What Are We Worthy Of - Alternative View

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What Are We Worthy Of - Alternative View
What Are We Worthy Of - Alternative View

Video: What Are We Worthy Of - Alternative View

Video: What Are We Worthy Of - Alternative View
Video: "You ARE Worthy" Let me PROVE It To You 2024, September

The consumer society embraces us in a warm and greedy embrace and whispers loudly in our ears: "You deserve it!" Fashionable resorts, clothes and cosmetics of the best brands, cottages on the shore of the warm sea, expensive cars … Whispers to everyone. For women, men, old people and children. But what are we really worthy and how can we ensure this dignity?


All of us, according to our upbringing, mental strength, imagination and various qualities of character, strive to live in some kind of ideal world, in which there will be nothing (almost) bad, but good, on the contrary, will be everywhere, wherever you look. However, the ideal is beautiful because it is unattainable, and we live in a real world, with all its flaws and vices. This real world is different in every era. Today it is called a "consumer society", and this short definition contains almost everything you need to know about our time and society. It, as they say nowadays, is designed to ensure that a person consumes as much goods and services as possible. Desirable, without even thinking about whether he really needs them. The already mentioned advertising slogan perfectly contributes to this process. And we, surrounded on all sides by goods and services,which advertisers, traders and manufacturers intrusively offer us, we involuntarily begin to think and live as if we really cannot do without this or that expensive nonsense. Nonsense, for which you often have to pay not only with money, but also with our time, freedom and, worst of all, the very dream of an ideal world that once lived in us.


This is not at all about immediately forgetting about our needs, stop shopping, stop earning money and read highly spiritual books day after day, pray or meditate while sitting in the lotus position. Not at all. But let's look at whom the slogan “You deserve it!” Is primarily aimed at? Who is his target audience, as they say? They are women. All. Starting from girls who are just looking at the world around them, and ending with elderly ladies of varying degrees of beauty, intelligence, talent, life experience and wallet thickness. The wallet is the most important thing that really matters in the consumer society. The wallet itself and the willingness to open it in order to make this or that purchase or pay for a service. Have you ever wondered who has a wallet in our time? That's right, a woman. No matter what they say about the fact that men earn more and are generally more financially free than women, it is difficult to argue with the facts. And they are such that about 80% of all consumer money spending in the world is made by women. Just think about this figure - four-fifths! Other facts can also be cited. So, according to marketing research, men are focused on finding a specific product, and women look through a lot of related items, often completely unrelated to what they initially wanted to find. Most men are interested in the name of the product, and most of women are interested in the brand under which it is released. Almost half of women (47%) use social media to find bargains and discount coupons, while among men only a third (33%). Etc.it is difficult to argue with the facts that men earn more and are generally more financially free than women. And they are such that about 80% of all consumer money spending in the world is made by women. Just think about this figure - four-fifths! Other facts can also be cited. So, according to marketing research, men are focused on finding a specific product, and women look through a lot of related items, often completely unrelated to what they initially wanted to find. Most men are interested in the name of the product, and most of women are interested in the brand under which it is released. Almost half of women (47%) use social media to find bargains and discount coupons, while among men only a third (33%). Etc.it is difficult to argue with the facts that men earn more and are generally more financially free than women. And they are such that about 80% of all consumer money spending in the world is made by women. Just think about this figure - four-fifths! Other facts can also be cited. So, according to marketing research, men are focused on finding a specific product, and women look through a lot of related items, often completely unrelated to what they initially wanted to find. Most men are interested in the name of the product, and most of women are interested in the brand under which it is released. Almost half of women (47%) use social media to find bargains and discount coupons, while among men only a third (33%). Etc.that about 80% of all consumer spending in the world is made by women. Just think about this figure - four-fifths! Other facts can also be cited. So, according to marketing research, men are focused on finding a specific product, and women look through a lot of related items, often completely unrelated to what they initially wanted to find. Most men are interested in the name of the product, and most of women are interested in the brand under which it is released. Almost half of women (47%) use social media to find bargains and discount coupons, while among men only a third (33%). Etc.that about 80% of all consumer spending in the world is made by women. Just think about this figure - four-fifths! Other facts can also be cited. So, according to marketing research, men are focused on finding a specific product, and women look through a lot of related items, often completely unrelated to what they initially wanted to find. Most men are interested in the name of the product, and most of women are interested in the brand under which it is released. Almost half of women (47%) use social media to find bargains and discount coupons, while among men only a third (33%). Etc.men are focused on finding a specific product, and women are looking through a lot of related products, often completely unrelated to what they initially wanted to find. Most men are interested in the name of the product, and most of women are interested in the brand under which it is released. Almost half of women (47%) use social media to find bargains and discount coupons, while among men only a third (33%). Etc.men are focused on finding a specific product, and women are looking through a lot of related products, often completely unrelated to what they initially wanted to find. Most men are interested in the name of the product, and most of women are interested in the brand under which it is released. Almost half of women (47%) use social media to find bargains and discount coupons, while among men only a third (33%). Etc.

