Was There A Landing On The Moon? Why Do Many People Think It Was A Hoax? - Alternative View

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Was There A Landing On The Moon? Why Do Many People Think It Was A Hoax? - Alternative View
Was There A Landing On The Moon? Why Do Many People Think It Was A Hoax? - Alternative View

Video: Was There A Landing On The Moon? Why Do Many People Think It Was A Hoax? - Alternative View

Video: Was There A Landing On The Moon? Why Do Many People Think It Was A Hoax? - Alternative View
Video: Who Started the Moon Landing Hoax Conspiracy Theory? 2024, September

In 1974, a book by American author Bill Keysing was published, "We Never Fled to the Moon." It served as the beginning of doubts about the reality of a flight to an Earth satellite. The author had a good reason for researching this topic, since he was an employee of Rocketdyne, which was engaged in the production of rocket engines for the Apollo program.


When arguing for staging flights to the moon, the author focuses on the incidents of photographs taken on the planet: these are the curvature of shadows, and the absence of stars, as well as the very small size of the Earth. Keysing is also confident that NASA did not have the proper technical equipment at the time of this space program.

One theory suggests that the moon landing is a fake. She actually became the material for filming a movie in Hollywood.

Historical date

On a historic day, July 20, 1969, an audience of 1.5 billion people - the largest at the time - was set to watch Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong on the moon. They heard the famous words: "This one small step for man - one giant leap for mankind." True, the astronaut later claimed that his phrase sounded somewhat different. But this is not at all about this small disagreement: there are real contradictions as to whether this person was at all on the surface of the moon.


Promotional video:

Talk of rigging landings on its surface has been heard since the 1970s, and since then the topic has attracted public attention.

Was there any falsification?

The apparently absurd question, books and articles, as well as films made by theorists who believe in the hoax of the moon, helped not only to the emergence of the conspiracy theory, but also created a stable basis for it.


In 1999, a Gallup poll found that 6% of Americans doubted the moon landing was real, and 5% said they were undecided about the answer to this question. While this may not sound like a huge figure, 6% still implies millions of people. These are the citizens who potentially believe that the landing on the lunar surface was fake.

There are many stories to be heard when it comes to "fake landing conspiracy." Although some less extreme theorists believe it happened, it was not in the way it was conveyed to the public. Many others argue that the flight is a complete hoax, and NASA never flew to the moon at all.

The main reason for flight falsification

Like any good conspiracy, this story must have a motive. In this case, the biggest reason for the fake moon landing was the escalating tensions between the United States and the USSR during this time period. The Cold War intensified, and the Soviet Union's successful launch of the first Earth satellite received widespread publicity.


The number of space flights symbolized overall technological superiority. The moon landing is a risky and expensive endeavor and was seen as the ultimate achievement. In the assessment that JFK gave to the mission to the moon, it was emphasized that the United States decided to go to the moon because it was difficult, but despite everything, they succeeded quite well.

The essence of the theories

One theory suggests a complex movie set in Hollywood. Another says that area 51 was a site used to fake a planetary landing.


Wherever the “staging” took place, a universal idea by theorists is that the footage came directly from NASA in the form of images that people saw on their television screens. And since there is no independent verification that the moon landing actually took place, there is no credibility on the part of official government agencies, since there is no evidence that this event took place.

Found inconsistencies

Buzz Aldrin plants the American flag on the lunar surface. The banner flutters, but here an important detail is revealed: the flag indicates the presence of wind, and, as you know, there is no wind on the moon.


Landing images contain fuzzy reflections of light in the corner of the photographs emanating from the visor of the astronaut's helmet. There are also shadows lying in different directions, indicating multiple light sources. These discrepancies can only be explained by lighting with studio lamps used in film studios.

Over the years, there have been many skeptics making loud claims. An Australian woman saw a Coca-Cola bottle roll briefly across the bottom of the screen in the original shot.

In 2016, an 81-year-old former Hollywood cameraman said the moon landing was filmed in North London and that he was the person holding the camera.

Numerous facts have been studied in detail over the years. Scientists at Argonne National Laboratory also believe that the famous moon landing is a real lie.

Maya Muzashvili