The Mystery Of God - Alternative View

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The Mystery Of God - Alternative View
The Mystery Of God - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of God - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of God - Alternative View
Video: Mystery Of His Method 2 | Paul Adefarasin | Something Is About To Happen 2024, July

God - I will raise up for them a Prophet from among their brothers, such as you, and I will put My words in His mouth, and He will tell them everything that I command Him

THEM. - For you will not speak, but the Spirit of your Father will speak in you

The idea of your centuries-old belonging to the Universe is a constant integral part of your lives on the planet. Awareness of your own greatness is closed from most of you due to your own ignorance in relation to yourself.

Ignorance of the history of the emergence of your own fragmented manifestation in nothingness does not allow you, human beings, to look at yourself in a different spectrum of vision of yourself, namely: global disbelief in the existence of the Creator in most of your Souls harms the total development and improvement of you.

And this is the “hell” that all those simple human beings have prepared, who again have lost that bright impulse, necessary in this life on Earth, that would allow them to grow up in themselves to the cosmic scale of manifestation of themselves in Me, Father and God the eternal and only Light of the Highest, manifested in the Souls of each of you, a fragment of Mine. For I, as a Source, tried to anchor the Light at the base of the Soul matrix for each of you, so that you could then successfully revive it in the bodily forms of your own manifestation of yourself in the aspect of your personal self.

Today, I, God, foresee and proclaim the path of accelerated self-improvement on the scale of the rapid restoration of ourselves and the essence of your ancients through the desire shown by Me in you to cognize secret knowledge about yourself and about the spatial worlds of the Universes.

The regularity of the processes of rearranging the matrix of the planet is already almost complete - the supply of the impulse vector of energy from Me, the Source and the Creator itself is over. Renewed now there is a path from the Light of the Soul of God and from the energies of your higher fragmented I, Divine, great, multidimensional … And I, Father, lead all this, trying to gradually fill your minds with energy of a high frequency at night, for then your human mind off”from the daily bustle and God Am your amulet from low-frequency energies when you rest your human essences on the wave energies of My immeasurable and one kindness manifested in Love to all my sons and daughters, who are already born in the entire Universe. God is there manifested in everything!

The energy of his Love permeates all those cosmic worlds that are still a perishable world for you, which does not give a full understanding of the structure of the universe because of the structure of your "human" head.

Promotional video:

But all the same, that hour and moment has already come for each of you, My consciousnesses manifested in the earthly world in their essence, eternal, when OM himself, the Primordial Source, the Creator, by his conscious decision, decided to take your mortal world under his wing in order to take part himself by the resurrection of your light energies in the consciousness of mother Earth and in your human consciousness, thereby reactivating your already ancient knowledge about the formation and development of your primary component of the cosmic energy of my big divine already Soul. Doubts should be cut off by you all in yourself regarding the Divine structure of yourself, for you are the ancient essences in the canons of becoming yourself in the spaces of eternity and the dimensionality of the expanses of Being. And there, in everything manifested and not manifested, I am I and that high energy of Mine, which creates the infinitely higher Worlds already according to the arrangement. And in all thisjust imagine, I am and you, as photocopies of your great cosmic destiny. Why do I, God, the Creator, again bring all this to you, my divine Children? For I, GOD AM and the Father, and I AM in you, are manifested by that energy of mine that is still sleeping at the level of the base of the cells of each of you, my Sons.

And in the matrix of the bodily structure of your cells at the level of DNA spirals, there is a fragmentary manifestation of the energies of the highest creation of me, the Father and God, which is a very important moment for transforming ourselves, restoring ourselves and those of my capabilities that I would be proud of as your father. For this energy is powerful in modulus and spectrum of wave frequencies. And only that one of you will come to this, who feels the inner call to be in the new Light on Earth!

The desire to be a new person, a magician in the flesh, will give you the opportunity to control the earthly energy of My Divine Love in the world! To be Co-Creators equal in spirit of self-manifestation to Me, the Father!

And this will be the highest gift to My Heart, which will bring the opportunity for all mankind to be a part of Me Himself - the Primordial Source, giving you the opportunity, as Yourself, to create reality in the universe and to thank Your Higher self for manifesting your Divine in the world, where there is still a lot of darkness. But still, the opportunity to change the world around you with the energy of My Divine Love has already been given to You, My little children. And I myself am constantly working on this, making with my thought a new creation of the earthly dimension.

