State Or Motherland: Enemies Or Allies? - Alternative View

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State Or Motherland: Enemies Or Allies? - Alternative View
State Or Motherland: Enemies Or Allies? - Alternative View

Video: State Or Motherland: Enemies Or Allies? - Alternative View

Video: State Or Motherland: Enemies Or Allies? - Alternative View
Video: SABATON - Primo Victoria (Official Music Video) 2024, September

It is generally accepted in our country that the state is almost always hostile to an ordinary person and a citizen, and just strives to impose taxes and obligations on it, giving almost nothing in return. The homeland dwells exclusively in our loving heart and has nothing in common with the state. But how true is all this?


Let's start with the fact that there are many definitions of the concepts of "state". However, some of them are very different from each other. Many of our compatriots aged 45 and older remember firmly that the state according to Marx and Lenin is "a machine for maintaining the domination of one class over another, which arose as a result of the social division of labor, the emergence of private property and antagonistic classes." And it is not possible to dissuade them of this. Younger people prefer different wording. For example, this: the state is a special organization of society, united by common social, cultural interests, occupying a certain territory, having its own management system, security system and possessing internal and external sovereignty. " We will dwell on it, as the most complete. Let's add only,that the word "state" itself came from "sovereign" (so called princes in Ancient Rus, and later - tsars), which, in turn, is associated with the Old Russian "gospodar" (ruler, master) and, finally, "lord". It follows from the foregoing that the state is, first of all, power. Even not so - Power. And the word "lord" underlying it is fully consistent with what the Apostle Paul says in the Epistle to the Romans: "Let every soul be submissive to the higher authorities, for there is no power not from God." And power is not only legalized compulsion. This is, first of all, the triumph of order over chaos. At any scale - from the city to the universe. Of course, the order may be different and not everyone is happy, but this is a topic for another article.which, in turn, is associated with the Old Russian "gospodar" (ruler, master) and, finally, "lord". It follows from the foregoing that the state is, first of all, power. Even not so - Power. And the word "lord" underlying it is fully consistent with what the Apostle Paul says in the Epistle to the Romans: "Let every soul be submissive to the higher authorities, for there is no power not from God." And power is not only legalized compulsion. This is, first of all, the triumph of order over chaos. At any scale - from the city to the universe. Of course, the order may be different and not everyone is happy, but this is a topic for another article.which, in turn, is associated with the Old Russian "gospodar" (ruler, master) and, finally, "lord". It follows from the foregoing that the state is, first of all, power. Even not so - Power. And the word "lord" underlying it is fully consistent with what the Apostle Paul says in the Epistle to the Romans: "Let every soul be submissive to the higher authorities, for there is no power not from God." And power is not only legalized compulsion. This is, first of all, the triumph of order over chaos. At any scale - from the city to the universe. Of course, the order may be different and not everyone is happy, but this is a topic for another article. And the word "lord" underlying it is fully consistent with what the Apostle Paul says in the Epistle to the Romans: "Let every soul be submissive to the higher authorities, for there is no power not from God." And power is not only legalized compulsion. This is, first of all, the triumph of order over chaos. At any scale - from the city to the universe. Of course, the order may be different and not everyone is happy, but this is a topic for another article. And the word "lord" underlying it is fully consistent with what the Apostle Paul says in the Epistle to the Romans: "Let every soul be submissive to the higher authorities, for there is no power not from God." And power is not only legalized compulsion. This is, first of all, the triumph of order over chaos. At any scale - from the city to the universe. Of course, the order may be different and not everyone is happy, but this is a topic for another article.


The word "homeland" also has several meanings and definitions. This is also the place where someone was born and raised (small homeland). Or something first appeared (for example, the homeland of football, borscht, tango). And Fatherland, native country, native land, Motherland - that which you love with all your heart and is ready to defend from enemies and all sorts of misfortunes. It is clear that the root of the word is "genus". That is, in fact - a family (for example, in the Ukrainian language the word "homeland" with an emphasis on the second syllable means "family"). Moreover, not only in the narrow sense, as the notorious "cell of society" (father, mother, children), but also in a broader sense, up to the "family of nations" - a concept that was born in Soviet times, but still, in spite of everything efforts that have not yet completely lost their high meaning. The family is usually headed by the father. Hence the "fatherland" and "motherland" - the land of fathers, ancestors, clan. That is, the earthwhich we call the Motherland belongs not only to us, now living, but also to our ancestors. Mystic? Maybe. But this is the only way that love for the Motherland is born - a feeling is often irrational and mystical, as, indeed, any love. Let us recall the action "Immortal Regiment", when millions of our compatriots on May 9 take to the streets of cities with portraits of their ancestors - soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. The word "immortal" itself speaks of what we believe - our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers, who defended the Motherland - are alive and will live forever. In this sense, by the way, the Motherland is very similar to the Church, as "the totality of all Orthodox Christians living and dead (" for with God all are alive "(Luke 20:38), united among themselves by faith and the love of Christ, the hierarchy and the saints sacraments.”And isn't that why, by the way,is love for the Motherland considered a sacred feeling in Russia (and not only in Russia)?

