Self-hypnosis: A Technique That Will Change Your Life - Alternative View

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Self-hypnosis: A Technique That Will Change Your Life - Alternative View
Self-hypnosis: A Technique That Will Change Your Life - Alternative View

Video: Self-hypnosis: A Technique That Will Change Your Life - Alternative View

Video: Self-hypnosis: A Technique That Will Change Your Life - Alternative View
Video: Fastest SELF HYPNOSIS technique ever devised - try it and see! 2024, July

Is it just a little trick created from scratch by some wizard who came to impress? Is this an exact science that can be used for therapeutic purposes? There is no doubt that hypnosis is surrounded by mysteries and myths. To discover what it is, there is a solution: self-hypnosis.

What is self hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a practice that allows you to achieve a more or less profound altered state of consciousness, between the state of wakefulness and sleep.

You literally walk into your mind, the space between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind. And it is from this place that you can work on yourself, on your unconscious.

About 90% of your behavior is controlled by your unconscious. Imagine being able to access it and shape it as you wish.

To be able to access everything that is hidden in you: your thoughts, your fears, your doubts, your passions, your inclinations.

Imagine that you can reprogram all of this. This is what self-hypnosis will allow you to do.

Promotional video:

Perhaps you have an idea that hypnosis is very difficult and that you need to see a professional. Self-hypnosis is actually very simple. And the more you practice, the faster and deeper you will go.

But how to hypnotize yourself?

Self-hypnosis technique

Your unconscious is like a computer, full of programs that determine your behavior. And there are several self-hypnosis techniques that will allow you to reprogram your mind. Suggestion method and visualization method.

1. Self-hypnosis: a method of self-hypnosis

This technique consists of convincing yourself of an idea or reality by repeating positive sentences. It's the art of talking to yourself and convincing yourself.

Hypnosis is a state of extreme suggestibility, so it will be very easy for you to shape your subconscious with deliberate suggestions.

Of course, it is important to always know what aspects you want to work on before embarking on a self-hypnosis session, and always be positive.

Perhaps you would like to have more confidence in yourself; then it would be advisable to suggest to you: "I know who I am, I am confident in my decisions, I am confident in myself."

2. Self-hypnosis by visualization

It's time to take the next step. You will add a new dimension to your proposal to make it even more compelling: visualization.

When you have chosen which aspects to work on, you will need to imagine that you are living according to your proposal, feeling it with all your senses.

The more you can visually detail, feel the emotions associated with it and create a realistic scene, the more your proposal will be imprinted in your subconscious.

Imagine yourself saying, “I’m confident, I’m confident in my decisions,” so why not close your eyes, relax and imagine yourself face to face with your boss, completely confident, explaining to him why you chose this and not that.

Do you hear noise from the printer next door? Smell the coffee, feel the calm in the face of this situation.

Self-hypnosis exercise

Here is an exercise for practicing self-hypnosis.

Step 1: privacy

Find a quiet and peaceful place, rest assured that no one will disturb you during your self-hypnosis session. Cut yourself off from the outside world. This moment belongs only to you.

Choose the duration of the session, ideally between 20 and 30 minutes; set an alarm to alert you when the session ends.

Determine what aspects of yourself you want to work on. Get into your ideal posture: sitting cross-legged, lying down, or sitting in a chair - find what works best for you.

Close your eyes and relax.

Step 2: Relaxation

Time to relax. Close your eyes, relax your muscles and your mind. You can practice breathing exercises to calm yourself.

The more relaxed, calm and focused you are, the deeper your hypnosis will be. Feel free to do a little meditation before you start.

Step 3: Self-hypnosis

Now you will start working on yourself by mentally speaking your sentences.

For example: "I know I will pass my exam" or "I am sure that I will succeed because I am ready." Repeat these phrases several times until you feel confident that you will succeed!

Then, if you like, you can go ahead and start rendering.

Step 4: render

Imagine that you are going down the stairs. You can count the number of steps from 1 to 10. When you get to the end, open the door.

This door opens a situation that is directly related to your proposal and therefore to the aspect of yourself that you want to work on. Let's take an example with an exam.

Imagine yourself in the examination room answering all the questions and being completely confident in your answers. Feel your emotions: you have succeeded because you are fully prepared, you have coped, you are confident.

Visualize yourself at the graduation ceremony: the teacher gives you a diploma. You are happy and satisfied because you have succeeded.

If your subconscious mind understands your suggestive sentences well, the images will be reasonably accurate.

Step 5: Exit

Your alarm has rang and it's time to go out. Go back up the stairs, this time counting from 10 to 1.

Move your legs and arms slowly, rediscover the sensations of your body. Open your eyes. Your session is over!

The benefits of self-hypnosis

Modern science is increasingly using hypnosis. Indeed, many studies show that hypnosis can have many benefits for your body and mind.

Whether to reduce addiction to drugs, alcohol, or to address phobia and anxiety problems, self-hypnosis can solve many problems.

Thanks to self-hypnosis, you can now act on all your emotions: your stress, your anxieties, your fears and your desires.