Spiritual Growth - This Is The Return Of Consciousness To Awareness - Alternative View

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Spiritual Growth - This Is The Return Of Consciousness To Awareness - Alternative View
Spiritual Growth - This Is The Return Of Consciousness To Awareness - Alternative View

Video: Spiritual Growth - This Is The Return Of Consciousness To Awareness - Alternative View

Video: Spiritual Growth - This Is The Return Of Consciousness To Awareness - Alternative View
Video: The 3 Biggest Secrets to Spiritual Growth! **Powerful** 2024, July

As long as a person's consciousness is separated from its Divine aspects, it is on the vibrations of the ego-mind. And this is separation from the universal Whole, the division of the World into internal and external, a false “I” and identification with its manifestation - images that need to be someone and correspond to something.

This stay is not in living Reality, but in subjective ideas about it. This is a twisted consciousness, which means a perverted perception and, as a result, countless problems. And neither faith in the Creator, nor the knowledge that we are His creation, consciousness does not align, does not return to the Divine Essence and does not lead to happiness. This requires personal spiritual work. To him, as never before, is appealing to Evolution, which is unfolding against the background of a general crisis that reveals what needs to be eradicated.

Mindfulness, Karma and Destiny

Each action, word, thought, intention is an energy that is sent into space and, multiplied, returns to the vibration of the sender. Such a simple physics, building fate, calling it karma, leads to the conclusion: if you want well-being, be attentive to what comes from you. And this is responsibility for your life. And it requires awareness. There is also a metaphysics that does not lie on the surface: the manifested ego punishes itself and, through suffering, directs it to an awareness of the causes of its misfortunes. And since it is not very easy to find them, many are looking for answers on the spiritual path.

But while individuals like to have smart conversations, beautifully describe their thoughts and experiences, demonstrate development, and having parapathy, feeling their exclusivity is not spirituality, but a game of it. And it continues until a person is fed up with it and thinks: “Why do I need spiritual life? What do I expect from her? I want to avoid suffering / assert myself through advancement / become better than others / be calmer and more confident / solve my problems / be stronger and use it to my advantage / find happiness, staying in everything as usual? …"

But the spiritual path is knowing yourself and returning to your Essence. This is a process in which consciousness ascends from the level of personality to the level of the Divine Essence. And this is a great spiritual work, in which, in order to know the True Self, it is necessary to discover the false not-Self with which the person identifies himself. This way

  • starts with awareness - redirecting attention from the outside - into oneself;
  • requires the development of awareness in order to disidentify with thoughts and ideas about oneself, to reveal how the mirage "I" manifests itself, which phantom character is trying to act in this way, what motive pushes him to do this, why does he need it;
  • and makes a person the very awareness when he discovers the True Self.

And since in this process words and deeds emanating from the images of the “I” are suppressed, for which later one will have to bitterly regret, something magical happens:

Promotional video:

  • nothing to return to the addressee;
  • the brain ceases to receive commands that include previous neural connections - signals for destructive emotions and actions. And these compounds dissolve. This is a different behavior which results in
  • the corresponding information disappears in the karmic body.

So a person creates his destiny on a new level - consciously.

This is reflected not only in changing life circumstances. As the false “I” is debunked, the protection it needs so much is thrown away: there is no longer any need to explain our actions by the actions of other people and blame them for this. Weaknesses should not be justified by childhood experiences, failures - by generic programs, getting stuck in a comfort zone - by karma from past lives. This honesty with oneself reveals problems. And in overcoming them, life develops in a different way.

Self-esteem becomes less vulnerable, exposed pride no longer strives for superiority, you do not need to be right at any cost, defend your position and leave the last word for yourself. Irritability, dissatisfaction with someone's behavior, quarrels are less and less frequent. And relationships improve. And the background of life becomes calmness and confidence.

And if failures or troubles occur, they do not cause a feeling of guilt or accusation of someone, but an understanding of their cause - either it is a hidden fear, or self-distrust, or another deep block behind which stands … again, a phantom image of "I" with a false idea about yourself.

Self-knowledge becomes a kind of creativity. And it makes life interesting.

Minotaur Labyrinth


“As long as there is a belief that we ourselves are doing something…, the state that is the basis of awakening cannot come.”

Ramesh Balsekar

With these words, the enlightened Teacher calls on us to realize that all intentions are realized by the Divine Power, and not by the mirage "I", which ascribes to itself an independent will and authorship of actions. The doer I am the subtlest and most insidious trap.

