Does Anyone Else Think Money Is The Main Thing? - Alternative View

Does Anyone Else Think Money Is The Main Thing? - Alternative View
Does Anyone Else Think Money Is The Main Thing? - Alternative View

Video: Does Anyone Else Think Money Is The Main Thing? - Alternative View

Video: Does Anyone Else Think Money Is The Main Thing? - Alternative View
Video: Money Doesn't Buy Happiness, But It Is... - Motivational Video 2024, September

Why do you go to work?

The standard answer is for money. Come on) They are important, of course. But no salary will keep you where you fell out of the court or you feel uncomfortable. So money is not the main goal. And then what?

Let's think about it. And let's go from the opposite: in what cases will you drag us on the lasso and will not drag us to any job, be it three times highly paid. This is what can cause such apathy and even aversion to the workplace in us that we will not budge and lift a finger to make her happy with our presence. Have you already thought about it? Then let's go over the points one more time.

1. When no one is waiting for us there purely humanly. It happens? Sure. It went wrong with colleagues, you are probably on different waves with them, and colleagues separately, and you separately. How long will you go to such a high-paying job?

2. The boss dislikes you for something. It happens? Well, what doesn’t happen, if it happens?) Doesn’t like a day, don’t like a week, don’t like a month … Who had this and what is the record of being at such a job, in an atmosphere of eternal conflict? And how often did the company change its boss so that you stay? Or is it you who, despite the high salary, once applied for resignation?

3. You are not noticed. That's all. It seems that you are not there. And you try, you put your soul into it, you bring benefit, you show initiative … You will receive a prize or "thank you" for this. And that's all. Again, you seem to be gone. What do you want? Do you want to be noticed. What for? Well, you’re a person, and not a function that is being poured into the account instead of machine oil. Aha! And again I want something human, not money.

4. You are bored. You love what you do, you like it, but the child's routine has eaten her up, and every day is like another. Well, they pay you money? Yes, fine. Why don't you want to go to work then? So, after all, life will pass gray and monotonous - so you probably think. Well yes. This is a natural reflex of a person with whom he is born: he was born to develop. He challenged life and was born so that life would respond to him with the same challenge, and he would cope with it. Man needs battles and victories. Therefore, the best work is when there is a balance between routine and challenge.

5. Tell me yourself that I forgot to write down here and what is more important to you than money, and we will close the topic money = motivation to go to work))

Promotional video:

By and large, I believe that we work primarily for the sake of developing; because we love the business we are doing and we like to be useful to the business and people; because the team got together so friendly that I learned everything for their sake, became cool and irreplaceable and I can't live without these people; because I've always dreamed of learning something, working in such a cool office and environment, etc. These are not material incentives in any way. Money will also be present here, but I have not met people in whose list of priorities money would come first. So why do we keep repeating the learned answer, "I work for the money"? Is it a shame to work for a dream or friends or a favorite thing?

Or do you still think that you only have to work for the money?