Quirigua - The Ancient Mayan City With Unique Architecture - Alternative View

Quirigua - The Ancient Mayan City With Unique Architecture - Alternative View
Quirigua - The Ancient Mayan City With Unique Architecture - Alternative View

Video: Quirigua - The Ancient Mayan City With Unique Architecture - Alternative View

Video: Quirigua - The Ancient Mayan City With Unique Architecture - Alternative View
Video: Archaeological Park and Ruins of Quirigua (UNESCO/NHK) 2024, July

Quirigua is an imposing archaeological site located in the Isabel department in southeastern Guatemala. The entire site covers three square kilometers, with one square kilometer only for the ceremonial area. However, despite its small size, the ruins of the ancient city are of great archaeological and cultural value, because, unlike many other Mayan settlements founded in the third - fourth century AD, Quirigua is amazingly preserved. It is also notable for the presence of a huge number of skillfully executed stone steles and sculptures. That is why the site has been attracting scientists and researchers since the beginning of the last century. In 1910, the land on which the ruins of Quirigua stand was bought by the notorious United Fruit Company, after which large-scale archaeological excavations began on the site.not ending until now.

It is believed that people in this region appeared during the fourth - second century BC. This is evidenced by various archaeological finds in the form of ceramic products. It is interesting that apparently already then in Quirigua lived masters who knew many secrets of stone carving. Together with the pottery, sixty-four figurines and a jade figurine of a hunchback were found. Similar items have been found in neighboring areas. Slightly south of Quirigua was another developed Mayan settlement - Copan, while the architecture and internal organization of these two ancient cities are very similar to each other. Analyzes of bones found at both sites, as well as the study of sculptures, showed that Copan and Quirigua were founded as a result of the expansion of Tikal's influence to the southeast. However, according to the notes made on the steles by the Maya themselves,The history of the city began in 426 AD, when the first king of Copan and Kirigua, Kinich Yash Kuk Mo, ascended the throne. The same inscriptions show that the settlement was originally subordinate to its southern neighbor. The main task of Quirigua was to protect the trade route that passed along the Motagua River. Therefore, initially it did not receive significant development. But already at the end of the fifth century, the city's population began to grow rapidly, and the first sculptures appeared. But already at the end of the fifth century, the city's population began to grow rapidly, and the first sculptures appeared. But already at the end of the fifth century, the city's population began to grow rapidly, and the first sculptures appeared.


After that, the notes on the steles are interrupted, so modern scientists can only guess how life flowed in Quirigua over the next two centuries. Presumably, the suspension of development was caused by Tikal's problems associated with tensions with another Mayan city, Calakmul. In addition, the systematic destruction of one of the steles, as well as the damage caused to twenty-four statues in Quirigua itself, indirectly indicate that this settlement was also attacked. Among other things, archaeologists managed to find out that at the end of the sixth or the beginning of the seventh century in the valley of the Motagua River, where, in fact, the city is located, there was a strong flood. Some parts of the complex were completely buried under a significant layer of silt, as a result of which the original landscape of the site was also modified. Concerning,according to scientists, the center of Quirigua was moved. Its boundaries were defined with the help of several sculptures, most of which have survived to our time. It is the period after the flood that is considered the renaissance of Quirigua. In the middle of the seventh century, the acropolis began to be intensively built, including a ball field, the architecture of the entire settlement became more diverse and sophisticated.


All this time, Krigua maintained relations with Copan, moreover, his ruler had to obey his southern neighbor. In 724, Uaxaklahuun Ubaan Kawi ascended the throne of Copan, who appointed the ruler of Kirigua, as Tiliv Chan Yopat, as his vassal. However, he soon declared himself Ahab (a political position with the Maya, which could be interpreted as "king", "leader"), thus challenging Copan. To support his small, in fact, settlement, How Tiliv formed an alliance with Tikal's longtime enemy, Calakmul. Then Quirigua was able to openly start an uprising against its southern neighbors. In 738, the two cities changed places, the ruler of Copan was sacrificed. This raised the authority of the royal family of Quirigua and soon the city became tacitly considered the capital of the southeastern Mayan possessions. Historians call this period the peak of the city's prosperity. After Quirigua subjugated its neighbors, and even in exchange for an open trade route began to receive some resources from Calakmula, large-scale construction began in the city, great attention was paid to the still unfinished acropolis, in addition, the master carvers took up the task, and also sculptors. For some fifty years, several hundred new stelae and statues have appeared in Quirigua. For some fifty years, several hundred new stelae and statues have appeared in Quirigua. For some fifty years, several hundred new stelae and statues have appeared in Quirigua.


