnected centers are formed, morphologically scattered throughout the brain mass and functionally united by the unity of actions and focus on a strictly defined physiological result. The consolidation of information connections between the dominant and the stimulus causing it to external or internal information is carried out according to the mechanism of a conditioned reflex, in which the factor of information reinforcement plays the most important role. It is from this that the conclusion follows thatthat in order to induce a purposeful preset physiological shift in the body through the mechanism of dominant and conditioned reflex, repeated repeated informational influence is necessary.


That is, the effectiveness of its influence on a person increases sharply with an increase in sensory receptor diversity and a repeated amount of informational stimulation. A. A. Ukhtomsky formulated the principle of dominant as the physiological basis of the act of attention, and the property of selective response to informationally significant signals serves as a physiological prerequisite for understanding the mechanisms of sensory attention. Attention is one of the mechanisms for eliminating the redundancy of informational stimulus signals.


The brain determines the informational significance of all signals based on the analysis of physical characteristics, in fact, this is the information-sensory function of the brain. Extraction of biologically important information and sensory functions of the brain takes place. Biologically important information is extracted by converting the input code combination of the activity of the nerve elements of the information-sensory systems into the reaction of the executive apparatus, which represents the process of decoding sensory information, and the corresponding information pattern of interaction of the nervous elements of the sensory and motor systems of the brain is established. Having considered the mechanisms for receiving the passage and processing of information, we will proceed to consider the mechanisms of its fixation and reproduction. We have repeatedly notedthat information changes the functional state and structure of the biosystem.


The ability of the human brain to record incoming information and then reproduce the physiological shift caused by this information is usually called biological memory. A type of biological memory is genetic memory, which results in the stabilization of bioinformation systems and their structure of self-reproduction. The carriers of genetic information are nucleic acids that ensure the stability of information storage. In phylogenesis, this type of information changes through mutagenesis, and with the participation of enzyme proteins, further reproduction of the same altered forms occurs. Another form of biological memory is immunological memory, which is closely related to genetic memory. This type of information recording consists inthat when foreign bodies and substances (antigens) enter the body, the ability to recognize them in the event of their repeated entry, to bind and turn on non-specific mechanisms of their destruction, is manifested.

Immune proteins that can destroy antigens are called antibodies and are located on the surface membrane of lymphocytes (immunocompetent lymphocytes). Antibodies on lymphocytes are receptors for antigens, with each lymphocyte having receptors for only one or more of similar antigens. All lymphocytes carrying the same receptor belong to the same clone and are descendants of the same mother cell with the same receptor. At the first meeting with an antigen, a clone is formed (an increase in the number of corresponding lymphocytes) and their differentiation into effector cells and memory cells. Effector cells live for several days, but memory cells remain in the body for life and, when they meet again with an antigen, are able to transform again into cells of both types. Antigens become selective agentsproviding material for selection, they seem to "recognize" antibody receptors, bind to them and stimulate their reproduction.

Thus, from a huge set of antibody variations, the antigen selects the only one and stimulates its quantitative growth. The clone selection process determines immunological memory, representing an evolutionarily more flexible version of genetic memory. So, we have examined the fixation of information in the human body by the method of genetic and immunological memory, and now we turn to the consideration of the most complex - nervous memory. A complex of structural and functional changes, expressed in the ability of the nervous system to record and store information, store the body's response to this information, and also use this information to build current behavior - this is a nervous or rological memory, and the process itself is called the process of engram formation.


Let us consider the entire sequence of fixing informational stimuli by the body. So, the information signal entered the receptor, transformed into an electrical nerve impulse and temporarily increased the conductivity in certain synapses, which took some time. The very same trace from the information impact is preserved up to 500 ms (sensory memory phenomenon), but is usually erased in 150 ms. For some eidetic people, sensory memory (for example, preserving the visual image while reading) has an unlimited duration (Shereshevsky et al.).


Further movement of information converted into nerve impulses leads to their repeated circulation (eversion) through a closed system of neurons, which underlies the so-called short-term memory, the volume of which in a person is measured in 7 (plus-minus) 2 units, and the duration is in a few seconds. In particular, it was found that information about the spatial location of the conditioned signal is encoded in the impulse activity of neurons, primarily in the frontal and parietal associative fields of the cerebral hemispheres. Coding is carried out either by the pattern of discharges of neurons, or by the pulse frequency of neurons (spatially selective), subdivided into several groups. The action of information simultaneously leads to changes in structural and enzymatic proteins, a change in the concentration and movement of neurotransmitters. This synaptosomal level of the body's information response lasts from several minutes to several hours and is called intermediate memory. Intermediate memory is able to increase the amount of short-term memory and increase its duration.

In parallel with the previous information processes, a new stable intracerebral functional structure is being formed, based on changes in the membranes of neurons and on interneuronal connections, leading to the phenomenon of long-term memory, that is, in principle, to permanent fixation of information. The mechanism of long-term fixation of information is manifested as a result of the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins, leading to the formation of macromolecules that activate the genetic apparatus of the cell. Neuropeptides are giving serious attention to the metabolism of macromolecules, and hence to the regulation of memory. In the phenomenon of long-term fixation of information, some experts (Beritashvili and others) distinguish, in addition to conditioned reflex, also figurative, emotional and verbal-logical.

In addition, there are voluntary and involuntary fixation, direct and indirect.

Emotional memory is of particular importance in SK-therapy in the art of suggestion - its formation and reproduction can occur very quickly (often at once), at a subconscious level, so the Indians were greatly mistaken in excluding emotions from psycho-training. In addition, emotions energize all information processes, expanding the mobilization reserve capabilities of the brain and body. The ancient Chinese and Japanese understood this better than others.