Cannibalism Is Becoming More And More Popular - Alternative View

Cannibalism Is Becoming More And More Popular - Alternative View
Cannibalism Is Becoming More And More Popular - Alternative View

Video: Cannibalism Is Becoming More And More Popular - Alternative View

Video: Cannibalism Is Becoming More And More Popular - Alternative View

The title is not an exaggeration. Indeed, cannibalism - which is one of the most demonic evils - is becoming more and more popular. We see this on the Internet, through publications in defense of cannibalism. There are also videos depicting cannibalism and they are getting a surge in popularity.

Recently, an article appeared in connection with the growing number of viewers of videos online containing pedophilia, homosexuality, dismemberment and cannibalism. A report from states:

“Other videos are much more explicit in their content and include things like simulating dirty sex acts and fetishes, dismemberment, cannibalism and kidnapping.”

Now there is even something that was invented by scientific institutions, and it is called "synthesized cannibalism" in which human flesh made in a laboratory is consumed. Some sinister and devilish scientists in Holland have come up with a solution to how human cells multiply and grow human meat. One grim account of it goes like this:

While chicken, beef and fish are clear, some meats are questionable. From horse to dog, most menus have their limitations. But now some scientists are claiming that a radical new food trend is about to emerge. It is known as "synthesized cannibalism" and soon you will be able to see the world devouring juicy hamburgers made from human meat grown in the laboratory.

The report speaks of the "benefits" of cannibalism. I'm not kidding. People are now writing in defense of cannibalism. This sick report says:

One of the biggest benefits will be significant cost savings. Meat is an expensive product, its price is determined by the huge amount of money spent on breeding and maintaining livestock. Overcoming ethical issues is another important point when a team of scientists from Maastricht University in the Netherlands recently proved that it is possible to grow meat in laboratories not only from animals, using a little more than cell cultures.

These sick bastards say cannibalism is great.

Promotional video:

Note that they are not yet pushing people to kill to eat them. They want to gradually descend in this direction. But first, they will start trying to normalize cannibalism by stating that no one has been killed and that the flesh is made in a laboratory. They will say, "As long as nobody dies, everything is fine." Then they will insist on "voluntary cannibalism" when someone dies and "bequeaths" that someone will eat him or her after death. Again, they will use this in order to reduce people's sensitivity to cannibalism and all under the slogan: "No one will be killed, but the person himself wants to be eaten."

Then they will start to justify using people like farm animals to eat them. They will say, "Okay, why can't we eat people the same way we eat cows?"

Here are the words of Richard Dawkins and Peter Singer, effectively normalizing cannibalism:

An Israeli philosopher named Sam Vaknin also advocates cannibalism. He's writing:

Unlike drug addicts, the cannibal and his food are unlikely to harm others. What gives society the right to interfere? If we own our bodies and thus have the right to smoke, drink, abort, commit suicide, and use our organs for science after death - why don't we have the inalienable right to allow the cannibal to consume our delicious tissues after our death (or famine victims in Africa)?
