"Taos Hum" - The Strangest Phenomenon Of Nature - Alternative View

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"Taos Hum" - The Strangest Phenomenon Of Nature - Alternative View
"Taos Hum" - The Strangest Phenomenon Of Nature - Alternative View

Video: "Taos Hum" - The Strangest Phenomenon Of Nature - Alternative View

Video: ‘The Hum’: The Unexplained Noise 2% of People Can Hear 2024, September

Taoist rumble is called a lingering low-frequency sound of unknown origin, which was recorded at different times in distant corners of the planet. It was heard simultaneously by rather large groups of people in northern Europe, Great Britain, Russia and some other parts of the Earth.

This hum is especially often recorded in the United States, in the area of the town of Taos, located in the state of New Mexico. Hence, in fact, the name of the natural phenomenon. The sounds were reported by so many Americans - and there were complaints to the authorities - that in 1997 the US Congress decided to create a group of scientists and send them to the indicated places in order to study the mysterious Taos hum.

Geophysical version: the hum of the Earth

Some eyewitnesses of this strange phenomenon describe it as a very unpleasant, disturbing and even panic-causing low hum, similar to the operation of many diesel engines somewhere in the distance. Others compare it to the noise of an airplane flying low over the ground. Still others are like the movement of a huge column of heavy equipment along a remote highway.

There were more or less successful attempts to record this drone on tape. The main question, where is the source of the hum, still does not have an exact answer. There are many versions regarding its origin. One of them is geophysical. The beginning was laid back in 1995, when drilling was carried out in the Kola Superdeep well.

When deeply buried in the rock - up to 12 km - a low-frequency, prolonged rumble was heard underground. The same one as in Taos. A similar phenomenon is observed in many deep wells. Scientists even deliberately lowered microphones into different boreholes to record this sound. The conclusion suggested itself: a hum is formed when lithospheric plates move deep below the planet's surface.

It intensifies when the time of the earthquake approaches. The colossal energy concentrated in the depths of the planet seems to burst outward, producing a frightening roar. And the louder it is, the greater the likelihood of an imminent cataclysm. On this basis, some scientists have even tried to predict earthquakes.

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Technogenic version: the work of human hands

The very first evidence of the phenomenon was recorded back in the 70s. This happened in the UK, in the city of Bristol. Residents then began to complain about the low-frequency sound, which lasted a very long time, periodically repeated and did not give them rest. The local newspaper asked the population to confirm this fact. In response, about 800 people said in the affirmative that they had really heard such a rumble.

First, the authorities approached an industrial plant near Bristol, trying to accuse it of contaminating the "acoustic ecology" of the area. The business owners have denied this, arguing that the sound of the business simply cannot be heard that far.

At the same time, quite often the mysterious drone is associated with the work of a person. Geologists argue that during mining and other activities, the "disturbed" planet produces a sort of prolonged groan. In 1982, a group of American scientists came to Akademgorodok in Novosibirsk. Geologist Alexei Dmitriev, who worked with them, warned them that a series of cataclysms awaited America in the near future.

The scientist explained this by the fact that many high-voltage power lines have been laid along the East Coast of the United States. The current frequency in them is 60 Hz. The natural lithospheric currents of the planet have exactly the same. As a result, a kind of "closure" occurs, which can lead to earthquakes. His words were confirmed after 2 years.

Weather version: melting ice

According to another, smaller group of researchers, the noise can be produced by melting ice. When the bonds between hydrogen atoms are broken, a slight crackle occurs. It cannot be caught by any technique, but when there are trillions of such ruptures (or even more), the same mysterious rumble appears that so worries many inhabitants of the planet.

Apocalyptic version

Supporters of the End of the World theory are sure that the Taoist rumble is the sound of those very Jericho trumpets that announce the coming Apocalypse. This explains both the widespread occurrence of the phenomenon and its characteristic features.

The sound is heard in different, in no way connected with each other regions. The source of the sound cannot be seen, and it is not possible to understand where the noise is coming from. He seems to be from everywhere and from nowhere at the same time. Believers imagine the sounding of the terrible angelic trumpets that will announce to sinners about the Last Day and the approaching Last Judgment.

Advertising version

Skeptics disprove all previous versions, citing the massive panic generated by the skilful advertising campaign of 2011-2012. At that time, the shooting of several films about the Apocalypse was being completed in Hollywood (Alien Invasion: Battle of Los Angeles 2, The Red State, etc.). Here are the cunning marketers and came up with an alleged hoax with a Taoist rumble so that naive viewers would believe in the authenticity of the events predicted in the pictures.