The essence creates, and the mind-ego pretends to control (English rule - to control, to steer; control - to control, manage, dispose; command - to command, control, order; govern - to dispose, manage). We create our life according to the level of consciousness. Changing it changes life. We create by embodying ideas coming from the Soul and manifesting a God-given talent. And we are responsible for this process. And if there is a sincere desire, for example, to harmonize the situation or heal the patient, one realizes that this is not done by me, but through me as a conductor of Divine energies. For such actions, permission is requested from the Human Soul, the whole process is observed from a distance, and the situation can really change - it depends on the width and purity of the conducting channel. But the image of "I" does not arise, confidentthat he achieved the desired result and changed reality / Divine energy information. Whom to order? Whom to lead? What “I” thinks that it is capable of subordinating circumstances to its will and controlling the Soul and Spirit?

In practice, this means that you need to catch the moment when a non-existent character has a conviction (thought and emotion) that he acts of his own free will, fulfills desires himself, achieves a goal, and, more importantly, trace his identification with this faith. Otherwise, one cannot get out of the "Minotaur's labyrinth".

And the way out of it is in awareness. Many people talk about it today, few understand its essence, and few implement it. There should be no illusion: awareness is impossible on the vibrations of the ego-mind. This is the frequency of the essential True Self dwelling in thoughtlessness and in the eternal now.

Any negative emotion can lead to it. If you do not spill it out, do not suppress it inward, do not get rid of it by special methods, but simply observe, it not only dissolves, but also leads to the Source from which everything arises - thoughts, ideas, various states, choices, desires and … awareness …


  • When experiencing a difficult emotion, close your eyes and locate the place in the body where it is concentrated.
  • Imagine her as an image - the first thing that comes.
  • Get it out of yourself on the screen and start looking at - color, shape, size, what it feels like. Observe how it changes: what happened to the color, shape, how many centimeters in length / width / in diameter. Celebrate all the transformations until the screen is absolutely clear and you feel incomparable peace.
  • Dive into this space. The mind calls it emptiness. He cannot explain it and sees in it, as in any unknown, a threat to his existence. Therefore, if fear grips, it is just a reaction of the mind. Watch it and it dissolves. It will be replaced by a state of deep peace and grace - a sign that the false “I” has disappeared, and the I Am is Present in the space of consciousness. It contains everything that exists. In him everything arises, everything happens, changes and disappears.
  • Are you aware of this space? How do you know this? This classic corrective question is worth asking yourself all the time. Direct your attention to the space itself. Who is aware of it?

You can go further.

Remember some difficult event from the past - someone who once betrayed / caused painful experiences / disappointed / offended … Remember enemies or ill-wishers, if you have them. Recreate these images on your screen. And you will feel that nothing has trembled in you. In the space of consciousness, you are not inside the circumstance, but outside it and you see everything detached. There is no "I" at this frequency. This means that there is no one who is offended, and one who must forgive. There's nothing here. Only I Am the Presence without thoughts of myself, “suchness” and personal history. And the hurting circumstances with his heroes are recognized as a tangle of thoughts, judgments of the mind and its assessment. And everything is released. And the multifaceted human system is cleared of negativity.

As for forgiveness - one person can forgive another, a mature consciousness - not to condemn, the Soul - not to respond to someone's ego and forgive. But did the one who went against God think about the reason for his act, what after that changed in his consciousness, and therefore in his actions and in relation to people? Awareness of this is his responsibility to the Creator in himself and his Path, on which there is an inexorable Cosmic Law "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

In the space of consciousness, the boundaries of the mental are overcome, and this radically changes perception:

  • the mind discriminates but cannot judge;
  • there is no "I" - and there is no image of the suffering person, therefore there is no suffering;
  • there are no ideas about yourself, and therefore there are no fears;
  • mental awareness is replaced by silent essential awareness;
  • in any situation its deep spiritual meaning is revealed.

Consciousness vision

The mind does not understand how in "emptiness" everything arises and everything is transformed. How the immaterial creates the material. Formlessness takes many forms. Immutability gives development to everything. How Transparency fills with Power. Elusiveness is embodied in the concrete. The inner determines the events in life. And the invisible Light without thoughts and words illuminates with the clarity of what is happening.

This is realized at a different frequency - in the perception of consciousness, when it is expanded, the boundaries of the mind and body are overcome, and the knowledge that I am not a form becomes an experience of my formlessness and infinity. The vision from the linear becomes volumetric, more holistic, and information from another dimension becomes available. The mind, having become an obedient instrument, observes what is happening distantly. And That-That-Is is accepted without choice, without relation to the observed, outside the subject and object.

