History Artifacts. "Winged Discs" On Phoenician Cylindrical Seals - Alternative View

History Artifacts. "Winged Discs" On Phoenician Cylindrical Seals - Alternative View
History Artifacts. "Winged Discs" On Phoenician Cylindrical Seals - Alternative View

Video: History Artifacts. "Winged Discs" On Phoenician Cylindrical Seals - Alternative View

Video: History Artifacts.
Video: "Embassy Lecture Series: Dr. Marian Feldman" 2024, September

One of the leading specialists in the history of ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt, E. A. Wallis Budge, in his book "Amulets and Superstitions" draws attention to five unusual cylinder seals of Phoenician origin discovered by archaeologists, which are now kept in the British Museum. These seals date back to around the 4th century BC. But the main thing is not their age, but what is depicted on them.


It turns out that all five seals depict strange "winged discs". At the same time, on four of the five seals, apart from these "disks", there are also images of certain "divine beings" who, obviously, arrived on Earth in these technical devices. Budge describes these images as follows:

Of course, orthodox scientists do not see anything unusual in these images and explain all these unusual images with religious and cult symbols of ancient people. Apparently, this is why I was never able to find images of these seals in the public domain. Therefore, I am giving the following image of Egyptian cylindrical seals, on which strange disc-shaped objects can also be found.


And this is already an image from the ancient Sumerian cylindrical seal, which can also serve as evidence of the intervention of extraterrestrial intelligence in the history of mankind.


These images allow one to have an idea about the above described Phoenician cylinder seals stored in the British Museum. An interesting analysis of the description of images from these seals is made by V. Konelis. And this is what he writes about them:

It is quite obvious that the "gods" arriving on various devices and depicted on various seals of the ancient civilizations of the Earth are representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization, the level of development of which for ancient earthlings was comparable to the capabilities of the gods, or representatives of a highly developed technocratic civilization from one of the parallel worlds.

The well-known ufologist J. Vallee comes to a similar conclusion, who in his book "Parallel World" writes the following about these Phoenician seals:

Thus, the Phoenician cylindrical seals are another artifact that does not fit into the “official” version of history invented by the falsifiers. And, apparently, for the same reason, these exhibits of the British Museum, as well as their photos, are not found in the public domain, despite the abundant evidence of their existence.

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