13 Chanquillo Towers Covered With A Veil Of Secrecy (Peru) - Alternative View

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13 Chanquillo Towers Covered With A Veil Of Secrecy (Peru) - Alternative View
13 Chanquillo Towers Covered With A Veil Of Secrecy (Peru) - Alternative View

Video: 13 Chanquillo Towers Covered With A Veil Of Secrecy (Peru) - Alternative View

Video: 13 Chanquillo Towers Covered With A Veil Of Secrecy (Peru) - Alternative View
Video: Смотри и думай...История 179.«Тринадцать башен» Чанкильо.Перу."Thirteen towers" by Chankillo.Peru. 2024, July

Everyone knows the history of the discovery of the continent of America - the extermination of the indigenous peoples of the Maya, Incas, Aztecs. They left a unique legacy - the most famous and amazing ancient pyramids and monuments in the Americas. Until recently, it was considered so. In 2000, the famous scientist and archaeologist - Ivan Ghezzi - excavated the oldest complex, which turned out to be older than the famous Mayan and Inca pyramids.

Ancient complex

In the sands of Peru, an ancient structure was discovered dating back to the 4th century BC. e. and a total area of 4 square kilometers.


They lined up in a straight line at the top of the hill from north to south. Each tower has two stairs.


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Versions of origin

The original version of the use of the complex in Chanquillo suggests its strategic use: protection from external factors - this was also indicated by the technique of masonry walls. But in 2007, archaeologists never found the source of the water. Without quenching their thirst, the defenders could not have been able to defend or hold back the enemy for a long time.

Solar observatory

The theory of the use of 13 towers and adjacent structures speaks in favor of a solar observatory. On the territory of Peru, there was a nation that worshiped the heavenly body long before the Incas and modern man knows nothing about them.


If you observe the movement of the sun, you can clearly see that it passes from the right side of the complex to the left over the course of the year. Observing the course of the luminary between the slots of the tower, the date can be determined at dawn. The accuracy of this observation is 2-3 days.

Scientists were able to find special points that made it possible to perfectly observe the luminary at the horizon, these places were located at a distance of 230 meters from the west and east of the towers. From the west they watched the sunrise, and from the east - the sunset.

This theory was confirmed by the find of a complex of buildings 180 meters from 13 towers and a straight corridor 40 meters long without any depressions and branches, which led directly to the western part of the observation point.


Scientists have conducted a series of studies to find out if the find in Chanquillo can be associated with the phases of the moon and the lunar month. The theory has not been confirmed, the ancient complex is the oldest solar observatory and was used as a calendar. This knowledge was most likely applied in agriculture.

The cult of the Sun is not uncommon. Many peoples and civilizations chose a star as their deity. It is believed that the complex of mysterious towers was used during the rituals of the solar and winter solstice, these days were key for many peoples and beliefs. Scientists managed to find a temple with household items and, as it is assumed, ritual accessories.

Who are the builders of the complex?

Who built the observatory? And why are there 13 towers and not 12 like months in a year?


The civilization that erected this unique complex is one of the oldest, it appeared 2000 years before the Incas. Nothing is known about her. But it is clear that they had wise men, architects, builders. High level of organization. The observatory has been under construction for 25 years.

One of the theories puts forward a version according to which sun worshipers could guess the movement of celestial bodies and predicted the fall of a meteorite, which destroyed them. But this is only a version.

The history of our planet never ceases to amaze and present new questions, although there are still no answers to the old ones. The Chanquillo Solar Observatory is a prime example of this. The high level of development of one of the most ancient civilizations is admirable. But what happened to her? Whether it will be possible to find records or other objects that shed light on the life and disappearance of ancient sun worshipers - time will tell. Archaeological research is ongoing and the answers may be coming soon.

Zhanna Lyubarskaya