Let's Make The World Cleaner: The Problem Of Garbage On The Street And In The Minds - Alternative View

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Let's Make The World Cleaner: The Problem Of Garbage On The Street And In The Minds - Alternative View
Let's Make The World Cleaner: The Problem Of Garbage On The Street And In The Minds - Alternative View

Video: Let's Make The World Cleaner: The Problem Of Garbage On The Street And In The Minds - Alternative View

Video: Let's Make The World Cleaner: The Problem Of Garbage On The Street And In The Minds - Alternative View
Video: How Singapore fixed its big trash problem | CNBC Reports 2024, July


So, a moral, moral and narrative story about the problem of garbage, the reasons for its occurrence and how we will make the world cleaner is ripe. Therefore, we take seats in the first row, pass the popcorn over there to those guys in the far seats and turn off our mobile phones.

Ask any sane person and you will not find one who would be fun to live among the garbage. Okay, but what should we do then?

How people solved the garbage problem

How to live clean? Let's just come up with some designated places for rubbish, call them “trash cans,” and the rubbish problem will be solved. So trash cans appeared. But what is it? The trash is still a very interesting contrast to the rest of the area.

Okay, then let's make the world cleaner with the help of special people who will be responsible for maintaining order, why not? This is how the cleaners, janitors, and further down the list were invented. Finally, our city is clean! Now there are absolutely no problems with garbage, and a well-groomed area tells us how educated, intelligent and progressive we are. Harmony reigned in our souls again, everyone is happy, gospel music began to play in the background, and the idea of dancing around a bus stop with strangers while waiting for transport no longer seems so ridiculous.

This is how we solved the garbage problem in a nutshell, and all this does not bother us anymore. There are simply people - they will clean it up, if anything. We will return to this ingenious human invention for the disposal of garbage a little later.

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The garbage problem exists

Let's honestly admit that garbage is a problem that is still not resolved just because we litter ourselves. Just stand for an hour at a bus stop (or in any other crowded place on the street), count the people who will be thrown out of place, for example, a bull-calf or candy wrapper, and learn a lot of new things.

You can come to any forest located not far from civilization, ideally still find a river among this nature and inspect its bank for the consequences of a person's stay. You won't have to walk for a long time to notice that the “crown of divine creation” has been here. This interests us here, how to make the world cleaner, how to improve it, but some unique people are shocked by the mere thought that one can simply not litter, it turns out.


The causes of garbage

There are three main reasons for this garbage problem:

  • imperfection of the existing system;
  • a reason called "This does not concern me";
  • we don't see the consequences.

Imperfection of the existing system

Here we mean the previously described system, which implies the allocation of individual people responsible for solving problems with garbage. Why is this idea so bad?

You can say: “There are many people on Earth, each person has learned to do something well, so he earns his living from this. If I don’t know how to cook, then I go to a place where food is prepared for me, and the problem is solved. If I don't have a license, but I need to quickly get from point A to point B, then I call a taxi."

Here you are right, a person does not have to be able to do absolutely everything, so for some of his needs he leases the skills of other people. This system is good in the vast majority of cases, but not in the case of garbage.

Having once said: “The garbage will be cleaned by the cleaners,” we took off our obligation to maintain cleanliness and gave ourselves the opportunity to litter, because the garbage will still be removed by the one who receives the money for it. So we created the garbage problem with our own hands.

If you don’t know how to cook food, then this is only your problem, but if you don’t know how not to litter, then it becomes a problem for all people who share the same territory with you - this is the fundamental difference and that is why everyone is obliged to take care of cleanliness.

The genius who invented the mobile phone and was able to send a rocket into space was forced to come up with cleaners who would clean up after him, because he simply could not learn how to clean by himself. Wild hysteria.

The reason called "It doesn't concern me"

Disunity, gentlemen. She is destroying us. Let's just imagine for a moment such a physical law according to which all garbage thrown on the ground, barely reaching this very ground, immediately teleports home to the person who threw it. So you threw a bull in the street, you come home, and he happily meets you in the corridor, burning out a stunning hole in the new linoleum. Feel free to imagine such a world for just a couple of minutes.

