Is Hollywood Losing The Ideological War? - Alternative View

Is Hollywood Losing The Ideological War? - Alternative View
Is Hollywood Losing The Ideological War? - Alternative View

Video: Is Hollywood Losing The Ideological War? - Alternative View

Video: Is Hollywood Losing The Ideological War? - Alternative View
Video: Is America in Decline? 2024, September

I remember that after the collapse of the USSR, we dreamed that soon we would begin to live as well as in the West. We watched with gusto as the first advertisements of Snickers, Mars, Bounty appeared on TV, as stores were filled with a wide variety of assortments of chewing gums. From hand to hand, videotapes with low-quality recordings of American action films began to wander.

Rambo fought with Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan, Rocky Balboa went to the Soviet Union in order to defeat the Russian boxer. We looked with laughter at the police officers from the American academy who were invited to Moscow to fight the Russian mafiosi, while our police captain Ivan Danko ("Red Heat") went to America to get acquainted with the American way of life, with Western values. More and more often Russian bandits, Russian prostitutes, Russian drunkards began to flash on the screens, but we turned a blind eye to this, because in our hearts we dreamed of a hamburger and a bottle of Coca-Cola.

The American Dream was a mantra to shut off all critical thinking. America itself was a signboard of Western, capitalist values, a channel to the world of democracy, freedom, to the world of endless possibilities.

More than twenty years have passed since then. We devoted most of this period of time to emulating our Big Brother in creating an equally successful and happy state. But all the time on this path some pitfalls emerged, terrible inconsistencies appeared: the free market, which was supposed to become a stronghold of healthy competition, turned into wild capitalism "with an animal grin"; the institution of private property, created with the aim of "increasing the efficiency of the economy", gave rise to the "seven-bank" and the flow of petrodollars flowing abroad, contributed to the deindustrialization of the country, a significant reduction in the volume of production in the light and manufacturing industries; the promised social justice was phantom lost in the growing class stratification of society.

Expectations of world friendship, joining Western civilization only lull our vigilance, forced us to close our eyes to the Balkan crisis, to the ongoing expansion of NATO to the east, to active investments in propaganda in the already independent Ukraine, which will bear fruit in the future.

Meanwhile, nihilism towards Western culture in the world is gradually growing - the so-called third world countries, which include Russia, are no longer very eager to join Western values. This is probably why Western culture, like a hunted animal, is showing more and more aggression. In this context, the victories of Conchita Wurst and Jamala at the Eurovision Song Contest, admiration for the "work" of Fifty Shades of Gray, special assessments of film critics for the film Brokeback Mountain, etc., do not cause surprise.

The West, cultivating the ideas of hedonism, absolute freedom (read "licentiousness"), complete equality, or rather, absolute identity regardless of gender, age, race, nationality, has reached the most fundamental values of our society, such as: family, relationships between men and woman, sexual relations, attitude to their state, to the history of their people.

Under the beautiful covers of tolerance and creativity, a “new trend” of meanings descended on our heads, which, like a roller on the asphalt, is trying to smudge our traditional values, turn us into biomass without any ability to self-identify.

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We are offered to forget who we are, where we are from and where we are going.

Ultimately, by adopting this New Age ideology, we risk becoming asexual cosmopolitans with an exaggerated sense of the importance of our self, completely divorced from reality and from each other - such individualists, whose life passes in front of flat screens in the four walls of an apartment in a high-rise building, absolutely incapable of any cooperation with other people because of unwillingness to harm their interests. This means that they are completely helpless in changing anything in this world, because individually we are really powerless. Such a society is extremely beneficial to the transnational elite, since it will be much easier to manage it.

Whether this is done purposefully or not, it is no longer important, the important thing is that the consequences of such a policy can now be observed with our own eyes on the example of the United States and Western Europe, where same-sex marriages are sanctified in churches, and common toilets for middle-sex children are installed in schools.

We, either by inertia, or because our elite grew up in those days when the contrast between the dying Soviet machine and the world glorifying torn jeans and rock and roll was sharply felt, we continue to imitate the West, copying everything under tracing paper. its cultural abominations and adapting them to the Russian consumer.

