Culture As A Tool For Shaping The Psyche Of New Generations - Alternative View

Culture As A Tool For Shaping The Psyche Of New Generations - Alternative View
Culture As A Tool For Shaping The Psyche Of New Generations - Alternative View

Video: Culture As A Tool For Shaping The Psyche Of New Generations - Alternative View

Video: Culture As A Tool For Shaping The Psyche Of New Generations - Alternative View
Video: How Culture affects your Personality 2024, July

The most significant in the peculiarity of man in the biosphere of the Earth is that the organization of the psyche of any healthy individual of the species "Homo sapiens" is not uniquely programmed genetically, as a result of which an adult can be a carrier of one of the five main types of mental structure (animal, zombie biorobot, demonic, human, and conditioned by the viciousness of culture - lowered into unnaturalness) and move from one to the other both in the process of personal development or degradation, and not consciously under the influence of circumstances.

The types of mental structure animal, zombie, demonic, manifested in the behavior of adults, are the result of stopping their personal development at some of the early stages: they are an expression of the incompleteness of personal development. In other words: The type of structure of the psyche of an adult is initially determined by upbringing; those. the failure of a person to reach an irreversibly humane type of structure of the psyche by the beginning of adolescence is the result of the depravity of the culture of society and unrighteous upbringing on the part of parents, who themselves are partly victims of the same vicious culture, but in its earlier version.

Depending on the statistics of the distribution of people according to the types of mental structure, society also generates its own social organization, develops its culture, either contributing to the conservation of the achieved state and the relapse of attempts at slavery, or contributing to the fact that the humane type of mental structure is recognized as the norm and is guaranteed to be reproduced by the culture when changing generations as a basis for further personal and social development of peoples and humanity as a whole.

In all the diversity of biological species in the biosphere of the Earth, man (Homo sapiens - "Homo sapiens") is distinguished by the largest volume and the largest share of extra-genetically conditioned informational-algorithmic support of the behavior of adults. At the same time, the culture of humanity is the most multifaceted and contains such an amount of information that no individual is able to master it in its entirety and detail, not only before entering the time of adulthood, but throughout his life: the amount of information in it is orders of magnitude greater than the “information capacity »An individual, at least with the mode of existence that mankind is leading now and has been in the foreseeable historical past.

This ratio of the amount of information in culture and the "information capacity" of the individual is an objective given, - a factor that forces people to unite and help in all aspects of their life, regardless of whether people are aware of this fact and deliberately build their behavior according to him, or but - in spite of him - consciously or unconsciously try to exercise in individualistic exaltation over each other.

As a result of the enormous genetically programmed potential for the development of culture, a person, in comparison with other biological species, has the longest childhood and adolescence in relation to the biological resource of the organism. At the same time, the norm for a person is the care and upbringing of the younger generations by the older generations. The purpose of childhood is to prepare new generations for independent adult life. And one of the main issues in the reproduction of new generations is the "relation" of a historically formed culture to the genetically programmed cognitive and creative potential of the individual.

In human societies, the variants of the “attitude” of culture (considered as an informational-algorithmic system with which the psyche of individuals interacts, also considered as an informational-algorithmic system) to personal cognitive and creative potential as an objective factor can be different.

First, the culture of any society can be attributed to one of two classes:

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1. cultures in which this issue is not recognized by anyone;

2. cultures in which this issue is recognized by at least some.

Secondly, in each of the two above-mentioned classes of cultures, options are also possible:

and. cultures, the algorithms of which are indifferent to the activities of individuals aimed at mastering their cognitive and creative potential;

b. cultures, the algorithms of which are aimed at suppressing the cognitive and creative potential of the majority for the sake of one or another minority - up to the genetic consolidation of the effect of suppressing or destroying the cognitive and creative potential;

in. cultures, the algorithm of which is aimed at the fullest possible development of the cognitive and creative potential by all and its development in subsequent generations.