We're willing to bet that the need for cleaners would disappear the next day, because no one wants to live among trash and waste. That would solve the problem of the unfortunate garbage.

The harshest joke here is that this law exists on the planet right now, has always existed here and works continuously. But how?! We would clearly notice if the garbage teleported to our home”- we would notice, if only we understood what“Home”is.

House boundary rule

A person litters outside the house only because he believes that this territory does not concern him in any way: "I do not live here, so you can litter here." Failure to understand that there is a single common home for all, called "Earth" is one of the definitions of the word "disunity".


The most idiotic decision was to adopt a system whereby your home is somehow limited to a small room with concrete walls where you sleep and eat. After all, as soon as we leave the door of our own apartment and get into the entrance, we immediately notice the difference.

For some reason, the entrance is not as clean as in the apartment, although it seems to be your house too. Then we go out into the outside world and understand that in some places on the street the problem of unrealized garbage is observed even more strongly than it was at the entrance.

Logically, the entrance is home to a much larger number of people than your apartment, which means it should be even cleaner, because more people are keeping order. And the whole world outside the building in which you live, in theory, should be an example of cleanliness, because this is a home for all of us.

It should be so, but now the opposite is true for people: my apartment is my home, my entrance may touch me quite a bit, and everything outside it is no longer a home. As a result, we came to the conclusion that the world around us, in which we live, is not our home. Absurd.

Well, of course, you don’t admire the wonderful views, walking in the park, you don’t breathe air, you don’t walk on the sidewalks, you don’t ride in transport or by car, you don’t use shops and you don’t enjoy the architecture of the city, and your childhood did not pass in the courtyard. All this is not your home, of course not.

While this rubbish remains in the minds of people, there can be no question of how to somehow make our world substantially cleaner.


The rule about strangers

As in the case of the territory, we decided that there are other people who do not concern us. My family lives in my house, so I will not litter where there are people who are not strangers to me. Well, there are unknown people around on the street, so how they will feel around the garbage left by me - I don't care, my garbage is their problem. This is the second indicator of disunity: deciding that there is someone who is a stranger to you.

If we have at least a little idea of how this world works, we will very quickly understand that disunity will not lead us to anything, because always, everything and in everything strives for unity.

We don't see the consequences

Due to the existing system, where the garbage is removed by special people, we cannot notice that we are littering and create the problem itself. If the yard is clean, we think that we are great, we don’t litter at all, although in reality the cleanliness only means that the brigade is working hard, and our merit in this event is exaggerated to approximately cosmic proportions.

It’s a pity that you can’t take all the cleaners on and off, so that after a month, with difficulty finding his way home, Houston finally realized that we had a problem.

Fortunately, there are times when situations occur that allow us to see the garbage problem in all its glory. We first noticed this when the World Hockey Championship was held in our city. After the next match, a crowd of thousands merrily flew away from the fanzone of the shopping center, and we were late and were one of the last to leave.

This is how we saw Armageddon for the first time. No spirit of celebration and fun can justify the dump that seemingly intelligent educated people left in just a couple of hours. There were simply no cleaners, no one cleaned after us, and over there: on the floor, on tables, on the walls, you could see the true face of a person and his big problems in dealing with garbage.

It so happened that the windows of our company building on one side overlook the young forest. In winter, it is very difficult to clean under the windows - the snow cover is constantly renewed, and the wipers simply do not see that there is debris among the shroud. When the snow melted this spring and the harvesting team came to clean the area, every 100 meters of the building they collected a garbage heap about two meters in diameter and about a meter in height.

How is it? Do you still think that there are no problems with garbage, that we don’t litter at all, or even make the world cleaner? What order in a person's life can we talk about if he litters where he lives? Let's stop kidding ourselves.

The earth is wasting energy on our trash

Any product you choose in the store was somehow produced with the help of the Earth - a planet that generously and selflessly shares all its gifts with a person (even despite how ugly he behaves towards her). But gifts do not appear just like that, the Earth spends energy on their creation.

Every farmer knows that a good harvest requires fertile soil. And in order for it to be fertile, sometimes it does not need to be sown. Once every few years, the soil should be allowed to rest and be allowed to regain its remarkable properties.

