Samsara: The Crown Of Creation - Alternative View

Samsara: The Crown Of Creation - Alternative View
Samsara: The Crown Of Creation - Alternative View

Video: Samsara: The Crown Of Creation - Alternative View

Video: Samsara: The Crown Of Creation - Alternative View
Video: Lucifer Was - The Crown Of Creation 2024, September

Samsara is the cycle of birth and death in the worlds limited by karma.

All the most ancient religions profess the concept of reincarnation. It is believed that most living beings are stuck in the lower worlds of Samsara, from which it is very long and difficult to get out. Life in these worlds is full of pain and suffering. That is why Hindus, Buddhists and other supporters of reincarnation are trying with all their might to overcome the circle of endless rebirths (Samsara) in order to be freed from suffering and be born somewhere in the higher worlds.

It is believed that by being born as a human, the chance of escape from Samsara is greatly increased. Therefore, being born as a human is considered a great success.

For example, Buddhists compare the possibility of being born as a human being to a diver emerging from the depths of the ocean. To incarnate in a human, a diver, having reached the surface, must emerge next to the only boat in the entire ocean, which is in this very place.

Hindus are convinced that people are more perfect beings than gods.

In the Indian Vedas it is written that people (creatures with an upright esophagus) are a later creation of the great Creator than the gods (creatures with an external esophagus).



All the previous creations did not suit Him in some way: some turned out to be too scary, others too beautiful, and only people turned out exactly the way He intended to make them. This is why people are considered the crown of His creativity. This is why the gods and most other living things are not very fond of people.

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The Great Creator created everything, including the gods, who are worshiped by most believers. People (as a species of living creatures) are supposed not only to save souls from the lower worlds, but also to help these gods, feeding them with their prayers and donations.

Some gods who especially hate people are trying with all their might to compromise and discredit humanity in the face of the great Creator. Such (gods) are usually called demons, fallen angels - enemies of humanity.

For what reasons they became man-haters, one can only guess. Christians, for example, argue that Satan and his henchmen, being proud, imagined themselves equal to the Creator. Then they were cast down from heaven to hell. This Christian legend confirms that our world is, as it were, the border between hell and heaven. It is from here that any living being has a chance, either to escape, overcoming the wheel of Samsara, or, conversely, to descend into the lower worlds (go to hell).