The Era Of Human-animal Hybrid Chimeras Has Begun - Alternative View

The Era Of Human-animal Hybrid Chimeras Has Begun - Alternative View
The Era Of Human-animal Hybrid Chimeras Has Begun - Alternative View

Video: The Era Of Human-animal Hybrid Chimeras Has Begun - Alternative View

Video: The Era Of Human-animal Hybrid Chimeras Has Begun - Alternative View
Video: The Viral ‘Pig-Human Hybrid Baby’ is an Italian Artist’s Creation | The Quint 2024, September

Human-animal mutants help science fiction writers come up with new stories, but we don't have to create them in the real world. In many ways, the technological advances we make are ahead of our ability to cope with these successes, and this area is certainly a shining example of this reality. Just because we can create human-animal hybrid chimeras doesn't mean we should. Genetic modification is a particularly dangerous science because we are literally remaking the future of our planet. And when it comes to humans and animals, these are two things that definitely shouldn't be mixed. Sadly, they are already mixing, and this could have huge consequences as our society plunges into a very uncertain future.

Throughout the chaos surrounding the 2016 presidential election, the startling announcement from the US National Institutes of Health went unnoticed by almost everyone. The following is a Huffington Post article entitled “The Island of Dr. Moreau in Reality”:

“In August 2016, the National Institutes of Health announced that they were lifting their ban on research involving the introduction of human stem cells into animal embryos. Stem cells have the ability to grow into any cell in the human body, and can grow in any human tissue. The purpose of this type of research is to grow human tissue and, ultimately, spare human organs in animals. What an innovative way to improve transplant medicine! But in order to realize this idea, we need to create an organism that consists of two parts, animal and human! We know these hybrids from ancient mythology. They are mixtures of different creatures and are called chimeras. One of the goals of today's research is to create tissues and organs for experiments,which will improve our understanding of human disease. An alternative and longer-term goal will be to create organs for human transplantation directly. Imagine an endless source of human organs - one wears out and you make a new one as a replacement."

When human stem cells are injected into the animal embryo, that creature becomes part of the human being.

So such semi-human creatures have rights?

If so, how are the rights of these creatures different from human rights?

This is the question that concerns ethics and over which they are now racking their brains.

The idea of creating human-animal hybrids just for the purpose of growing organs to be used for medical transplantation is not a concern. But is this the only goal that our scientists intend to do.

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And so this week, the National Academies of Science and Medicine released a brand new report that endorses human genetic modification. Below is an article from Gizmodo:

“Today, the National Academies of Science and Medicine released a great new report and recommendations to ensure that any such research conducted in the US in the future is carried out responsibly and ethically.

The implicit message is whether we want it or not, the future of genetically modified humans is already on its way.”

Reworking human genetic material means you are literally reworking the future of the human race.

And once this genetic material is passed down from generation to generation, it will be impossible to put the genie back in the bottle.

Fortunately, there are still some honest experts who are extremely alarmed by this new report:

“The recommendations and findings of this report are disturbing and disappointing,” said Marcy Darnovsky, PhD, executive director of the Center for Genetics and Society. "Although phrased in explicitly cautionary language, in fact, they provide the green light for continued efforts to alter the human germline, that is, to develop genes and traits that will be passed on to future children and generations."

Hopefully the scientific community will listen to people like Dr. Darnovsky before things get out of hand.

There are some scientists who really want to "improve" humans by injecting genetic material from animals. The theory is that injecting genetic material from animals could give us "super-vision" or "super-strength" or other extraordinary powers. This is what researchers like Steve Quayle and Tom Horn have been warning about for years. In the future, we could literally create a creature that is 60 percent human and, for example, 40 percent bear. How will we relate to such a creature?

And how will such beings, when there are too many of them, relate to us?

If you think this will never happen, just check out ten examples of creatures that are already being created by science:

# 1 Genetically modified cattle with human DNA

# 2 Rats with human kidneys

# 3 Human-mouse hybrids with monstrously large brains

# 4 Introduction of human lactoferrin into animal milk

# 5 Mice with human anal sphincters

# 6 Rabbit with human cells

# 7 Pigs with human blood

# 8 Sheep with human liver

# 9 Cows with human cells

# 10 Cat-Human Fusion Protein

Does a human made human being have a human soul?

Someone better start asking such questions, because we are “playing God” and we are playing with things that we don't fully understand.

We've gone too far, but scientists around the world continue to try to go even further. Even if we completely banned such "research" in the United States, it would still develop in other industrialized countries around the planet.

Genetic modification in humans and animals is part of a larger trend we are now seeing. There is a tremendous amount of excitement in the scientific community that humans may finally "take control of their own evolution." There are many scientists who believe that we can use various technologies to give ourselves superhuman strength and radically expand our life boundaries. And as technology continues to grow at an exponential rate, these scientists believe we can ultimately create a “post-human society” where all disease, suffering, poverty and war will be eliminated.

Therefore, they are not interested in the potential dangers of these new technologies, because they believe that we are on the verge of achieving immortality and turning this planet into a technological utopia that will be perfect in every way.

In other words, they believe that humanity will no longer need "God" because we will be our own gods.

Unfortunately for everyone else, in their relentless pursuit of this very stupid dream, they rush to the genetic Armageddon, and open the terrible Pandora's Box.