Now let's imagine that garbage is thrown into this field. Now the energy that was previously used to restore fertility will go to waste disposal, decomposition of plastic and glass.

Man is the only one among all nature creates very complex materials, and what was hard to create is hard and takes a long time to collapse. The earth will recycle everything, but it will even take 200 years for a plastic bottle to split, and more than 1000 years for a glass bottle. In the process of decay, entertaining substances are released into the atmosphere, which, for example, shorten the duration of our life.

For this 1000 years, the Earth will not be able to concentrate on restoring its strength, it will be occupied by our garbage. The harvest will still be there, and we will continue to naively believe that everything is in order, but in reality this harvest will never be as useful and nutritious as it could be if the planet could just take care of its condition.

It doesn't really matter how far from the area where the food is grown for you, you threw out the trash. There is only one earth, large, round and integral (although for some reason it is so difficult for all of us to understand this ancient discovery). The influence on a certain part of it will in any case affect its general condition.

So you threw a bottle in the forest, and after 20 years your children are already eating different food and breathing completely different air - this is how the law of equilibrium of the Universe works, and you still think that the garbage thrown out by you does not matter?

Have you ever thought about the fact that only humans litter the planet? The rest of nature does not even know such a thing as "garbage". All living things, except us, are in harmony with the world, therefore they sacredly honor order on Earth. We have put ourselves at the top of the evolutionary chain, but it seems that we have confused top and bottom.


This is a simplified model, but reflects the garbage problem very clearly. Therefore, let's make the world cleaner and free it from our insolvency at last.

About working as a cleaner

Someone here might think that if a person stops littering, the cleaners will lose their jobs, but we propose to consider this as an opportunity to provide people with more decent work. Making the world cleaner is a noble cause, but no one deserves to clean up the trash.

Man was created by the Universe as a creator, a creative being. The cleaner, in fact, does not create anything, but, on the contrary, is forced to eliminate the destruction caused by other people. How good do you think it is to keep someone busy with this kind of work? So you know, every time, throwing garbage into nowhere, we, firstly, create a problem, and, secondly, we occupy some people with bad work that is unworthy of them.

As long as we make the world a cleaner place at the expense of people who are paid for it, we continue to cheat and fund the garbage problem. The desire to live in purity must be supported not materially, but morally. A person with consciousness must understand all the advantages of purity as such.

Let's make the world cleaner

We suggest that you expand the boundaries of your home, or rather, remove any boundaries altogether and start considering everything around your home. The time has come, let's make the world cleaner!

Step one - stop littering

Some people are already arranged in such a way that education and awareness do not allow them to litter. But if you do not belong to the category of the above-described gentlemen, then join their ranks immediately. When you throw garbage where it should be, you start to feel differently, because by your actions you are already making the planet cleaner.


Step two - learning to clean

But this is not an easy step, but, alas, there is nowhere without it. Let's clean up after those who couldn't do it themselves.

"Why on earth?" - you say. "How big do you want the house to be?" - we will answer. If you want to regard other people as strangers and feel at home only at home, that's your right, but we believe that you deserve much more. In particular, the planet deserves more, which gave humanity everything, but in return we presented it with only a garbage problem.

Cleaning up after others is not an easy decision because we have an ego. In our minds, “to clean up after another person” means to be below him. "What kind of person am I if I have to clean up his trash after some uneducated character?" - this is how the ego interprets this situation, supposedly trying to "reason" us from taking actions that can damage self-esteem. And we also declare: “This does not concern me” - and for the one hundred and fifteenth time we step on our favorite rake, because of which the garbage problem continues to live.

What if this uneducated character comes and litters your house? Are you basically not going to remove the resulting garbage ?! Most likely, you will not only remove him, but also send a few moralizing speeches to the character. What prevents you from doing the same at the level of a yard, street, city or the whole planet? Forget about ego and public opinion, let's just make the world cleaner!

Once our attention was attracted by an ordinary grandmother in civilian clothes, who was waiting for her bus with a string bag in hand. While people were just standing, she walked around and cleaned the garbage around the stop. Just. Not for money. She didn't know anything about the ego, and she didn't worry about what people would think, she just solved the problem.

