Secrets Of Lost Civilizations - Alternative View

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Secrets Of Lost Civilizations - Alternative View
Secrets Of Lost Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of Lost Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of Lost Civilizations - Alternative View
Video: Tale of two ancient civilizations 2024, October

Lemuria (continent of Mu)

Some sources of secret knowledge tell that the moment of the birth of the first civilizations on our planet falls on 76,000 BC. e. This was the beginning of the Lemurian culture. This civilization existed for about 52,000 years, and then disappeared after a terrible cataclysm that arose as a result of the displacement of the planet's magnetic poles. It happened in 24,000 BC. e.

In our understanding, the civilization of Lemuria did not achieve great technological success, like those that arose after it. Nevertheless, the people of this civilization have mastered the technology of building unique mega structures that can withstand even very powerful earthquakes. And this was the greatest achievement of this civilization.


The sources say that at that time there was one language and a single governing body of the entire civilization. The key to prosperity was universal education, each of the Lemurians until the age of 21 studied the laws of the Universe and other various sciences. When a person turned 28, he acquired citizenship and became a full member of society.


After the catastrophe, the main part of the continent of Lemuria sank into the abyss, the Pacific Ocean was formed, and in other parts of the earth the water level dropped quite significantly. At the time when the great continent of Mu still existed, there were a number of small islands in the Atlantic, called the Poseidonis archipelago. This archipelago, after the disappearance of the continent of Mu, expanded significantly in size and even transformed into a small continent. And although today it is better known to us as Atlantis, its real name is Poseidonis.

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It is believed that technologically the civilization of Atlantis was superior to our current civilization. In the book "Inhabitant of 2 Planets", published in 1884 by the California explorer Spencer Oliver, there are many references to the technical achievements of the Atlanteans. Oliver received the materials for this book from enlightened monks in Tibet. In addition to various technical means that are used today, there is a mention of the fact that the Atlanteans were able to control the forces of anti-gravity, which is still an unattainable dream for our civilization.

The American fortuneteller Edgar Cayce claimed to have visions associated with Atlantis. He saw there flying machines and other technical means that received energy from quartz crystals. These crystals, according to Cayce, are fraught with tremendous energy, and the secret of using these crystals to obtain an almost unlimited source of energy was known to the Atlanteans. In addition, Cayce came to the conclusion that excessive lust for power and disregard for the laws of good and justice led to the death of the Atlantean civilization.

Rama's Empire

The Rama Empire, which existed on the territory of modern India, was one of the most highly developed civilizations of antiquity, about which written sources have survived to this day. Today, all that remains of the ancient empire is swallowed up by the wild jungle, but India has managed to preserve the most valuable historical information about this civilization.

Earlier it was believed that the first states in India emerged around the 6th century. BC e. But when the cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were found in the impenetrable jungle, which existed several millennia before the officially accepted date of the birth of Indian civilization, history had to be revised.


These cities were not only reasonably planned, but they also had everything that is required for comfortable living of people, wide streets, water pipes, a developed sewage system, even today some large cities in Asia do not have such a system. However, the mystery lies in the death of these cities. They were destroyed suddenly and in a short period of time, which makes scientists think that both Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa were almost instantly destroyed by some kind of destructive weapon that is not inferior in power to nuclear weapons. This is evidenced by the nature of the destruction of these cities.

Of course, this is not a complete list of ancient civilizations that mysteriously disappeared from the face of the Earth. And most likely no one will ever know how many of them actually existed, and which of them was the very first. Perhaps the chronology of earthly civilization should be measured not in tens of thousands of years, but in millions.