Riddles Of The Shigir Idol - Alternative View

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Riddles Of The Shigir Idol - Alternative View
Riddles Of The Shigir Idol - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of The Shigir Idol - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of The Shigir Idol - Alternative View
Video: THE SHIGIR IDOL: how old can the oldest known wooden sculpture be? 2024, July

The Shigir idol, found at the end of the 19th century in the Urals, is today considered the world's oldest wooden sculpture. It contains many mysteries that are not yet able to guess by modern historians and archaeologists.

The wooden statue was found on January 24, 1890 at the Second Kurinsky mine of the Shigirsky peat bog in the vicinity of the Ural city of Nevyansk, at a depth of four meters. Back in the middle of the 19th century, a gold deposit was discovered on the eastern slope of the Middle Urals near the village of Kalata (now Kirovgrad), and gold diggers have repeatedly found objects of ancient culture made of horn, bone, wood, stone and clay.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, these places were visited by expeditions from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan and Paris, who discovered "traces of a prehistoric settlement", as they wrote in the newspapers at that time. Most of the finds were made up of the famous Shigir storage room of the Ural Society of Natural Science Lovers (UOLE).

The wooden product was poorly preserved and had to be removed from the peat in parts. As a result, the upper part of the body with the head and the lower fragment in the form of a cone with a notch at the base forming protrusions similar to legs were extracted separately. It is interesting that the body had the shape of a flat, rectangular board in cross-section, and the rest of the "body parts" were voluminous.


Unlike most such sculptures, which were usually dug into the ground with the bottom, this sculpture, apparently, was simply propped up or nailed to some vertical surface.

Count A. A. Stenbock-Fermor, on whose land the find was made, donated it to the UOLE Museum in Yekaterinburg (now the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore).

The then curator of the archaeological collection of the museum D. I. Lobanov managed to recreate the alleged appearance of the idol. However, the height of the figure was only 2.8 meters, and some fragments were not involved. In 1914, archaeologist V. Ya. Tolmachev proposed a new version of the reconstruction of the monument, during which the idol "grew" to 5.3 meters. Then the exhibit was named "Big Shigir idol".

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During the Great Patriotic War, the lower part of the body, 195 centimeters long, was lost, and now it can only be seen in Tolmachev's drawing.


Research today

In 1997, employees of the St. Petersburg Institute for the History of Material Culture and the Moscow Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences made a radiocarbon analysis of samples of the inner layers of wood that make up the ancient monument. It was determined that the idol was made 9.5 thousand years ago, during the Mesolithic era.

Since 2003, the Shigir idol has been kept in the museum, in a glass sarcophagus. In the summer of 2014, a joint team of scientists from the German Archaeological Institute, the Department for the Protection of the Cultural Heritage of Lower Saxony and the Moscow Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences decided to conduct research in order to clarify the age of the sculpture.

According to a leading employee of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences Mikhail Zhilin, it was not possible to take samples close to the surface due to the effect of preservatives. For the study, wood samples were taken at a depth of 2-3 centimeters.

- Idol refers to the monumental art of hunter-fishermen and gatherers of the Urals, - Zhilin commented. - Made from a split larch trunk at least 157 years old. The work was carried out on a freshly cut trunk with a stone tool. Traces of ornament are also visible on the idol.

In addition, the scientist mentions that similar sculptures were made by the most ancient farmers of the Middle East.


Scandal around the monument

To find out the exact age, the researchers sawed the lower fragment of the statue, which was the reason for accusation of damage to the cultural monument. Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Grigory Pirumov wrote a statement to the police in connection with causing serious damage to the museum exhibit. A criminal case was initiated against the archaeologists under the article “Destruction or damage of cultural heritage or cultural property”.

Meanwhile, the examination of new samples made it possible to change the original dating of the monument.

“According to the results of joint research by Russian and German scientists, the age of the Shigir idol is 11 thousand years,” Natalya Vetrova, director of the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore, told reporters at a press conference. - Thus, its age is about twice the age of the Egyptian pyramids.


Although the museum management admits that the exhibit could have been damaged during the research process, they maintain that the scientists did not break the law.

“Initially, the Shigir idol was already divided into 10 fragments,” says Vetrova. - When selecting material for research, it was not sawn, but filed. Taken less than two grams of wood. This method of sampling did not damage the relic.

New puzzles

As he studied the monument, he began to present scientists with new riddles. Seven images of faces (masks) were found in different parts of the monument. One of these faces was located where it should be - in the area of the idol's head, and the other six - on the body: three in front and three in the back.


There are only five such masks in Tolmachev's drawing: three on the front side and two on the back. During the installation of the exposition "Shigirskaya Pantry" in August 2003, another mask was found on the back of the body, somewhat different from the others: if the others had rectangular noses, the nose of this figure was hewn out of a tree knot and as a result turned out to be shorter than that of the others. It had a conical shape and looked more protruding, which gave it a resemblance to an animal face.

Recently, while studying the artifact under a microscope, another mask was found located in the upper part.

“Probably, the spiritual world of the ancient Urals people who lived in the Stone Age was actually much more complicated than we thought before,” says Svetlana Savchenko, chief researcher of the department of ancient history of the peoples of the Urals of the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore.

In addition, the entire surface of the statue is dotted with carved geometric patterns and inscriptions. To date, no one has managed to decipher them. Experts suggest it is the world's oldest writing system. Before that, it was believed that writing appeared in mankind about seven thousand years ago.


In all likelihood, the authors of the sculpture were representatives of a fairly developed civilization. From the “appearance” of the idol, one can imagine exactly how these ancient people looked: the statue has high cheekbones and a straight nose.

What could the writing on the surface of the statue say? You can only make various assumptions. According to some experts, this is a kind of "secret code" that carries information about the creation of the world. Perhaps each part of the statue carries a certain meaning. So, it has seven faces, and only one is three-dimensional. And the masks carved on the monument can denote the spirits worshiped by ancient people.

The location of the images on the front and back planes may indicate that these deities belong to different worlds. It is also possible that myths about the origin of the world and man are "encrypted" in the images on the monument. The vertical arrangement of symbols can indicate a sequence of events, experts say.

They believe that it is possible to distinguish among the images characters associated with the Upper and Lower worlds. Under

The upper world, most of the ancient civilizations meant the heavenly world, and under the lower world - underwater or underground. They were all inhabited by their own inhabitants.


You can also see on the surface of the sculptures figures symbolizing the masculine and feminine principles, the worlds of plants and animals.

Unfortunately, the same hieroglyphic letters can have several meanings, which makes it difficult for translators to work. Therefore, it remains a mystery what kind of people made this sculpture, for what purpose and what they wanted to say by carving drawings and letters on it …

Maybe the creators just counted on the fact that sooner or later distant descendants will find this artifact and learn how the world works and what it was like in former times? And where did we get the idea that today we know more about the world than our ancestors who believed in deities and spirits?

According to Mikhail Zhilin, the Shigir idol remains "an absolute mystery for modern people."

“This is a masterpiece with enormous emotional value and strength,” says the scientist. - This is a unique sculpture, there is nothing like it in the world.