If we go into ethnographic and historical analysis, we can see that cultures of different nature have different stability in the succession of generations due to their different "attitude" to the cognitive and creative potential.

And among them there are suicidal options, the transition to which means the death of society during the life of one - several generations. The term "death of society" in this case means not only the extinction of the carriers of a suicidal culture, but also the absorption of survivors by other cultures and the loss of their former cultural identity to a greater or lesser extent.

In the culture of society, one can distinguish its fundamental part - that which determines the essence (character, meaning) of the life of society at intervals of the order of 10 years or more, and something accompanying and quickly (in relation to the life expectancy of generations) transitory. If we consider the life of society at historically long intervals of time, then the fundamental part can be attributed to such components of culture as: ideals and beliefs, facto operating organizational and ethical principles and the norms of behavior expressing them, on which the interaction of people in society and social institutions is built (historically, in reality, they can deviate very far from ideals),

3. developments in fundamental science, applied knowledge and skills, on the basis of which all economic activities of people in this society and other types of its interaction with the environment are built, including interaction with other societies.

And one of the main properties of the culture of human societies, and in particular its fundamental part, is that in culture the distribution of members of society according to the types of mental structure is expressed in some way, since the type of structure of the psyche in which an individual resides at a given moment in time, largely determines the interests of the individual and the way the individual works to realize these interests, as a result of which everything that makes up the culture of any society in its fullness and diversity in each historical epoch appears, is lost, reproduced and adopted in culture.

At the same time, elements of culture that are unchanged in the continuity of generations become factors of pressure of the environment on a biological species, and the genetic mechanism of the species in the process of generational change one way or another adjusts the genetics of the corresponding culturally peculiar population to them: those individuals who do not fit into this process of adaptation - subordination personalities of a culture that is stable in the continuity of generations, either are rejected by the society of the carriers of this culture, or perish in it, or make efforts to purposefully change the culture so that they themselves and other people, somewhat similar to them, can live in the culture they have changed. society.

In other words, the genetics of past generations determines the nature and possibilities of the development of the culture of the living generations, which, in turn, programs the genetics, the nature and possibilities of the development of the culture of future generations. In fact, this means that:

“Homo sapiens” is the only biological species in the Earth's biosphere, whose biological and cultural future (up to the next step in biological evolution is meaningfully and expediently based on his conscious choice) is largely due to his consciously meaningful attitude to himself directly (and indirectly - to himself through his relationship to the Universe), his own morally determined aspirations.

When a newborn man comes into this world, the culture of the society in which he finds himself is an objective reality for him; and culture for him is, first of all, the culture of his family: his parents or other educators; he will begin to perceive the culture outside the family only after a few years. And above all, the culture of the family opens or closes the possibilities for the development of the genetically programmed potential of personal development, including the cognitive and creative potential.

At the same time, the process of mastering culture by an individual proceeds in conjunction with a genetically determined process of unfolding structures and the development of an organism as a whole during growing up. This relationship is expressed in the fact that:

1. On the one hand, the underdevelopment, inferiority or impossibility (due to trauma or failures in genetics) of the development of some structures of the body makes it impossible for an individual to master certain branches of culture (speech and musical culture is almost completely closed to the deaf for mastering; a blind person is practically all branches of activity based on a person's ability to see, etc.);

2. On the other hand, due to culture, the lack of demand in a certain age period for some components of the genetically programmed potential of personal development, completely or partially excludes the formation of the corresponding carrier structures in the body and the deployment of their information and algorithmic support, and therefore in the Russian language there is a saying: "I have not learned Vanechka - you cannot learn Ivan-Ivanych."

So the mastering of speech skills and the development of the corresponding structures of the brain occurs in a certain age period, and the lack of demand for their development in this period either completely excludes the possibility of mastering articulate speech in the future, or significantly limits this ability.