Here the clue for that external, which seemed extremely important, the dependence on the spiritual leader, in which his own Divine Essence was devalued, disappears. There is no "I" - and there is no one who considers himself a doer. Silence, calmness and harmony reign inside. And I Am Presence - a single Spirit for all, vibrating in each form at its unique and unchanging Cosmic frequency, transforming all systems, freeing from false beliefs, zeroing programs, healing and protecting from low-vibration "evil spirits".

Inner being

In the perception of oneself as a space of consciousness, when all circumstances are realized as a manifestation of the Will of the Spirit, staying in the I Am Presence becomes a sincere necessity, and the craving for self-realization reaches the point of no return, the Spirit no longer just directs to itself - He leads along the spiritual path. This great conscious supramental loving Power knows when to fill the body with energy with ascending waves, when to burn it with a special cleansing fire, when to make the whole being light, as if incorporeal, and to raise vibrations, to help to realize something. And at some point, this Power inside releases a certain part and pushes it forward a little. In Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga, this is called the advancement of the inner (psychic) being - a necessary step prior to the discovery of our deepest component - the Soul.

This is a guru to contact. He guides, explains, sometimes warns through an intuitive sense of what is worth doing and what is not. It is calmness, confidence and self-sufficiency.

This aspect is also observed, realized, and Trust, Gratitude and Love for that Divine Power that leads all of us through life grows.

When a person is at this level of consciousness, his destiny is no longer karma, which dissolves as unnecessary - unless someone who just has it - but service: those tasks that the Soul has chosen for him at this stage. At the same time, Her help, care and support are made explicit.


The path to Her is paved by the inner being. And it more and more often directs attention deep into itself. And it is clear Who is behind the circumstances, unites the mental, emotional, energetic and physical systems of a person, Who controls his life from under the dark veil of selfhood.

The Soul is a consciousness vibrating at the frequency of Divinity, and therefore It knows its own unity with the Great Whole.

The world, which seemed to the person to be huge, incomprehensible, and therefore, fraught with danger, becomes a space where no one is separated, nothing is isolated, everything and everyone is in the common energy-informational House of God, filled with His Love. This is unconditional Love. It separates no one and nothing splits. Describes or evaluates nothing. He does not condemn anyone and does not demand anything. In It is the Power of the Soul.

Unchanging in its Divine essence, the Soul changes in each incarnation. Carrying the inexhaustible Divine potential, She seeks to manifest it. And for this, squeezing himself, he enters the physical form, endows it with uniqueness, and, developing it, develops itself. And a person feels enlightened by ideas, inspiration soars, the happiness of creativity and the joy of giving.

For the sake of his spiritual growth, the Soul chooses karmic tasks and forms the corresponding events in life. But if their essence is not realized, it is pain and suffering, first of all, of the Soul.

Without thirst for knowledge, She stimulates their comprehension. Having no desires, fulfills aspirations and dreams. Not highlighting anyone, builds relationships with everyone on an equal footing. Not possessing qualities, initiates sublime feelings. Therefore, the more the Soul is closed by the energies of the separate “I”, the less in a person God-given Sensibility, Mercy, the feeling of the Beautiful - in the mind-brain of such a “crown of creation” they simply do not find a response. He cannot even feel the pain that he inflicts on other people.

When the consciousness approaches the vibrations of the Soul, there is a conscious rejection of … freedom of choice. What preferences can a loving, realizing Force, one with the Universal Spirit have? What to choose for a consciousness that is directed towards God and seeks to embody His Will? This surrender to the Creator. And suddenly she opens up many ways to express her identity: every action becomes a spontaneous creative process.


The Soul Space can also be observed. And if you direct attention to it, the conscious one dissolves in awareness and merges with the conscious / with Being / with Spirit. And the True Self is revealed. He and I can no longer be called, it is the infinite, vibrating at the frequency of God Isness. This is Realization. It is primary. It does not need to be sought or achieved by super-efforts. It is a silent clarity initiated by the Spirit that we are. This is pure consciousness. And this is our Essence.

As an inactive Father's Principle, it is Light / Consciousness / Divine energy information (Father), which is present in all creations (the Son) and manifests itself in a person as Consciousness experienced in the eternal “now” (Spirit).

As an active Mother Beginning, this is the presence of the Great Conscious (superintelligent) Realizing Force. It manifests itself as an opportunity to love and create, create and know, grow, act and rejoice.

And the eternal "now" is not a category of time, but the presence and manifestation of Consciousness, which the Spirit himself realizes.

The Trinity of Essence-Presence-Manifestation, where Essence is God, Presence is God, Manifestation is God, means that we are superintelligent, conscious Light - the Divine energy-information space of consciousness, which has inexhaustible possibilities and immense realizing Power. We are Creators, one with the Creator.

All that remains is to identify with your Divinity and stay at its frequency.

Author: Svetlana Belova