Elon Musk: Not Only Rich People Will Be Able To Live On Mars - Alternative View

Elon Musk: Not Only Rich People Will Be Able To Live On Mars - Alternative View
Elon Musk: Not Only Rich People Will Be Able To Live On Mars - Alternative View

Video: Elon Musk: Not Only Rich People Will Be Able To Live On Mars - Alternative View

Video: Elon Musk: Not Only Rich People Will Be Able To Live On Mars - Alternative View
Video: Rich People Are Going To Colonize Mars Without You 2024, July

The issue of the colonization of Mars is becoming more and more relevant every year, therefore, the expected conversations about the availability of a ticket to the Red Planet begin to arise in the interested environment: they say that only the richest inhabitants of the Earth will be able to pay for such a "pleasure", and ordinary inhabitants, as always, will not be destined. The billionaire and the head of SpaceX, which plans not only to carry people to Mars, but also to establish an entire colony there, previously noted that potentially a lot of people would be willing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for a flight to the Red Planet. In a new interview with HBO, which will be released soon, Musk denied the opinion that only the rich can pay for a one-way ticket to Mars.

In a conversation with reporters, the head of SpaceX shared about the company's progress in its plans to colonize the Red Planet, and also said that there is a "70 percent" chance that he will go to Mars himself.

When asked whether a colony on Mars would become a "fallback" only for rich people, Musk replied: "No, because you will have more chances of dying on Mars than on Earth."

Elon also denied talk that those who wish to fly to Mars will most likely have to pay "several hundred thousand dollars", which is certainly a lot for ordinary people, but very cheap for space travel. He noted the great enthusiasm on the part of thousands of people who would like to be among the first to take part in the colonization of Mars, but at the same time once again reminded that this is not an adventure. Once on Mars, a person will face all the hardships of the need to survive. And the environment in which people will have to live will be significantly different from those conditions to which rich people are used to on Earth.

In addition, in an interview, the head of SpaceX noted that the first colonists will have to work in a very intensive mode, adding that everyone who goes among the first should be ready for "continuous" work on the construction of the first Martian base. There will be almost no time for rest. And if the first settlers can survive as part of the flight to Mars and daily work on the planet, there will still be a high probability that Martian conditions will take more than one life. There will be a high probability that those who went to Mars will never be able to return to Earth.

Last year, speaking at a meeting of the International Astronautics Congress in Guadalajara, Mexico, Musk said that he would strive to ensure that the base cost of a flight to the Red Planet was similar to the average cost of a private home in the United States.

Musk also noted the sponsorship that could take place in the future and suggested that the average citizen could one day save up for a flight to Mars.

Nikolay Khizhnyak