Conspiracy Against Humanity. Committee 300 - Alternative View

Conspiracy Against Humanity. Committee 300 - Alternative View
Conspiracy Against Humanity. Committee 300 - Alternative View

Video: Conspiracy Against Humanity. Committee 300 - Alternative View

Video: Conspiracy Against Humanity. Committee 300 - Alternative View
Video: Юрий Гагарин: полёт, слава, гибель, бессмертие / Редакция 2024, July

It is a completely secret society, consisting of representatives of the untouchable class, including the Queen of England, the Queen of the Netherlands, the Queen of Denmark and the royal families of Europe, the old families of the Black Aristocracy of Europe, the American "Eastern Liberal Establishment", who got rich on the opium trade.

Members of the Committee are representatives of secret societies: the Illuminati, the British Masonic Lodge and the Italian Masonic Lodge, the Order of the Elders of Zion, the World Council of Churches, the Socialist International.

In terms of goals, capabilities and structure, it is a global organizational mechanism and an instrument for the implementation of malicious plans to achieve total control over humanity in general and over the consciousness of people in particular.

The Committee of 300 has been around for 150 years. Now it is a powerful political organization with an iron discipline that does not recognize any national boundaries, whose members are responsible only to the members of this group.

The "think tanks" of the Committee of 300 prepared the conditions for the creation of global structures for managing world processes, such as the "Club of Rome", the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Hague International Tribunal. The roles of these structures in the enslavement of states and peoples are clearly defined.

The IMF is waging a financial war against the victim countries, introducing ineffective economic models under the guise of a "free market", imposing loans, turning states into eternal debtors.

The WTO is the striking force of transnational corporations, "breaking" in their interests, national customs barriers, laws on labor protection and preservation of the natural environment. In fact, it destroys national sovereignty.

NATO suppresses the resistance of states and peoples by military force.

Promotional video:

The Hague International Tribunal is organizing a show trial of the leaders of peoples who resisted the aggressors in order to suppress the will of others to fight for independence.

“Genocide is a means that all colonial powers

used throughout history to realize their

interests in both Americas, Africa, Asia.

All colonial powers pursued their interests by

genocide. The new colonialism has resorted to the same means.

The whole world must hear this alarm bell, for the whole world, including tired, lulled Europe, is a target

new colonialism”.

(S. Milosevic, speech at the Hague Tribunal).

The courageous prisoner of the Hague Tribunal warned the world about the threat of general genocide, exposed B. Clinton that he “proclaimed genocide as a state policy”. D. Bush's successor carried it out even more aggressively, threatening war to all countries that were not with him. We live in an absurd environment where 5% of the American population dictate terms to the rest of the world's population using military and economic pressure. This is the New World Order (NWO), which threatens the existence of mankind, including Russia.

It is necessary to draw conclusions from S. Milosevic's alarm bell. First of all, patriotic parties and movements should include in the ideological arsenal the theory and practice of exposing the secret plan of the organizers of the New World Order (NWO) to divide the world into the elite, appropriating all the riches of the earth, and outcasts to serve them. And their inspirers - the secret World Government (MP), or the Committee of 300 (K-300).

According to the "K-300" plan, the population of the Earth should be sharply reduced in the near future. A police political regime of the planetary state has been established with a system of control over all aspects of human society, each person. This has become part of the practical policy of the United States, the "seven", but our society is not informed about it, is in blissful ignorance.

Zyuganov's works correctly note that capital is striving for world domination, American-style globalization is being imposed on humanity, a new world order is being formed. A dilemma arises: will we be saved and save the world or perish. There is a third world war for the existence of the nation and country.

The signs of the NWO are formulated: embedding the world in the “pyramid of subordination” led by the USA, supranational power; control over world sources of raw materials, energy, financial system, control over information flows; imposing its value system on the world; military defeat of countries defending their national interests.

But G. Zyuganov does not name the main thing: who is developing the ideology of the NWO, what is its main idea, what will happen to Russia? We find the answer in the K-300 solutions: according to their plan, the world should become better and smaller in the future. The idea of such a world is that billions of useless eaters - consumers of limited natural resources - are culled and destroyed. And the comfort of living for the "elite" would be provided by people-slaves.

The theory and practice of the "K-300", confirmed by documents, is set forth by the British intelligence officer D. Coleman in the book "The Committee of 300, Secrets of the World Government". Here are its main provisions.

By 2050, the K-300 has decided to destroy 3 billion "useless eaters." For this, the following recommendations have been developed and applied:

- organization of local wars, hunger, disease;

- cessation of industrial development and electricity production;

- destruction of national identity, religion and especially Christianity;

- the weakening of the morale of the nation and the demoralization of the working class by the creation of mass unemployment;

- termination of research work;

- preventing the peoples from deciding their own destiny, artificially creating crisis situations and "managing" them;

- creating a crisis in the world economy;

- the introduction of subversive agents into governments to destroy the sovereign integrity of countries;

- the establishment of control over education and its destruction;

- control over each person by using means of mind control;

- legalization of drugs and pornography, creation of cults of various rock groups;

- the use of supranational organizations: UN, IMF, BIS, World Court;

- taking control of the foreign and domestic policy of the state;

- organization of a worldwide terrorist apparatus.

The listed directions of genocide by the pro-American leadership are being implemented in our country, as a result, the population has been reduced by 8 million.

D. Coleman emphasizes: “B. Yeltsin uses the decrees of the Committee-300 in order to impose the will of the Committee on Russia as an experiment”(p. 207). Therefore, we can with good reason qualify the sudden loss of people in peacetime as a result of the STATE GENOCIDE.

The Committee insists on the gradual use of methods of destruction of people in order to remain unpunished. The results should become visible to society only after a number of years of destructive work.

Here are some examples of subtle genocide

- Downsizing industry:

In Russia, the conditions for bankruptcy of enterprises are artificially created. There are unemployed people without a livelihood. What awaits them? Drunkenness, drug addiction, going into crime.

- Legalization of drugs and pornography:

This problem did not exist before. There were only 46 thousand drug addicts in the USSR. The Democrats, having removed the bans, brought their number to 3 million, which deals the most tangible blow to demography. Homosexuals began to be considered people with a special sexual orientation. The media are overflowing with pornography, and young people are overwhelmed by licentiousness. Since 1991, a family planning association has been operating in 160 cities in the country, based on the ideology of reducing the birth rate. The program of population soldering was carried out.

- Destruction of Christianity:

More than 20 religious sects were sent to the country under the pretext of freedom of conscience. They are carrying out their anti-Orthodox work, recruiting young people. This year saw the Vatican-American invasion. The Pope officially declared our country the canonical territory of the Vatican, established 4 dioceses and an All-Russian Metropolitan. Everything is going according to plan for the K-300.

The reader himself can give examples. Anything that makes life worse: delayed wages, housing and communal services reform, rising prices for food and medicine, low-quality imported food with preservatives, etc. All this leads to the physical genocide of the people.

The Committee of 300 designed the future:

“The world government should be made up of permanent, unelected members of the K-300.

- The world is governed by their decrees.

- The population is limited to 1 billion, benefiting the ruling elite.

- The middle class will be liquidated, only the rulers and servants will remain.

- Former countries should not be separated by borders. The conquered will be rewarded with livelihoods, the rebellious - starved to death.

- Christian churches will be destroyed and Christianity will become a thing of the past.

- Marriages will be outlawed, children will be brought up as state property.

- Pornography and drug use by slave people will become widespread.

- The economic system will be based on the rule of an oligarchic class, allowing the production of as much food and services as needed for the functioning of the camps of mass slave labor.


Sergey Lukanov