And again, as with the "state", in our etymological research we come to the word "father". The word with which the main Christian prayer "Our Father" begins. After all, the words "Lord" and "Father" are synonyms.

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However, it is one thing in the root similarity of the meaning of words and concepts, and another in their modern perception. No matter how the State and the Motherland may have something in common, we perceive them in different ways. This is a fact, and you cannot argue with facts. The concept of "Motherland" arose earlier than "State". Probably back in the days when our ancestors lived in a tribal system under primitive communism and did not have any "masters" and "rulers" over them, including the one whom they began to call God much later, because they did not have faith in his existence, deifying exclusively the forces and phenomena of nature. How long has it been since then? One hundred thousand years, two hundred thousand, more? It is enough for the love for family, clan, homeland to be registered at the genetic level. How else? Man always knew: the clan would protect, save, cover, help. But you must also repay the clan in the same way (the principle "one for all - all for one") and continue it, for which, by the way, it is better not to take it without love.

The concept of "State" is another matter. It arose when classes, commodity-money relations, private property, law, taxes appeared. And away we go. Today we have one "master-sovereign", tomorrow - another. The day before yesterday there was a monarchy, yesterday socialism, today democracy. And what will happen tomorrow, only God knows. The essence, in any case, is the same, briefly and clearly indicated in the film "Chapaev": “The Whites came - they rob, the Reds came - they rob. Where can the peasant go? " And so for more than a thousand years. What kind of love, especially at the genetic level, can we talk about here? Only about dislike. To put it mildly. Therefore, few people here, in Russia, are ready to die for the State. But everyone is rising up for the Motherland.


And yet. "The state does not exist in order to turn earthly life into paradise, but in order to prevent it from finally turning into hell," Nikolai Berdyaev once wrote and was right. People have always dreamed of an ideal state in which justice and happiness for everyone will reign. They described it in detail, drew up construction plans and even energetically undertook these plans to implement. The concrete result of their labors has never coincided with what was intended. Exactly according to the well-known expression "they wanted the best, but it turned out, as always." So what, give up your dream? To accept that an ideal state is impossible? The answer to the first question is "no", because every beautiful dream uplifts a person. On the second - "yes", to accept. Building an ideal state is possible only to the extent thatin which it is possible to grow and educate an ideal person. That is, in a very, very limited. However, you shouldn't despair. If only because the State and the Motherland are, first of all, people. We are with you. Connected by millions of invisible threads with the State (whatever it may be), and with the Motherland, and with each other. Threads of kinship, friendship, economic, political, historical, religious - all kinds. The more of these threads, the stronger and healthier they are, the closer to each other not only the concepts of "State" and "Motherland", but also we ourselves. And this is the main thing. So, as always, everything depends on us - on our patience, mercy, ability to work and love. We are with you. Connected by millions of invisible threads with the State (whatever it may be), and with the Motherland, and with each other. Threads of kinship, friendship, economic, political, historical, religious - all kinds. The more of these threads, the stronger and healthier they are, the closer to each other not only the concepts of "State" and "Motherland", but also we ourselves. And this is the main thing. So, as always, everything depends on us - on our patience, mercy, ability to work and love. We are with you. Connected by millions of invisible threads with the State (whatever it may be), and with the Motherland, and with each other. Threads of kinship, friendship, economic, political, historical, religious - all kinds. The more of these threads, the stronger and healthier they are, the closer to each other not only the concepts of "State" and "Motherland", but also we ourselves. And this is the main thing. So, as always, everything depends on us - on our patience, mercy, ability to work and love.everything depends on us - on our patience, mercy, ability to work and love.everything depends on us - on our patience, mercy, ability to work and love.

Akim Bukhtatov