Also, one should not expect that a child will grow up as a physically beautiful and graceful person if he leads a sedentary lifestyle from infancy - due to the cramped housing and the specifics of life in an urban environment, where there is simply nowhere to move and many incentives to move are eliminated and make muscle efforts; or simply because it is easier for parents to carry the baby in a stroller in order to save their time and effort (a baby in a stroller requires less attention compared to when he is free, although under adult supervision), rather than to devote time to the child and provide him with the opportunity walk and run independently or push the same wheelchair so that his musculoskeletal, cardiovascular systems develop correctly and coordination of movements is developed.

Therefore, a special topic in sociology and cultural studies as one of its branches is questions: 1) what exactly from the genetically programmed potential of personal and social development of a person we do not master due to the lack of demand for these abilities in a historically formed vicious culture, and 2) how change the culture so that it stimulates the full development of the genetic potential predetermined by the Providence.

In addition, as noted earlier, the culture of mankind in the biosphere of the Earth is the most multifaceted and contains such an amount of information that no individual is able to master it in its entirety and detail, not only before entering the time of adulthood, but throughout a life.

The cultures of different societies and the same society in different historical epochs are meaningfully different, and this circumstance makes cultural studies an almost limitless subject area for scientific research. However, since all the knowledge and skills that a person carries are a kind of "dowry" to the type of structure of the psyche at each moment of time, the most significant aspect of comparing cultures and subcultures of different social groups is the degree of development of genetically determined potential in each of them. personal development, which is directly related to the question of the statistics of the distribution of the adult population that has grown up in them according to the types of mental structure, on the basis of which they mostly act in their lives.

Each type of structure of the psyche of adults (with the exception of the one lowered into unnaturalness) is revealed on the basis that one or another source of informational-algorithmic support of behavior dominates in the algorithms of the individual's psyche.

But if we consider the psyche of an individual in its development from the state of a newborn infant to an adult who has reached an irreversibly human type of psyche structure, then we can see that what is the norm for certain age periods forms the basis of inhuman types of an adult psyche structure (with the exception of what is lowered into unnaturalness) … In other words, certain parallels can be drawn between certain age periods of the growing up of an individual and the types of structure of the psyche of adults.

So practically all informational and algorithmic support for the behavior of a newborn baby is innate instincts and reflexes, and everything else in his behavior at short-term intervals is subordinate to them in the mainstream of fate. And this conditioning of behavior by instincts and reflexes corresponds to what in adulthood is characteristic of the animal type of mental structure.

Then, a little grown-up child begins to imitatively adopt from adults everything that is available to his perception, without any understanding and any moral assessments of what he adopts; he begins to build his behavior in life on the basis of what he was able to adopt. And this corresponds to what is characteristic of the type of structure of the psyche of a zombie biorobot in an adult state.

Further, the child (if by this time he is not crushed psychologically by the circumstances and the authority of his elders) enters a period when the development of his personal creative potential dominates in his behavior, which finds expression in denying the culture of adults, in search of ways and means of self-expression. And this is quite often reckless in nature, corresponding to the demonic principle "I want to - I turn it over", consciously or unconsciously characteristic of many adults.

And only after a teenager (or an older person) notices that his personal-autonomous possibilities are limited, and that they should be in harmony with unlimited, if he thinks about religious and philosophical issues in life, about the objective laws of the universe - begins to move from more or less intense and vivid manifestations of adolescent demonism to an irreversibly humane type of mental structure.

Naturally, in the normal culture of humanity, the achievement of a humane type of structure of the psyche by the beginning of adolescence should be accompanied by the formation of a holistic worldview and worldview, the formation of a personal culture of dialectical knowledge and creativity.

In other words:

1. the true development of society should be expressed in a shift in the statistics of the distribution of the population by types of mental structure towards an increase in the proportion of carriers of the humane type of mental structure;

2. and the degradation, regression of society - in a decrease in the proportion of carriers of the human type of the structure of the psyche and an increase in the proportion of inhuman ones.

"Foundations of Sociology". VP USSR