Devastators Of Emotions - Alternative View

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Devastators Of Emotions - Alternative View
Devastators Of Emotions - Alternative View

Video: Devastators Of Emotions - Alternative View

Video: Devastators Of Emotions - Alternative View
Video: Michael Jackson - Stranger In Moscow (Official Video) 2024, June

Vampires are perhaps the most famous mythological monsters. Their images in modern culture vary from terrible creatures to noble beauties, but the essence remains the same: the living dead, drinking human blood. Fearfully? Not that word. At least vampires stay where they should be - in the realm of imagination. By the way, have you noticed that you have become too tired lately?..


In fact, even with fictional vampires, things are not so simple. To unearth the roots of the myth of the blood-sucking undead, you have to go deep into times so ancient that it is difficult to imagine. Meet the Babylonian demon Lilu (from which Lilith then arose), the ancestor of the vampire family. He drank the blood of newborns 4 thousand years ago, before it became fashionable. Ancient Greek Lamia, Indian vetals, Romanian Strigoi, Slavic ghouls - the thirst for human blood spread through an incredible number of legends and beliefs of various, often completely unrelated peoples. There are a number of explanations for this phenomenon, usually associated with misinterpretation of the symptoms of various diseases or stages of cadaveric decomposition. A neglected case of a rare disease of porphyria rewards its wearer with photophobia and vulnerability to ultraviolet (i.e., sunlight), covers the skin with dead spots, and the teeth with reddish bloody plaque. The much more famous rabies can turn a person into a crazy monster who is afraid of his reflection in the mirror and throws himself at others. If you excavate a relatively fresh grave, which was often done in the Middle Ages, the deceased, swollen from cadaveric gases, will seem ruddy and well-fed, like a gorged bloodsucker. Of course, all these theories cannot fully answer the question of why vampire stories arose in such different cultures and eras, but they deserve attention. If we turn to the very roots again, the first vampire of Babylon spawned not only bloodsuckers, but also succubi,who specialized in other manipulations with people.


When, instead of blood, some vital energy is sucked out, and this is done by a beautiful girl (or in the case of an incubus, a young man), it seems that the situation takes a completely different turn. In early medieval sources, succubi were not considered malevolent spirits at all! Let's take one of the old legends about the very real Pope Sylvester II, who held a high post from 999 to 1003. The legend says that a very young Sylvester once met a difficult girl Meridiana, who promised to give him fame and wealth in exchange for love joys. He, don't be a fool, agreed, and then his career went uphill - from the archbishop to the pope! It is not known who composed this story: opponents of Sylvester, who wanted to denigrate him with a sinful relationship, or supporters who glorified the idol's valiant prowess. Anyway,but after years, only carnal pleasures remained from the advantages of communicating with the succubus, and the disadvantages varied from mental devastation to imminent death. The influence of succubi was mainly justified by priests: they say, the devil sent a temptation in the interval between sleep and reality, when a person is especially weak … And although the night temptresses quickly receded into mythology, even Carl Jung analyzed the testimony of the confessors about them, trying to understand the unconscious compensation of conscious attitudes mind. And in the modern world, the image of a vampire and a succubus again merged together, as once in ancient Babylon, giving rise to a very real phenomenon - energy vampires.when a person is especially weak … And although the night temptresses quickly receded into mythology, even Carl Jung analyzed the testimony of his confessors about them, trying to understand the unconscious compensation of conscious mindsets. And in the modern world, the image of a vampire and a succubus again merged together, as once in ancient Babylon, giving rise to a very real phenomenon - energy vampires.when a person is especially weak … And although the night temptresses quickly receded into mythology, even Carl Jung analyzed the testimony of his confessors about them, trying to understand the unconscious compensation of conscious mindsets. And in the modern world, the image of a vampire and a succubus again merged together, as once in ancient Babylon, giving rise to a very real phenomenon - energy vampires.

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Martyrs and Judges

"Yes, how much blood she drank from me!" - a husband who is dissatisfied with his wife or mother-in-law may bark offendedly. The correction is not blood, but energy, and, very likely, he will drink the same amount. Energy vampires hunt for emotions, often parasitizing on colleagues, close people or family members. People are generally social creatures, but vampires are simply not able to be alone - they need company to feed. What emotions they feed on and in what state they leave the victim depends on the type of vampire.

Vampires - "martyrs" cause a feeling of pity, constantly declaring their insignificance and uselessness for show, expecting praise and approval from the interlocutor. On the other hand, "narcissistic" vampires always put themselves first, regularly reminding them of the important role they played in the victim's life and how much they endured for it. Vampires-"suppressors" always loudly express their only correct opinion, aggressively restraining all who disagree with them. Vampires - "melodramatic" love to create problems out of the blue, inflate the elephant from a fly and blame circumstances for their unhappy existence. Vampires “accusers” will endlessly find specks in other people's eyes, feeding their own self-esteem. "Innocent" vampires are real victims of circumstance who, nevertheless,for some unknown reason, they cannot get out of a difficult situation and thereby cause emotional harm to others.

While the “innocent” seem to be the most obvious type of real help, in reality no energy vampire is aware of his problems. Manipulation of emotions almost always occurs on a subconscious level, and when trying to even mild resistance, a completely sincere reaction arises: "And what am I for ?!" But it is necessary to resist, otherwise you can forget about mental health for a long time. Permanent fatigue, irritation, depression are typical consequences of an attack by energy vampires, and there is some irony in the fact that they can also be signs of "energy hunger".


There is an old belief: a vampire cannot get into your house until you invite him. This is 100 percent true of energy vampires: they just won't sit on the victim's neck without permission. They may have been sitting there for years! A partner who cheats on you, then repents, only to change again. A work colleague who is friendly with you in order to spread vile rumors behind your back tomorrow. A friend who always begs for favors and complains about life, but does not take any serious steps to improve the situation. Sound familiar? Almost certainly. All of them, one way or another, fall under the varieties listed earlier. A much more important question: how to deal with it?

The straight answer suggests itself: to cut off all the "toxic" connections from the shoulder, to throw off the energy bloodsuckers from the neck and start breathing deeply! Ultimately, you can ignore your coworker, stop communicating with your friend, and ditch the wrong partner. But what if instead of them there is an immediate boss, a childhood friend and a truly beloved spouse? Is it really just to change jobs, break long-term ties and get divorced? Sometimes yes, but there are other ways. Some vampires may still loosen their grip after an honest heart-to-heart conversation, while others may benefit from going to a psychologist together. As in the case of vampires of deep antiquity, energy vampirism is more of a disease than a choice. It hurts both sides and is treatable at times. The main thing is to remember that your blood and your emotions are much more important than saturating the vampire. No matter how he tries to convince you otherwise.

Maxim Filaretov