This is most clearly seen in the example of Russian cinematography, which in 90 percent of cases either releases "crap" about the harsh Russian reality, trying once again to curry favor with the West in creating the image of a wild, dense Russia, which requires civilization, or makes clone films, licking plots, scenes, archetypes of heroes from Western samples. The same thing happens in the music field, in the field of popular television programs. Either our elites are so convinced of the inferiority, archaism of our culture, or it is largely NOT OUR elites.

Bad times are coming for Western civilization, however. Finally, having received a fair amount of blows from the rake on the forehead with the shaft, our third eye grew. Having plunged headlong into the world of "democratic values and freedoms", we fully tasted all its advantages and disadvantages, realized that in such a world the rules of the game will always be imposed on us, and America and other countries of the Western bloc claim to be not our friend, but the master …

Now we no longer watch Hollywood blockbusters with gusto, realizing that the "dream factory" with their enchanting film awards Oscars is, first of all, a propaganda weapon aimed at introducing all of humanity to Western values. Other foreign and domestic media awards only echo the American mouthpiece for cultural expansion.

Now we are less and less surprised by the image of Russians in Western cinema, since sound logic dictates that this is a completely explainable pattern within the framework of a confrontation that has not disappeared anywhere. The main thing is that we have ceased to treat the mass media as entertainment, have embarked on the path of searching for and understanding the meanings that are offered to us from the screen.

Increasingly, the western media product raises doubts about its quality. First of all, this concerns films on historical subjects, for example: the film The Spy Bridge received quite sharp criticism among our Russian publicists and analysts.

More often you can see negative reviews regarding American youth comedies, which are mired in vulgarity, debauchery, alcohol, drugs and outright stupidity. And our directors, imitating the West, shoot films of similar content, not realizing that the domestic audience (and not only) wants to see a completely different movie on the screen.

That is why such films as Poddubny, Legend # 17, Territory, Cartoons Fortress: With Shield and Sword, Prince Vladimir, the film "28 Panfilovs" are admired and gain popularity. People are tired of showing their genitals, flying pieces of meat, advertising junk food and an idle lifestyle, of useless talk shows that grind the personal lives of "stars" to holes. People want to see something more meaningful and more meaningful on the screen. Moreover, this is happening not only in the Russian segment of the market - so from time to time materials of foreign production began to come across, expressing dissatisfaction with the American way of life:

That is, both Americans and Europeans themselves are largely unhappy with the direction of their culture. In Russia, there have been no queues at McDonald's for a long time, they do not worship the cult of gum and baseball caps, they do not look with reverence at Western stars, they do not believe in the American dream. Against the background of growing dissatisfaction with the American way of life and with the Western mass media, there have been some shifts in the information space of the Russian world. Firstly, the country's officials are seriously concerned about what is happening, and already at the highest level the issue of the development of our culture as an original and integral phenomenon is being discussed.

One of the reference points in the implementation of the country's own development plan can be called the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. An important indicator, which, like a litmus test, indicated that some changes in the vector of development awaited us, and that these changes would be associated with some unrealized plans of the USSR, were the president's words that plans were used in preparing the city of Sochi for the Olympics, developed back in the Soviet Union.

Thus, we can assume that some kind of reanimation of the USSR awaits us, but in a slightly different form. This conjecture is supported by the fact that our president once worked in the KGB, and the KGB, as you know, tried to educate people devoted to the ideology of communism and the Motherland. In addition, Vladimir Vladimirovich does not particularly shy away from the Soviet period of our history (which pleases), he himself said that he keeps a party card somewhere at home, that the Code of the Builder of Communism corresponds to religious commandments, and the Mausoleum, in essence, is an analogue of the “Christian tradition of venerating relics great people."

The reanimation of the USSR consists not only in the implementation of unfinished plans, but also in the restoration of the cultural and semantic mood of those years in a form adapted to modern reality. Here an important milestone was the great construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome, which once again made you look at the stars, revive hopes, and maybe even daring dreams of conquering space. We all remember how in the USSR they simply dreamed of these ideas: many films were made on space topics, including for children, many books, stories were written, even filmstrips were shot on this topic. Therefore, it is completely no coincidence that it was in the Soviet Union that a man was first sent on a space flight.