Is it worth now, given all of the above, to wonder why the consumer society is doing everything so that women make these spending as much as possible?

Promotional video:


Who doesn't want to be healthy, beautiful and loved? There are no such. And we are really worthy of the first, and the second, and the third. For the simple reason that we are human. And a man, as V. G. Korolenko rightly noted, was created for happiness, like a bird for flight. Another thing is that he does not always succeed in being happy. And he often forgets that health, beauty and love - these three components, without which there is no happiness, or it cannot be complete - cannot be bought for money. Of course, if we are not talking about expensive operations for medical reasons. So, a person forgets about this and begins to follow the easy path, still trying to buy the first, and the second, and the third for money. And he even achieves, as it seems to him, some success on this difficult path (difficult, because nothing but constant stress is encountered on it). But beauty and health (not to mention love) continue to slip away, the wallet continues to lose weight, and the consumer society loudly and persistently whispers that "we deserve it." But everything is quite simple. Health and the beauty associated with it (a healthy person is always beautiful) is movement, lack of excess weight and joy of life. The first and second are achieved without any money. As well as the joy of life, and again directly related to it love. Moreover, love is optional and not only for a husband, wife, children, and so on. Love can be for one's business, nature, our smaller brothers, home … and even for oneself (unless, of course, in the latter case it does not develop into rabid egoism). But everything is quite simple. Health and the beauty associated with it (a healthy person is always beautiful) is movement, lack of excess weight and joy of life. The first and second are achieved without any money. As well as the joy of life, and again directly related to it love. Moreover, love is optional and not only for a husband, wife, children, and so on. Love can be for one's business, nature, our smaller brothers, home … and even for oneself (unless, of course, in the latter case it does not develop into rabid egoism). But everything is quite simple. Health and the beauty associated with it (a healthy person is always beautiful) is movement, lack of excess weight and joy of life. The first and second are achieved without any money. As well as the joy of life, and again directly related to it love. Moreover, love is optional and not only for a husband, wife, children, and so on. Love can be for one's business, nature, our smaller brothers, home … and even for oneself (unless, of course, in the latter case it does not develop into rabid egoism). Love can be for one's business, nature, our smaller brothers, home … and even for oneself (unless, of course, in the latter case it does not develop into rabid egoism). Love can be for one's business, nature, our smaller brothers, home … and even for oneself (unless, of course, in the latter case it does not develop into rabid egoism).


So what does it mean to truly take care of yourself? I think, first of all, do not allow emptiness into your life. What does it mean? Empirically and with the help of simple introspection, identify for yourself those things that fill the soul with long lasting joy, and those that, on the contrary, empty it after a short pleasure. At the same time, it is a good idea to use the richest experience of all mankind, which will unmistakably suggest: sustainable joy always comes from creative things (favorite work or hobby, love, friendship, reading a good book, communicating with nature, physical education and sports, travel, etc.).), and the emptiness in the soul, again always, arises from destructive things (alcohol, hard and unloved work, lack of love in the family, obesity associated with immoderate and erratic food consumption, a sedentary lifestyle,indulging their mental laziness, etc.). It would seem simple, but in fact not at all. If everything were so simple, we would be surrounded by completely happy people! This is not the case. Taking care of yourself correctly, without allowing emptiness into your soul, is hard work. Yes, it brings joy, like any creative work, but it is also hard, because it requires daily and conscious efforts. And we don't always want to make an effort. We wish that someone would wave a magic wand and we immediately find health, beauty and love. And at the same time - to walk like that! - found themselves in that ideal world that they have always dreamed of.but it is also difficult because it requires daily and conscious effort. And we don't always want to make an effort. We wish that someone would wave a magic wand and we immediately find health, beauty and love. And at the same time - to walk like that! - found themselves in that ideal world that they have always dreamed of.but it is also difficult because it requires daily and conscious effort. And we don't always want to make an effort. We wish that someone would wave a magic wand and we immediately find health, beauty and love. And at the same time - to walk like that! - found themselves in that ideal world that they have always dreamed of.

Is it worth repeating for the thousandth time that there are no magic wands?

Rather, there are, but only we ourselves can find them. Applying for this a lot of mental (and not only) labor. So taking care of yourself is not about daily cream cakes, champagne, cigarettes, going to an expensive beautician, relaxing in fashionable resorts, or owning fancy cars, mansions and yachts. All of the above creates only the appearance of a happy life. And we, without any doubt, deserve real and lasting happiness.

Akim Bukhtatov