Devil's Predictions - Alternative View

Devil's Predictions - Alternative View
Devil's Predictions - Alternative View

Video: Devil's Predictions - Alternative View

Video: Devil's Predictions - Alternative View
Video: Podcast 336: Adventures in the Forgotten Power Level 2024, September

We all know about the predictions of Nostradamus, Wanga and Messing. But few have heard of the amazing German scientist Albert the Great, who eight centuries ago predicted everything that has happened to humanity up to the present moment. But his records keep predictions right up to the XXIV century. What Albert the Great promises us for the next 300 years was learned by the program "Military Secret with Igor Prokopenko" on REN TV, which provided information for the newspaper "Stavropolskaya Pravda".

Church of All Saints, Kutna Hora
Church of All Saints, Kutna Hora

Church of All Saints, Kutna Hora

In the Czech Republic, in the small town of Kutná Hora, there is the only chapel in the world whose interior is completely decorated with human skulls and bones. About 40,000 human skeletons were used for decoration. The chandelier, which hangs in the chapel, according to the calculations of the researchers, was made from the remains of 5,000 people.


Twice as much was spent on the garlands hanging from the ceiling, and the same amount for the choir space. The bones from which everything is made in this Gothic cemetery church are the remains of people who died in Kutna in 1318 from the plague. A fatal disease suddenly broke out only in this city and did not spread even to the inhabitants of neighboring villages, which is strange.


According to the majority of contemporaries who then survived, the plague broke out only because a mysterious book with the largest and oldest image of the devil on Earth was kept here. She brought misfortune wherever she went. The book is called "Codex Gigas", its height is almost a meter, and its thickness is 30 centimeters. When it was discovered in the Kutna monastery, the researchers carried out radiocarbon analysis. It turned out that the book was written about 1240 in one handwriting, but who the author is is still unknown.

"Codex Gigas"
"Codex Gigas"

"Codex Gigas"

Promotional video:

All pages are made from calfskin. The book has 640 pages, but only 624 have survived to this day, the rest are lost. But the most interesting thing is that these pages followed exactly the huge image of the devil. What was written on them is not known for certain, but some scholars believe that there were predictions of Satan, of which only the last few lines have survived:

A tyrant will come, who will be supported by Satan and will try to take over the whole world, he will be prevented by the northern peoples.

Researchers believe that the tyrant referred to in the book is none other than Hitler. He unleashed the Second World War in order to seize power throughout the world, but he did not succeed - the same northern people prevented. It also contains a small fragment of the phrase that preceded the prediction: "The rulers of Germany will try to take over the world three times." In search of the beginning of this phrase, researchers rummaged through the archives of the Czech Republic and neighboring countries.

"Codex Gigas"
"Codex Gigas"

"Codex Gigas"

Finally, in the archives of Cologne, they came across the book "The Oracle", or, as it is now called, "Alchemical riddles." It was written by the medieval scholar Albert von Bolstedt, better known as Albert the Great. He was a very famous scientist of the 13th century, the first person in Germany to become a Doctor of Philosophy. The "Oracle" contains predictions for the future until the XXIV century, many of them have already come true. In one of them, scientists have found a phrase very similar to the ending of the one written in the Codex Gigas:

Germany will be on the brink of victory three times in a period of seven hundred years; it will almost take over the world three times.

Indeed, for the first time, Emperor Charles V tried to unite Europe under the flag of Germany in the 16th century. He wanted to implement the idea of absolute monarchy through royal marriages. He managed to connect Italy, the Netherlands and Spain with Germany. But that was the end of it. The German elite was dissatisfied with the actions of the emperor, and this only led to civil strife within the country.

The next fighter for power in the whole world was Emperor Wilhelm II, who unleashed the First World War. As you know, Germany has not achieved anything in it either. Well, the most cruel contender for world domination was, of course, Hitler, who suffered a crushing fiasco.

Albert von Bolstedt (1193-1280)
Albert von Bolstedt (1193-1280)

Albert von Bolstedt (1193-1280)

Albert the Great's predictions continue to come true today. In the XIII century, when there was not even electricity, he predicted the appearance of cars and firearms, moreover, he even predicted robots. According to the predictions of Albert the Great, the most interesting events await humanity at the end of the XXIII century. Here is what he writes about this time:

A thousand years after the death of Albert the Great, angels will descend from heaven, as in antediluvian times.

Researchers believe that the prophet could call representatives of alien civilizations angels. Only how it will end, the prophet did not have time to finish. This is the last phrase in his book and was written in 1280, just a few months before his death. Buried Albert the Great in the Church of St. Andrew in Cologne. This is one of the oldest churches in the city, hundreds of pilgrims come here every day to venerate the relics of Albert the Great. In 1932 he was canonized; now it is Saint Albert.

V. Andreev