The Moon Is An Artificial Object. And That's Why - Alternative View

The Moon Is An Artificial Object. And That's Why - Alternative View
The Moon Is An Artificial Object. And That's Why - Alternative View

Video: The Moon Is An Artificial Object. And That's Why - Alternative View

Video: The Moon Is An Artificial Object. And That's Why - Alternative View
Video: No Human Has Ever Left Earth’s Atmosphere, Here's Why 2024, June

Over the years, it has been noticed that the Earth's satellite Moon has some strange features.

The moon is the fifth largest natural satellite in the solar system, and the official theory is that it was formed from the collision of a young Earth with a very large celestial body, the size of Mars.

Below are the most basic theses, according to which the Moon is an artificial object, probably created by aliens. There are actually a lot of such theses, but our goal is to fit into a capacious article, where all the main things will be laid out on the shelves without unnecessary water.


One of the very first anomalies that astronomers notice behind the Moon is that it is orbiting the wrong way for its size and current estimated density.

Also, according to astronomers, the Moon has a lower density inside than outside, which leads to the assumption that there are large voids inside the Moon.

Some even argued that when large meteorites fall on the Moon, it emits a sound similar to the rumble of a bell, which also supports the theory that there are voids inside the Moon.

Seismic vibrations of the surface, the so-called moonquakes, have been repeatedly recorded on the Moon. Their maximum power reached 5.5 points on the Richter scale. This is not a lot for the Earth, but for the Moon - considered a "dead" object without volcanic activity, it is an anomaly.

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It is officially believed that moonquakes are mainly caused by the tidal action of the Earth and to a lesser extent by the stress of the lunar surface and falling meteorites.

The moon is possibly older than not only the earth, but also the sun. The age of the Earth is estimated at a maximum of 4.5 billion years, the Sun - also at 4.5 billion, while some scientists estimate the age of the lunar rock at 5 billion years (officially its age is also 4.5 billion as that of the Earth and the Sun) … Moreover, the chemical composition of lunar dust differs from the lunar rocks themselves.

Another oddity of the Moon is craters. First, there are an incredible amount of them and they can be very large. But none of them penetrated deep into the bowels of the moon, as if there was an extremely hard metal sheathing under the stones.

All these meteorites left behind only very shallow craters. Even a huge meteorite, which left behind a crater with a diameter of 300 km (Baja crater), penetrated into the Moon only 4 km.


Some craters are believed to have originated from volcanic activity, but there is no evidence that the Moon was ever hot enough to create volcanic eruptions. None of the currently recorded moonquakes can leave such craters.

The moon is the only natural satellite in the solar system with an almost perfectly circular orbit.

Well, the most obvious thesis. How can it be in a natural way to coincide so that the Moon during eclipses would cover the Sun with itself?

This also requires a certain precisely calibrated orbit with a certain inclination of rotation and with a precisely calibrated diameter of the body itself.


In addition, the Moon regularly changed its color throughout the history of observations. And this is difficult to explain by fogs, changes in the Earth's atmosphere or something else, since different colors were visible not only visually, but also through telescopes.

Even in photographs from the lunar rovers, you can see not only the familiar gray surface, but also a deep brown. Although there are much fewer such images than gray ones.

Soviet scientists Vasin and Shcherbakov were the first to formulate the theory of an alien ship-moon back in the 1960s. In their opinion, a certain civilization created the Moon from a planetoid, hollowing it out from the inside and reinforcing it with metal frames.

In favor of this version, in addition to all of the above, are regularly observed on the moon strange glow, recorded UFO flights and other anomalies, which are always discarded by scientists as fakes.