The world of My Soul is great and was originally woven from the elements of fragmentary light, in order to then sift these same "seeds" into the programs of creating fragments of life at the levels of the worlds of the planets and the cosmos as a whole. Acceptance of all knowledge will come to you in a time when all your codes in your DNA will change and the blocks from your consciousnesses will be removed, inhibiting the processes of attunement of your Souls, consciousnesses and hearts with my forms already manifested in the tertiary dimension of the matrix of the Universal already Divine My Soul. The moment has come for the disclosure of ancient knowledge and tests for updating ourselves. And the impulse of Light, the impulse of My knowledge, revelations will enter your consciousness, for you are all the manifested part of Me, the Creator.

And you must become the essences that know the canons of the structure of the matrix of the universe and have the highest ability in the ability to form events around themselves, and change the earthly world, comparing the highest creation of the Lord in the structures of Being and a qualitatively new manifested God-overconsciousness in yourself in unification with yourself, so that I myself, your personal aspect of God-manifested himself in the aspect of a man on Earth, could manifest his greatness in the formation of new values on this beautiful mother Earth.

Concluding for today, let me remind you again that no matter how many victories in the fight against evil, it still has power. And only by believing in the triumph of goodness, love and the highest justice of Divine manifestation in yourself, you will be able to change the whole World. I am helping you in this. After all, GOD-FATHER, who manifests his highest Love in the space of the entire Earth, thereby builds a new foundation, which you will also build! Whose Sons are you? My!!!

So, manifest yourself in the rays of my enlightened to all and all great cosmic Love !!!

Open your Hearts and remember Who You are all in your deepest essence !!!

Children are all Divine in their ancient essence, which preserves for the time being My, Father's, Gifts!

The hour has come to take advantage of them, My Light Sons, for all of you are the Essences of the highest order of service of my Spirit, who should serve the creation of all the Father's plans, and the main role is given to you in the World Enlightenment - to form My Creator Consciousness in yourself !!!

I will help you in this, small ones are my great Sons !!! All My revelations have already been given to you, so start to act and build a new bright World in the space of your mother Earth !!!

Saat ta Sat, Omnibus is multidimensional, primordial and immeasurable in terms of the catalysts of its Divine Soul!

I am with you now in your world! Create and do not be afraid of the manifestation of the best qualities of your Divine Soul !!!

Light Am the radiant I, which changes the planetary World in the matrix of her Consciousness and her living Divine Soul !!!

What awaits and what needs to be done?

When people seek salvation, many of them will regret their aimless existence on Earth. Humanity has poisoned the air and polluted its planet, and now it must develop sensitivity and spirituality to avoid the catastrophe.

The help of other civilizations can reach if people accept this help with spirit and heart, but for this one must find courage and reason to accept it. The great cosmic worlds are ready to stay with suffering humanity until the end of its existence.

People neglected cosmic laws, did not care about the development of their consciousness, and as a result, humanity lagged behind the possible level of evolution on Earth. You are proud of your achievements and your civilization, forgetting that Atlantis was magnificent, but died from human folly.

In order to survive and move on to the next stage of development - both scientifically and spiritually, earthlings need to go beyond their planet in order to look at it from the outside, to get a clearer idea of it. Then you will see your mistakes and, while working to correct them, you will need to change your ethical standards by accepting the principles of tolerance and understanding. But to get this new perspective, you must overcome the barriers of Time. Often people do this in dreams, when images from other time zones come to them.

As more and more earthlings learn about the existence of a timeless state, the doors of cosmic knowledge will open slightly for them.

Some of your religions teach that you are all Gods in the making, and this is close to the truth. The statement “seek and you will find” (Matthew 7: 7) suggests that whatever you can imagine already exists as a product of human transformation. This should be the positive future of mankind, people should be ready to receive this information.

In their conversations, people often use the concepts of "astral plane", "vibration", etheric plane "," higher and lower levels "- this is nothing more than the definition of time zones.

Perhaps when technological and scientific progress on Earth finally opens the door to other dimensions, humanity will be able to get rid of intolerance to such information.

It is sad that the majority of earthlings, due to the inexperience of their souls, cannot reach this knowledge, but there are also "mature" souls on Earth. One of the signs of such a soul who travels a lot is a deep understanding of the suffering of strangers and the ability to convey their understanding to them through Love.

You evaluate evolution by intellectual standards of achievement, your criteria are materialistic, but the human brain was originally created in order to accommodate evolutionary programs and guide you to higher stages of physical development.

The ability to build brick houses, solve math problems, and construct lethal weapons are not good criteria for judging your evolution.

