Uluru - The Stone Mystery Of The Australian Desert - Alternative View

Uluru - The Stone Mystery Of The Australian Desert - Alternative View
Uluru - The Stone Mystery Of The Australian Desert - Alternative View

Video: Uluru - The Stone Mystery Of The Australian Desert - Alternative View

Video: Uluru - The Stone Mystery Of The Australian Desert - Alternative View
Video: Uluru: Australia’s Mythic Monolith 2024, September

In the extraordinarily beautiful Uluru Park, located in Central Australia, stands the massive orange-brown oval-shaped Ayers Rock, formed about 680 million years ago. Tourists take this rock away for souvenirs, and then return it back in parcels.

Uluru National Park is located 450 km from Alice Springs. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it has recently been returned to Aboriginal people who hold the site sacred.

Everything here has a special meaning for them. At all times, the monolith played an important role in the mythology of the tribes who lived and now live in its many caves. For them, Uluru is the door between the world of people and spirits. Here they performed their rituals for centuries. And today nothing has changed. None of them dares to climb to the top, since this is considered a terrible sacrilege, capable of incurring the terrible wrath of spirits on a person.


But the tourists who are allowed to come here do not care about the strangeness of the natives. They shamelessly climb the rock and illegally take with them pieces of the red monolith as a keepsake.

Tourists categorically do not want to move along the paved paths of the picturesque base of the cliff. Give them adrenaline. Therefore, they climb the sheer walls of the monolith. Local residents do not even have time to warn them that Uluru is taking human lives for himself, and those who climb the mountain will not be well in the future.

Uluru really has some mysterious power that defies scientific explanation. The statistics are unforgiving: every year, dozens of tourists are killed on this rock from heart failure, eager for thrill. And those who take pebbles with them invariably fall into a streak of failures and misfortunes. Therefore, ill-fated souvenirs are sent back from all over the world.

Park manager Brooke Watson said several thousand pebbles have been returned over the past decade. Parcels from different countries arrive at the post office. In cover letters, tourists complain of mystical, pathological bad luck that began after visiting Uluru. Once they even sent a seven-kilogram splinter. All received fragments of the rock, the administration of the park returns to the place. But whether this saves the former owners of the stones from misfortunes, no one knows.

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Sometimes in the Uluru area, another paranormal phenomenon is noted - the appearance of a UFO. Not so long ago, Australian astronomers and tourists observed several huge flying triangles there. But for some reason the radars did not register these objects. By the way, there are wall paintings in the Uluru caves. So, the sky god Wanjin is depicted there in the form of an alien in a helmet.

Ayers Rock is 348 meters high and has a circumference of 9 kilometers. She is fantastically beautiful. It is literally mesmerizing with the change of colors at different times of the day. As the sun rises, the rock gradually begins to brighten from black to dark purple. Then, when the sun rises, it flares up in shades of gold, pink, and crimson reds and purples, replacing each other with amazing rapidity. At sunset, the rock gradually "cools", turning back into a black silhouette against the background of the desert.

This miracle is due to the fact that the monolith consists of a variety of iron oxides and red sandstone with a high content of feldspar. But everyone who has ever seen the chameleon mountain remains deeply impressed. It seems to people that they have witnessed something mysterious and divine.


You can climb the top of Uluru along a specially equipped trail. Since there is always the strongest wind at the top, for safety, from a third of the cliff to the very top, chains are stretched and racks are mounted. In some places, warning signs are installed: do not enter, do not take pictures - the holy place of the aborigines.

The surface of the mountain is similar to the skin of a molting animal, consists of scales with pink veins the size of a notebook leaf. Aboriginal people say that inside Uluru is hollow and there is a "source of sacred energy."

The second name of Uluru, Ayers Rock, appeared in 1873. The traveler William Goss saw the rock and suggested that it be named after the Governor of South Australia, Henry Ayers.

The rock is visible from a distance of 100 km, and simply strikes with its contrast with the surrounding plain. It is considered the largest monolith in the world because we only see the top. Its total height, according to experts, is 6 kilometers.

Another mysterious phenomenon happens on Uluru, but not every year. Forecasters could not predict it even once. The scorching sun is suddenly blocked by black clouds, and a heavy rain begins, which falls directly over the sacred mountain. Then the downpour also suddenly stops, but the water continues to flow down from the monolith for some time. And when the sun reappears, the mountain becomes even more bright red than on ordinary days, and it seems that blood is flowing down it.


Aborigines feel the approach of rain, and then tribes from all over Australia are drawn to the sacred mountain. They touch the stone with their hands, ask for help for themselves, and then perform a ritual dance. They believe that the mystical rock is endowed with special power.

The descendants of the ancestors who have lived here from time immemorial are the Anangu tribe. They are the rightful owners of the rock. The Australian government rented the site from them to be used as a national park. The duty of the anangu is to watch over the land of the ancestors, to prevent its physical and spiritual pollution.