Fulfillment Of Desires And Self-programming - Alternative View

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Fulfillment Of Desires And Self-programming - Alternative View
Fulfillment Of Desires And Self-programming - Alternative View

Video: Fulfillment Of Desires And Self-programming - Alternative View

Video: Fulfillment Of Desires And Self-programming - Alternative View
Video: The Power of Mimetic Desire in Markets, Politics, & Culture | Luke Burgis 2024, July

needs. In this respect, we are all like mechanical biomachines controlled by mental programs. The fulfillment of needs ensures our survival - we eat food, sleep, relieve ourselves, reproduce. The fulfillment of desires creates the very difference that distinguishes us from animals that are limited by needs. In this article, I do not plan to subject our psychophysiological mechanisms to a boring analysis. Here we will talk about the most interesting - how to fulfill your desires. Quite recently I have already written an article about the mechanical nature of all mental processes. Today I want to touch on the edge of the same process, but already close to our social life. What does it mean to be alive? Is “living” the opposite of mechanical, or are these the edges of one phenomenon? Man is a living computerwhose actions are conditioned by the program … And for desires to be fulfilled, we just need an appropriate program.

Clarity, motivation and success

Often our motives overlap, and we "choose" one or the other only because the power of this program turned out to be more powerful. Here I want to remind you that human choice is an illusion - just the action of a psychic program. Which program is stronger, such a choice happens. The strength of desire depends on how intense the program is passing through consciousness at the moment.

You may argue - after all, there are situations when negative emotions overwhelm our gut, but we gather our will into a fist and act rationally. However, such an example does not in the least contradict the idea of mechanical choice driven by the dominant program. Willpower is essentially an example of a strong program that prevails over the weak. To manifest such a will means to pass through the consciousness a strong program, which, even with its low saturation, but a powerful vibration, alone can overshadow the action of hundreds of old programs.

Will is a high level of understanding of what you need, it is a high level of incentive. It is vitally important to understand what you really want, and only then can you do it, and if need be, move mountains for it! The fulfillment of desires one hundred percent depends on how clearly you realize what you want. The more clearly you realize your own desire, the faster you move towards your dream!

Often, understanding resembles some kind of vague sphere, and then it seems as if it is completely unclear how to act, the stimulus is weak, and you can easily break loose, being tempted by extraneous distractions. All that is required for a clear disclosure of understanding is to pay attention to it, stop your gaze on it, and then understanding will unfold into a clear, clear thought, which will give a powerful stimulus leading to real action.

Clarity develops through awareness and crystallization of thought. Everyday life under favorable conditions, when the mind is kept in good shape, gives a gradual, sometimes chaotic development of these qualities. Clarity of consciousness is the best investment that we can make in developing the quality of our own life. Implementation of the target depends on the level of clarity.

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The program in the computer runs according to a strictly specified algorithm. When a programmer does not take into account the values of all the functions of his program, it may "glitch", "hang", or produce unexpected results. At some point, when there is so much data in the program that the creator's brain is simply not able to digest it, the programmer may think that the program lives its own life … In everyday life, we are constantly faced with such an impact of unconscious programs that were laid from early childhood.

When there is no clarity about how exactly the various functions of the program are intertwined and interact, then there is no understanding of how what happened. Of course, no one really knows how the brain works. However, for our purposes it is not necessary to know the thousands of complexities of the structure of our own mind. To begin with, it is enough to make at least the assumption that the human mind is mechanical, it moves due to the data, due to the programs that we conduct through ourselves. Our consciousness is a conductor of thousands of influences. The fulfillment of desires is the implementation of the programs laid down in us. In general, all personal effectiveness can be reduced to self-knowledge - to understanding your deepest desires and needs, eliminating inappropriate and reinforcing productive ones.


You are reading now. You can kill time reading, as most people do in search of impressions. The real benefit of reading is the acquisition of new information, inspiration for practical actions, the creation of the necessary mental programs and the destruction of useless ones. In any case, reading is beneficial only to a truly attentive reader, in whose consciousness a program has been introduced that allows, before polemics and denial, to include an attempt to understand the meaning of each phrase, to let in something new.

The inspiration for practical action is self-programming. When reading is stimulating, when you want to achieve the intended results, it is a consequence of positive self-programming. Reading can destroy programs and create new ones, which emit long-term stimuli that induce the mind and body to act under their influence.

Most of us most of the time do not perceive reality, but our thoughts about it, so thoughts play a decisive role. Thoughts flow into attitudes about how to relate to objects of the external environment, and attitudes into long-term programs - personal deep beliefs. There is no clear line between thoughts, attitudes and long-term programs.

How is the program formed? For example, Vasya sees a thing that belongs to Ana, and he may have an idea to appropriate this thing. If Vasya is an inexperienced person, lives for the first time, and he has few social programs, he is unlikely to think about the fact that theft is fraught with negative consequences. Vasya takes someone else's thing, Anya comes in, expresses her displeasure, and Vasya has an attitude that it is not worth taking Anya's things without permission. In the future, Vasya can purchase the following program: “Anya and the other guys do not shy away from my presence, because they are not afraid that I will take their things without asking. They see that I can be trusted, so I try to be honest in order to keep in touch with them."

No one can do otherwise

It is very important to understand this. No one can do otherwise … Man is not good or bad by definition. All this is a consequence of the interweaving of thousands of psychic programs. All this is simply embedded in the psyche, which mechanically conducts the will of the programs through itself. Blaming a person, in fact, is tantamount to hitting a closet, the door of which, due to the physical laws of the world, accidentally opened at the wrong time.

Since childhood, a huge number of irrational programs are laid into our minds about how the world should be, how people should behave, what our person should be. During consultations, I am essentially engaged in identifying destructive non-adaptive programs of the client, which we jointly carefully analyze and de-energize. Sometimes, in the course of counseling, the client has to admit that the fulfillment of individual desires is impractical. Such desires are leveled with the understanding of their uselessness. Gaining clarity allows you to feel your own creative desires.

Our whole life is, in a way, a game of programs. We are the conductors of their interconnection, development and transformation. If you try to trace exactly how the mind works, you can understand very important things. To start doing something, it is necessary to understand and understand as deeply as possible that we need it, to give ourselves incentives. Gurdjieff was right, man is such a living machine. We consist of programs and follow their influence, but we can consciously program ourselves. However, such self-programming can also be reduced to the effect of some programs on others.

Motivation is the power to turn the world around when we really want to. Stimulus leads to action. The clearer you understand what you want, the faster life will carry you towards your dream.
