Scientists Have Found Out What Habits Program People For Poverty - Alternative View

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Scientists Have Found Out What Habits Program People For Poverty - Alternative View
Scientists Have Found Out What Habits Program People For Poverty - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Found Out What Habits Program People For Poverty - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Found Out What Habits Program People For Poverty - Alternative View
Video: Gary Haugen: The hidden reason for poverty the world needs to address now 2024, July

Certain habits affect the physical condition of the brain and actually program people to be poor.

1. The habit of feeling sorry for yourself

Poverty habits begin with incessant self-pity and mourning over our unfortunate fate. The wrong figure, the wrong income, the wrong education, the wrong apartment, the wrong weather, the wrong saleswoman in the supermarket - everything, absolutely everything around can be a reason for self-pity and complaining about your bad luck.

Meanwhile, people who get used to constantly feeling sorry for themselves quickly lose empathy from those around them. You can feel pity for such a poor fellow indefinitely, but you have to do something yourself. The eternal hypochondriac is avoided, nothing is expected of him (he can only whimper), he is not called in the company. As a result, he has critically few personal connections, without which it is almost impossible to make a career, get into an interesting project. Feeling sorry for yourself is the best way to have a low-paying job and a gray existence.

2. The habit of saving on everything

If in a store you first of all look for a department with a sale, if you think that colleagues at work are paid more despite the fact that they work less than yours, if you never lend to anyone, do not tip the waiters and think that your salary cannot be giving birth to a child - then, most likely, the habits of poverty are already sitting in you.

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Analysts say that the pursuit of total economy is not a sign of reasonable frugality, but an indicator that a person has no balance between income and expenses. A wealthy person is just ready to pay their real value for things. And, besides, he is ready to pay for someone else's work - and expects the same from others.

3. The habit of evaluating everything in banknotes

Only people programmed for poverty believe that you can be happy only if you receive a salary with many zeros. That you can't enjoy life and be happy if you don't have expensive clothes, your own mansion, or a prestigious car. Sociologists say that the question "What do you need to be happy?" only the poor begin to list material values.

People with high incomes call true love and friendship. At the same time, they do not call a bank account actually wealth. In their opinion, the rich are those who are able to attract money, organize new types of business literally from scratch. A truly successful person does not depend on the volume of his own bag of gold.

4. The habit of panicking when money runs out

When your heart rate rises at the very thought that you might be cut, it could be a sign of an internal program of poverty. For rich people, money is not an invariable quantity: today it is, tomorrow it is not. And so in a circle.

5. The habit of spending more than you earn

You work two jobs, but you still don't have enough money? It's time to change something! If a person does not understand how one loan differs from another, then he will definitely not be rich.

6. The habit of doing things you don't like

If not me, then who? Psychologists say that people who are engaged in an unloved business are potentially ready for failure and poverty. The reason for this is feelings that cause them to do things that are unpleasant to them. To eradicate this habit, you need to do not what someone needs, but what causes the most satisfaction. Only in this area can you achieve excellent results!

7. The habit of staying away from relatives

Very good losers come from those who distance themselves from their own family. “Why should I call my mother-in-law - she needs to, so let her call…”, “Uncle Sasha and Aunt Natasha are just a collective farm, you don't need to call them, but what will they think of us?”, “Dad, don't you remember, how did you scold me in the yard in front of everyone? Yes, I was only four then, but I haven't forgotten …"

Meanwhile, for all “hereditary” rich people, the family is the most protected value in the world. After all, it is in her that one can find consolation and support when a crisis occurs in all other areas of life. Think about it.