The ideological exponent, the inspirer of Russian cosmism, of course, is Ivan Antonovich Efremov. His books "The Andromeda Nebula" and "Hour of the Bull" are the future of Russian civilization, which has every chance of being brought to life. But only if we change our minds and embark on our path of development without looking back to the West or the East, without trying to completely copy past regimes: paganism, monarchy, the country of soviets. We must learn the best from this experience and move forward, towards the stars, towards friendship between peoples and countries. Today, we can state with full responsibility that only we are able to open the way to the exploration of outer space, and certainly this is impossible without our participation: resources, scientific and technical base of the space industry.

Now a new modern cosmodrome has appeared in Russia, the construction and maintenance of which requires the education of new highly qualified personnel. A large-scale construction of the century began - a bridge across the Kerch Strait, which will become the longest in Russia and one of the longest bridges in the world. Now the country needs not only lawyers and economists. The society has a request for highly qualified specialists in technical and construction fields: engineers, designers, welders, turners, etc. If we want to further explore outer space, build a worthy country for our children and grandchildren, then we need to grow completely different individuals, with completely different psychology and thinking: creators, creators, but not consumers. And in this regard, certain shifts have also begun, precisely in the semantic field:cartoon Fixies for very little ones, a series of programs Difficult things, the whole Techno24 channel and other projects - all this is just the beginning of a long and difficult work to recreate a completely different stratum of society capable of solving the problems that humanity faces in the 21st century.

Gradually begins to pay considerable attention to patriotic education. It is important here to celebrate such a holiday as Victory Day, which in recent years has returned to its former scale and significance. And the action Immortal Regiment made not only veterans, but also their descendants, who want to preserve the memory of their grandfathers and grandmothers, of the Great Patriotic War, direct participants in this truly great day.

Another event that can be considered an important milestone in the recreation of the Soviet principles of upbringing the younger generations is the creation of a new children and youth movement in May 2016 at the initiative of the Russian Ministry of Defense. What is this if not the reanimation of the pioneers? The country's leadership nevertheless looks back at the experience of the Soviet Union and gradually comes to an understanding that everything was not so bad in the USSR.

Also, various youth forums are now being held, introducing the younger generation to the problems of our society and the tasks that they will have to solve in the future. New educational centers are being created. So, for example, a Sirius center for gifted children has appeared in Sochi, where they will be trained in more depth in such disciplines as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and introduced to sports and art.

All these events indicate that a significant part of the Russian elite is seriously concerned about the dwindling personnel base, and understands perfectly well that the plane of solving these problems lies not only in the construction and financing of some educational projects (although this is also important), but and in the formation of a certain cultural environment. After all, accountants and lawyers alone will not feed and protect us, they will not create new breakthrough technologies, they will not make great discoveries.

It is important that such a policy finds and will continue to find a corresponding positive response among the people. It is these actions and decisions to create a modern, progressive Russia with the preservation of its cultural identity, with an orientation towards traditional family values, will receive unconditional support among people. The people are not blind, and they see where the policy of tolerance and complete liberalism has led in Europe and the United States.

However, it is a pity that while our filmmakers do not see this and continue to shoot the "crap" of the wild 90s, claiming that all of Russia still lives this way, drowning in alcohol, corruption and debauchery (Leviathan, Fool, White Nights of the postman Alexei Tryapitsyn, 14+). At the same time, our filmmakers do not want to notice the demands of society for a completely different movie. They do not want to support really decent children's pictures.

As a result, all of Putin's calls to V. V. Our filmmakers did not support the creation of a certain code of filmmakers, similar to the Hayes Code, adopted in the 30s in the United States and prescribing “not to shoot pictures that undermine morality, incline viewers' sympathies to the side of criminals who disregard religious and family values.”

What is the deafness and blindness of our workers in the film industry today? It's not clear yet. One thing is clear that completely different moods are ripening in society, and here there are two options: either Russian cinema will continue to bend "its" line - and no one will go to the films it produces, or it will start producing other films that meet those needs, which are accumulated in the public mind.