As Tiliv Chan Yopata died only in July 785, at a very advanced age, especially for those times. It is to this ruler of Quirigua that most of the statues and steles are dedicated. The throne was taken by Sky Hoole, who is believed to be his son. According to various estimates, his reign lasted from ten to fifteen years. At this time, many Mayan cities were already in decline, but this did not apply to Quirigua, in which construction continued. But apparently, he soon began to have problems. This is evidenced by the fact that the steles of that period are much smaller, and also not so skillfully executed, which means that Quirigua had difficulties in supplying those materials that made it possible to carry out high-quality carving. However, the construction of the acropolis continued, at the beginning of the ninth century two large structures of the complex were erected. Generally,it is safe to say that the heyday of Quirigua continued until about 810. The last stele is dated to this very year. Historians associate the decline of the city with the closure of the trade route along the Motagua River. However, some experts believe that Quirigua fell as a result of war, overpopulation and, as a result, depletion of natural resources. There is also evidence of post-earthquake recovery work. However, the exact reasons for the decline remain unclear. Be that as it may, in the middle of the ninth century, the royal family and most of the population moved elsewhere. Soon the developed and prosperous settlement was almost completely deserted. A hundred years later, tribes who came from Yucatan and Belize settled here. However, they did not add something fundamentally new to the architecture of Quirigua,moreover, some of the statues were destroyed.

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In general, the heyday of the settlement lasted for less than a hundred years, but during this short time, in general, its inhabitants managed to create a beautiful and developed urban complex. At the moment, more than three hundred sculptures and steles have been preserved in Quirigua. The most impressive of the steles is a composition carved from a solid stone block; its height reaches ten and a half meters, its width is one and a half meters, and its thickness is five meters, the weight of the slab is equal to sixty tons. How it was possible to deliver such a huge boulder to the city is still a big mystery. It is also surprising that Mayan craftsmen using primitive tools could create such exquisite carvings. Among the sculptures of Quirigua, there are many images of people with animal heads. Such monuments are called zoomorphs. Presumablya significant portion of the statues depict Sky Hoole and his predecessor. It should be noted that many monuments look frightening, on some, instead of a face, an animal muzzle, on others, kings are completely represented in the form of demons with an open mouth from which the enemy's head is visible. However, it is believed that the sculptures were used to raise the popularity of the royal family, as well as to perpetuate some memorable dates and events, because almost all statues have inscriptions on the back.and also for the perpetuation of some memorable dates and events, because almost all statues have inscriptions on the back.and also for the perpetuation of some memorable dates and events, because almost all statues have inscriptions on the back.


Another difference in the architecture of Quirigua is that many stelae and monuments feature a frontal view of a person, while the typical Mayan style involved a profile picture, which undoubtedly requires less skill. It is interesting that the hieroglyphs carved on the steles are quite different from those adopted by the Maya. In Quirigua, symbols depicting people and animals in general were used for recording, while in most other cities only the heads and upper torso acted as hieroglyphs. However, the greatest archaeological value is represented by the numerous altars made in the form of animals. Many scholars believe that the altar and the zoomorph statue, located at the very entrance to the palace, at the end of the ceremonial square, are the most beautiful and exquisite Mesoamerican sculpture. The entire composition is carved into a large stone block, two meters high and three meters wide. She very colorfully depicts a pagan god emerging from Xibalba (the underworld located underground). The sculpture dates back to 795, meaning it was created about fifteen years before the decline.


In the northern part of Quirigua, there is a majestic acropolis that serves as a residential and administrative complex. The southern walls of the palace are decorated with beautiful carvings depicting the entire royal family. Unfortunately, now most of the acropolis lies in ruins, but after examining its layout and ruins, archaeologists have concluded that it was once a masterpiece of Mayan architecture. Inside the palace were spacious living quarters with stone benches, bathtubs and even some kind of shutters blocking the hot midday sun. In addition, the acropolis contained several altars used not only for ritual but also for medicinal purposes. Naturally, they are all richly decorated with carvings. To the west of the palace complex was a ball court, on its walls the first ruler of Quirigua, Like Tiliv,competes in agility and speed with the sun god. It is interesting that not only kings lived in the acropolis, but the entire city elite, including the priests who preserved ancient knowledge. Therefore, the walls of the palace are decorated with the Mayan calendar and astronomical observations, and some archaeologists who deciphered the inscriptions on the steles are completely inclined to believe that they contain descriptions of events that took place on Earth several tens of millions of years ago.


Today, Quirigua is one of the best preserved Mayan complexes. Many of the statues and structures still stand thanks to unique technology and craftsmanship, the secrets of which remain unsolved until now. The mysteriousness and beauty of Quirigua's architecture attracts not only scientists, but also numerous tourists who come here literally from all over the world. Meanwhile, such popularity is not always good, even at the beginning of the last century, many tried to break off at least a small piece of memory from the magnificent sculptures. As a result, a significant part of Quirigua was destroyed in our time. Fortunately, the complex is now under the protection of UNESCO, which included it in the World Heritage List back in 1981. Thanks to their efforts, everyone can admire the majestic architecture of Quirigua, which,according to one scientist, it expresses the victory of man over time and matter, and the triumph of time and matter over man.