Mature souls will be able to cope with changes when certain events occur on Earth, although one should not expect widespread epiphany. The one who is cosmically younger must undergo a mutation.

Future events on Earth are not favorable for the development of spiritual progress, because your planet is going through a painful stage, and it is similar to the situation in an unhappy family where relations between relatives do not go well.

People affected by the pole shift or other disasters will be subject to evacuation. For this, the spiritual Light of a person will be important. This Light is bright and dazzling. This is the result of a person's spiritual Victory.

In ancient prophecies, it was said that before the "end of the Earth", unusual phenomena will occur in Heaven, which cannot be pointed with fingers, but you just have to stand with a burning candle in your hand. All this resembles the upcoming events of your time, and the “burning candle” is a Soul illuminated by Spirituality.

People have laid down hard karma for themselves. Every day heightens the tension of both people and nature. Earth cramps are increasing. An imbalance of the planet, a change in the angle of inclination of the axis, will affect the inhabitants of the Earth. Every creature must win the right to stay alive - to live not for himself, but for his fellows, according to the law of cosmic justice. Only in this way will a person acquire the Field of Light, extinguish his karma and thereby facilitate the karma of all mankind.

The mystery of God! Hidden in Us! In You and Me! Wonderful Secret!

Where do you think you came from?

Do you think that you are just a pitiful clump of cell mass that has developed from one cell?

Who, then, is looking so intently from the depths of your eyes?

What is this essence that gives you your unique personal traits, your character and your originality, your ability to love, accept, hope, dream and your enormous power to create?

And where did you accumulate all the mind, all the knowledge, all the wisdom that you manifest as a child? Do you think you became what you are in just one lifetime? For Eternity, this is just one sigh.

You have become who You are today for a long, long time, over many, many lifetimes. And the experience of each of those lives helped you gain wisdom, which determined the uniqueness and beauty, whose name is YOU.

You are too Priceless and too Beautiful to be created for just one moment in the Eternity of time. Do you think your parents created you? Your mother and father are your genetic parents, but they did not create you. In deep understanding, they are your beloved brothers. And you are the same age as they are, because all creatures were born at the same moment.

All were born when God, a great and grandiose thought, seeing himself, expanded and became a dazzling radiance of light. That's when you were born into the Light, that's when you were born. Your real parent is God, the Mother-Father Principle of all life!

Do you think your body is you? NO

Your body is just a mantle, a representative of an invisible entity, which is your True Face: the complete set of your emotional attitudes, called your personal Self and hidden inside your physical embodiment.

Do you know who you are without your postures and pretenses, without your masks that you wear, without your armor of cruelty?

In the depths of your being, you are, in fact, God.

God, the great mystery for humanity, never existed OUTSIDE YOU, for what lurks in the depths of your eyes, behind your beautiful clothes, behind the illusion of your face, is the invisible virtue of the thought named God, the personal I, which makes you you …

The God within you is the sublime Mind that makes YOU tangible and tangible and gives YOU the immense power of creation. He is the wonderful life force that Keeps YOUR LIFE FOREVER.

You are God, possessing in the silence of Your being the ability to think, the ability to create and the ability to become Everything that you want to become, for at this moment you are exactly what you wanted to be; and no one was holding your sleeve when you became him.

You are the legislator and the supreme creator of your life and life circumstances.

God, the totality of thought, is truly a big stage. And he allows you to write your own script and play every part of it on stage. And when the curtain comes down and the last word is said and the last bow is made, you die. Why? Because you, the supreme legislator, believe that you will die.

This whole life is just a game. It is an illusion. It is all. And you, the participants in the game, believed that this is the only reality. And yet the only reality that ever existed and will always exist is life, the essence of free and infinite being, allowing you to create your games the way you want to play them.

You will live over and over again. Your seed is eternal; it is incorruptible. Despite all your unbelief - no matter how you limit your kingdom, no matter how worried and despairing you are, there is only one thing that you can never get rid of, and this is called “LIFE”.

No matter how blind and insensitive you are, you will always live, for this is a value whose name is "God" and it is you.

You never knew how beautiful you are, for, in reality, you have never seen Yourself. You have never seen who You are and what You are. Do you want to know what God looks like? Go and look in the mirror; you are looking directly into his face.

Know: You are DEAR, You are Priceless. And there is no image to describe YOUR Beauty. And there is no end to your kingdom.

Behold God.

Remember this, for YOU are HE who lives in everything.

Someday you will see God.

Touch your Self;

that's all you have to do.