It seemed that in this grandmother there is more strength and enlightenment than in all of humanity. This case showed us the perfect solution to the garbage problem: it just needs to be removed.

Examples from life

For example, we didn’t want to see these mountains of rubbish under the windows next spring, so we wrote an ad and hung it on the front door of the building. In a nutshell, the meaning of the announcement was as follows: "Throwing garbage out of the windows is not good, let's stop doing this, and if we wish, we will restore the beautiful landscape with us." It even became interesting to see how many people would respond.

What was our disappointment when no one else came to clean. Nine 60-liter bags of garbage were collected from a small area under our windows and we felt great for the rest of the day. This story is not about the magnificence of some individual people, it is about the fact that absolutely any person is capable of positive actions that change the world in the right direction. So let's make the planet cleaner, it deserves it.

It is necessary to constantly draw people's attention to the fact that the garbage problem exists, and it is time to do something about it. Here is another example of an action that does not require much energy, but at the same time changes the world.

Once an amusing situation happened at the post office: one of our guys, seeing receipts lying all over the floor, exclaimed, addressing the crowd: “Are you okay? Does rubbish get in the way?”Silence was the only answer that sounded while we were collecting papers.

Where to begin?

You can start making the world cleaner from your own home. If garbage sometimes lingers in it, then you can monitor its timely removal to the appropriate container. Be sure to sort your trash, this is crucial, but we will talk about sorting in a slightly different article.


Then you can expand the boundaries of the house to the level of your entrance and, returning home, pick up and throw in the trash bin that catches your eye on the way to your apartment. Then you can start picking up something on the street where you live. Well, then you can start doing this wherever you go.

Base minimum

We are not asking you to maniacally clean up all the rubbish that catches your eye. Let's come up with a basic minimum, for example, one garbage unit per day (one piece of paper, one bottle, or whatever). Let this basic minimum be a sign of your appreciation for the planet you live on, or for the people who live where you clean. Is garbage collection such a terrible undertaking if you think of it this way?

It is advisable to observe the basic minimum every day, and more garbage can be removed only when there is a mood and desire (if you think that you will never have such a mood, then wait with conclusions). So sooner or a little later we will make this world clean, you can be sure.

Engage people

There is no need to force anyone to clean, just offer people a ground for thought, become an example for them, give them the knowledge that there is another choice, where there are no cleaners, but there is an enlightened society. Therefore, try to overpower yourself and specifically pick up trash in crowded places. If it is possible to explain to a person in words that he is wrong - do it! Yes, words are material, a couple of timely phrases sometimes change entire lives.

How it works?

Here you can ask again: “Well, okay, but what will change globally if I start picking up and throwing one piece of paper into the trash can a day? How will this solve the garbage problem? But what if after a while you are no longer alone?

About two million people live in our city, what if each of them picks up one garbage unit every day and throws it out in the right place? Will the city become cleaner? Yes, it will not only become cleaner, but the problem with garbage itself will be solved with a competent approach.

Of course, at the snap of their fingers, 2 million people will not think: “Oh, I really want to make this world cleaner!”, A shift in consciousness is needed here, but you can become the reason for that. Any steepest accomplishment always begins with one uncertain step, otherwise nothing happens.

At one time we saw that grandmother and realized that there is a serious problem that urgently needs to be addressed. Now we collect trash every day. During the year of your new activity, a certain number of people will look at you, someone will laugh, and the rest will see the future in you and follow your example.

There will be children among those people, we have already talked about the problem of growing up and we know that children tend to copy adults, and therefore it is so great if respect for cleanliness is born from an early age.

Time to take the challenge

This article challenges you! Here it is, the very time when you have the opportunity right here and now to influence the world, we suggest you make it truly clean, and not create the illusion of order with the help of specialized people who unwittingly continue to mask the garbage problem day after day. …

Today, you can expand your home to an unimaginable size and participate in a people rally company with just one decision. You can take part in a campaign to bring people together and bridging disunity. Let's make the world cleaner, let's go and clean up the trash !.

At the Top of Mind Team
