Law Of Octave: Philosophy Of Music - Alternative View

Law Of Octave: Philosophy Of Music - Alternative View
Law Of Octave: Philosophy Of Music - Alternative View

Video: Law Of Octave: Philosophy Of Music - Alternative View

Video: Law Of Octave: Philosophy Of Music - Alternative View
Video: The Rule of the Octave 2024, July

The law of octaves is the philosophy of music, the inner essence and the principle of the development of waves using the example of sound. According to the Law of Octaves, the entire Universe consists of energetic vibrations of different frequency and strength. These waves penetrate all layers of the universe: from the most subtle and invisible levels to the levels of gross, solid and material. Energy waves can intersect, merge, annihilate. The constant interaction of waves is the normal course of life, whose essence is movement and change.

According to the Law of Octaves, a wave goes through seven stages of evolution, as a result of which the frequency of its vibrations increases or decreases by half, returning to its original tone. In this case, the change in vibrations is uneven. In some areas, upward waves begin to grow more slowly, and downward ones fade more slowly. Subsequently, this knowledge was reflected in musical literacy in the law of seven tones.

The frequency of the "C" note of the next octave is exactly double the previous one
The frequency of the "C" note of the next octave is exactly double the previous one

The frequency of the "C" note of the next octave is exactly double the previous one.

The musical octave consists of seven unequal parts, limited by notes: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, do. If the speed of vibration "to" of the original is equal to 1, then the speed of vibration "to" of the highest octave will be equal to 2. The vibration seems to travel a path in a circle, returning to the original tone, but at a new level of the spiral of development. If we play one C note on the piano, we will hear the response of the C note for each octave of the instrument.

The line of development of the wave, making a circle, returns to the original direction
The line of development of the wave, making a circle, returns to the original direction

The line of development of the wave, making a circle, returns to the original direction.

Vibration, according to the Law of Octaves, obeys the principle of unevenness. And during its evolution, it sometimes dies down in development, and sometimes it picks up speed again. There are two such turning points in the musical octave: between the notes "mi" and "fa"; "Si" and "do".

Dynamics of changes in the frequency of a wave in an octave
Dynamics of changes in the frequency of a wave in an octave

Dynamics of changes in the frequency of a wave in an octave.

The graph shows an uneven development of the vibration frequency in the ascending octave. It can be seen that between "mi" and "fa"; "Si" and "do" the rate of increase of vibrations slows down.

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The ancient initiates, by the principle of analogy, identified the links between the development of energetic vibrations and the processes of life in the macro and microcosm. This was also noticed by the founder of the school of the "Fourth Way" Gurdjieff, stating that all phenomena in the Universe develop according to the Law of Octaves. By this he explained why there are no straight lines in nature, and why the results of any business are so different from the original idea. The point is that the way to achieve the goal is also subject to the law of octaves.

Initially, the implementation of the plan develops evenly and consistently, like a musical wave. But at a certain stage there is a decline in the rate of implementation. At this moment, in order to achieve the set goal, additional energy must be invested. Otherwise, the development vector is refracted and deviates somewhat from the goal. The second critical moment comes immediately before the realization of the goal. Here we need one more energetic, strong-willed impetus to achieve. Perhaps this is the basis for the expression that the greatest temptation to surrender always comes shortly before victory.

Deviation of the wave from the original direction
Deviation of the wave from the original direction

Deviation of the wave from the original direction.

Author: Elena Zakharchenko